Mineral water caused a fire. Previously, a fire broke out in Taichung, Taiwan, and the "culprit" turned out to be mineral water. Because the owner of a small passenger car casually placed two bottles of mineral water on the anti-slip mat on the dashboard, two bills nearby caught

Mineral water caused a fire

Previously, a fire broke out in Taichung, Taiwan, and the "culprit" turned out to be mineral water. Because the owner of a small passenger car casually placed two bottles of mineral water on the anti-slip mat on the dashboard, two bills nearby caught fire and the windshield shattered on the spot.

Placing mineral water bottles on the dashboard can also cause items in the car to catch fire. Why?

Car factory technician explained:

Under the sunlight, mineral water will transform into a convex lens. After the light enters the car from the car window, it will focus the light spot on the anti-slip mat through the edge of the water bottle. All the heat of the light source will be concentrated at this point, and the temperature will be special. high. Generally speaking, the temperature in a closed space in a car when the car is turned off at noon will be nearly 70 degrees. After refraction and focusing, the temperature will rise to a maximum of 120 degrees. Coupled with the low ignition point of the anti-skid mat and the invoice to support combustion, a fire will occur.

In hot weather, not only mineral water bottles, but also glasses, lighters, etc. can become flammable if they are randomly thrown on the dashboard!

What else should I pay attention to when driving in summer?


Please do not drive barefoot or wear slippers

Since the beginning of summer, many drivers go barefoot or drive in slippers for convenience and coolness. This is a very serious safety hazard.

Driving barefoot can easily lead to foot discomfort or injury, as well as improper operation. Slippers that are too loose and easy to fall off may cause delays in braking time and inaccurate control of the accelerator. The most terrifying thing is that the slippers slip off and get stuck under the brake pedal, causing the vehicle to lose control.


Prepare sunglasses

Due to the strong sunshine in summer, many drivers will wear a pair of sunglasses to block the dazzling sunlight when driving, so as to see the road conditions clearly and improve driving safety.

Police reminder: Myopic drivers may consider wearing contact lenses and sunglasses in summer, or prepare sunglasses and myopia glasses in the car at the same time so that they can be replaced in time when needed. However, do not change sunglasses while driving quickly. If necessary, pull over first and then change your sunglasses.

The third

is to apply heat insulation film to the car.

At high temperatures, you will feel stuffy while driving in a car with the air conditioner turned on. Moreover, if you turn on the air conditioner for a long time, you will easily get "car air conditioning disease", and the heat insulation film can reduce the temperature inside the car. , to reduce glare, thereby enhancing safety, reducing interior heat, improving driving comfort, reducing fuel consumption, and saving energy and expenses.

Don’t be cheap when choosing thermal insulation film, because poor quality thermal insulation film not only has poor light transmittance and sun protection, but also volatilizes toxic gases when exposed to the sun, which has an impact on your health. In addition, do not drive while fatigued in summer, it is very dangerous!