The situation across the Taiwan Strait this year has been clouded. It has continued to deteriorate since Tsai Ing-wen’s administration came to power in 2016. On the one hand, the Taiwan authorities are fully de-Sinifying the island and promoting the so-called "mainland threat" th

The situation across the Taiwan Strait this year has been dark and cloudy. It has continued to deteriorate since the Tsai Ing-wen authorities came to power in 2016. On the one hand, the Taiwan authorities have fully de-Sinified the Taiwan island and promoted the so-called "mainland threat" theory. On the other hand, they have allowed U.S. special forces stationed in Taiwan to train their troops, a move that seriously violated China's national sovereignty. At the same time, the Taiwan authorities plan to "take advantage of foreign countries to resist reunification with force," actively linking the political strength of the United States and Japan to support it, and also purchase a large number of advanced weapons from the United States, such as F-16 fighter jets , and M1A2T main battle tanks and other cutting-edge weapons. The People's Liberation Army was completely defeated by adopting the method of "defending firmly and deterring them with layers of layers".

It can be seen that the Taiwan authorities are entirely responsible for the rapid deterioration of cross-strait relations. Some experts believe that the current situation in the Taiwan Strait is the most tense since 1996, and the possibility of conflict is increasing. But for the mainland, the initiative lies with us. If there is a conflict in the future, the balance of victory will tilt towards us.

Many netizens believe that the Taiwan independence separatist forces are now accelerating the collusion between the United States and Taiwan. Regarding mainland China, it has reached an extreme situation where it cannot distinguish between right and wrong and must oppose China whenever it encounters it. So, given that the People's Liberation Army has mastered the initiative in the Taiwan Strait region, why is it still Why haven't you taken action yet? Who is the obstacle?

At present, the overall military strength of the People's Liberation Army has developed into a modern army capable of both offense and defense in more than 20 years from the Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1996. According to the current strength of the People's Liberation Army, it can basically form a crushing advantage over the Taiwan Army, even if It’s the same thing if the US military stationed in Japan and the Japanese Self-Defense Force come to disrupt the situation.

In response to the question of how the People's Liberation Army can quickly liberate Taiwan, Lieutenant General Wang Hongguang, the former deputy commander of the Nanjing Military Region, gave his answer as early as 2018. He believed that the core secret of liberating Taiwan lies in maintaining sufficient firepower projection and Rapid troop transport capability. A long-range fire strike against the Taiwanese army can eliminate the stubbornly resistant Taiwanese army to the greatest extent, leaving the PLA landing force to handle the rest. As long as the People's Liberation Army successfully lands ashore, the destruction of the Taiwanese army and the liberation of Taiwan Island will be counted in hours.

First of all, 12-24 hours before the landing operation begins, the People's Liberation Army will give full play to its firepower advantage to carry out intensive long-range fire strikes against the Taiwanese army. The waves will start at least 6 rounds, which will cause the Taiwanese army to suffer heavy casualties. The first three waves will mainly It is mainly based on hundreds of rounds of ballistic missiles , hundreds of rounds of cruise missiles , and tens of thousands of long-range rockets. In the future, long-range aviation will be dispatched three or more times to carry out large-scale precision strikes on important targets on the island. Waves of attacks.

According to the war game , in the fire preparation stage 12-24 hours before landing, the People's Liberation Army can destroy 50% of the important targets of the Taiwan Army, the large ships and missile boats of the Taiwan Navy will be completely annihilated, and all the airfields of the Air Force will be destroyed. , the fighter plane was unable to take off. In addition, most of the huge air defense forces on the island of Taiwan will also be destroyed by the People's Liberation Army using electronic warfare and anti-radiation strikes. Then hundreds of surveillance and strike integrated drones will monitor the movements of the Taiwanese troops from the air to eliminate the surviving Taiwanese troops or recover. combat readiness facilities and other important targets.

Then the People's Liberation Army's air combat forces (airborne troops, air assault brigade) and ground landing forces ( Marine Corps , Army Combined Brigade) will rush to the fragmented defense of Taiwan Island for the final decisive battle. Of course, the whole process will definitely It will receive multi-party fire support from the Air Force, Navy/ Army Aviation and Rocket Force.

According to calculations by Russian experts, the People's Liberation Army can airlift more than 50,000 combat troops to Taiwan in one wave. In one day, it can deploy more than 150,000 combat troops to Taiwan through sea and air transportation, from the landing area in the west to the airborne landing in the east. The two directions in the area will attack the main force of Taiwan's army, which has only 100,000 troops, from the front and back. It is expected to be divided, surrounded, interspersed and annihilated within 24 hours. Therefore, from the beginning to the end of the battle, the People's Liberation Army may be able to completely resolve the battle in 72 hours. If we are optimistic, 48 hours is also possible.

However, this will cause too many casualties and blows to Taiwan. This is currently the biggest obstacle. On the Taiwan issue, the mainland still adheres to the basic principles of " peaceful reunification , one country, two systems ". Peaceful reunification is always the solution to the Taiwan issue. Best choice.

Moreover, the war in the Taiwan Strait will harm the interests of the Chinese people. After all, Taiwan is still a part of China. If a war breaks out, Taiwan's economy will be irreversibly destroyed. This is what the US and Japanese forces are happy to see. They hope that Taiwan will In war, it becomes a "meat grinder" that can consume China's military power to the greatest extent. And even if the People's Liberation Army wins in the end, facing a devastated Taiwan, mainland China will have to devote huge manpower and financial resources to rebuilding and maintaining stability in Taiwan, which can further delay the rise of the mainland. Time is on our side, there is no doubt about it.

Of course, this does not mean that mainland China will give up the use of force to regain Taiwan. If the hope of pursuing peaceful reunification is completely wiped out, and if the Taiwan authorities insist on splitting China and touch the red line, the People's Liberation Army will definitely regain Taiwan. We will not make any concessions on the issue of national sovereignty.