Beijing News: At the Chinese Super League Suzhou Division media briefing held on August 13, the Chinese Football Association Secretary-General Liu Yi revealed that the Football Association is discussing with the State Sports General Administration and the Suzhou Municipal Governm

Beijing News (Reporter Zhou Xiao) At the Chinese Super League Suzhou Division media briefing meeting held on August 13, Liu Yi, secretary-general of the Chinese Football Association, revealed that the Football Association is discussing the Suzhou Division with the State Sports General Administration and the Suzhou Municipal Government. It is possible to open ticket sales and allow fans to attend the game in due course. This plan is likely to be realized in the focus battle between Beijing Zhonghe Guoan and Shanghai SIPG on August 22.

According to relevant plans, the showdown between Guoan and SIPG will become a "pilot" for spectators to return to the stadium. It is understood that the scope and number of fans attending the game is about 1,900, including fans of the two teams, representatives of epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic medical workers, and representatives of flood prevention and drought relief workers. Fans who go to watch the game must enter with their real names. They must also bring a valid personal ID, health code, personal 14-day itinerary certificate and nucleic acid test certificate within 7 days. After entering, they must strictly abide by relevant epidemic prevention regulations. Watch the game within the area. At present, the relevant plan has been submitted and is awaiting the final approval from the relevant departments. After the approval is passed, the Football Association and the competition area will announce the relevant details for fans to attend the game.

The outside world refers to the game between Guoan and SIPG as a "test match" for the audience to return to the Chinese Super League. If it can be successfully realized in the end, it will be a positive signal for the Chinese Super League to welcome the audience back.

Beijing News reporter Zhou Xiao

editor Han Shuangming proofread Li Lijun