Recently, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has become particularly tense because the United States deliberately sent wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" elements. U.S. Senator Duckworth visited Taiwan, two U.S. aircraft carriers arrived near Taiwan, and the People's Liberati

Recently, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has become particularly tense because the United States deliberately sent wrong signals to "Taiwan independence" elements. U.S. Senator Duckworth visited Taiwan, two U.S. aircraft carriers arrived near Taiwan, and the People's Liberation Army conducted 30 "family portrait" sorties. Military aircraft responded by entering the "Air Defense Identification Zone" in southwest Taiwan.

During this sensitive period, the island of Taiwan is also behaving in different ways, and some people are ready to take action.

Tsai Ing-wen Bazooka "Show"

Su Tseng-chang did not consider cross-strait peace, and boasted about a broom to "defend Taiwan" and became a laughing stock on the island. Tsai Ing-wen, who loves to show off, is not willing to lag behind. When visiting Taiwan's so-called Marine Corps Brigade 66, I couldn't help but simulate the operation of Taiwan's self-made "Kestrel" anti-armor rocket launcher.

The Democratic Progressive Party authorities not only purchased a large amount of American-made equipment, but also always dreamed of making their own, so they created a self-made armored vehicle with a turret of NT$50 million, and a "seven-nation patchwork submarine" with a sky-high price, so the "Zhongshan Academy of Sciences" developed Tsai Ing-wen was quite proud of the "Kestrel" anti-armor rocket produced. After listening to the introduction, she immediately picked up the unloaded rocket launcher and put it on her shoulder to experience it. A reporter asked her if she thought the 5-kilogram barrel was heavy. Tsai Ing-wen said "no" and said, "I'm just trying out its weight, and it's pretty easy to operate." However, in the relevant photos, it was later pointed out that Tsai Ing-wen’s left hand holding the handle and right hand holding the weapon on the shoulder were wrong, and there was a risk of slipping. Tsai Ing-wen quickly corrected and retaken the shot.

Such words and deeds were called "showing off" by netizens on the island. Some people accused Tsai Ing-wen of ignoring the epidemic and asking, "Do you want to show that Taiwan is eager to fight?" Some netizens on the island ridiculed Tsai Ing-wen, who exercises every year, is the first to escape, and has war. Let ordinary people come on.

Zhu Lilun went to the United States to seek support

Tsai Ing-wen is not doing his job properly, and the Democratic Progressive Party is constantly engaged in internal propaganda. Perhaps everyone is accustomed to it, but the attitude of Zhu Lilun, the chairman of the Kuomintang, is worthy of vigilance. Before going to the United States, Zhu Lilun openly said in an interview It said: "The Kuomintang's 'pro-American line' has never changed."

When the DPP was suffering from complaints and criticism, the Kuomintang did not want to change. After Zhu Lilun took office, he proposed at a sensitive moment that "the Kuomintang returns to Washington and the United States." , set up the Kuomintang representative office in the United States, and will also visit certain American politicians and local overseas Chinese in the United States during this trip to gain support from the United States to win the election.

In order to gain the trust of the United States, Zhu Lilun first talked about hot topics such as "Indo-Pacific region" and "cross-strait relations". Secondly, he blamed the DPP, saying that the DPP secretly created rumors such as "opposing the import of American clenbuterol pigs" "Pursuing an anti-American line" damages the image of the Kuomintang.

The attitude of the Kuomintang has become visibly radical in recent times. In addition to Zhu Lilun, Chiang Kai-shek great-grandson Chiang Wanan also showed an abnormal attitude, and made three demands to "threaten" the mainland - the other side is not allowed to "disturb Taiwan" anymore, and Taiwan releases goodwill and the two sides have equal status, otherwise the Taipei-Shanghai Twin Cities Forum will be stuck.

You must know that the People's Liberation Army's regular patrols are to deter "Taiwan independence" and warn the United States. However, the mainland has always shown goodwill to Taiwan, including policies to benefit Taiwan in the economy and generous support in epidemic prevention. On the contrary, it is the Taiwan authorities who have always been obstructive. ? The so-called equality of status between the two parties completely exposed Jiang Wanan's thoughts.

As the situation changes, strange phenomena occur frequently in Taiwan. The blue camp turns green. Instead, Annette Lu, formerly known as "Emerald", shouts "harmony".

Do you expect the United States to be reliable?

In fact, it is the wrong signal sent by the United States recently that has aroused the ambitions of some people. Whether it is the DPP or the Kuomintang, their politicians consider personal political interests rather than the people's livelihood and well-being, which has led to There is a certain nervousness among the people on the island. Taiwan's politicians want to "rely on the United States and seek independence," but they don't know that they are all pawns sent to the United States for use.

In fact, the official website of the U.S. State Department previously changed the so-called "Fact List on U.S.-Taiwan Relations" to delete statements such as "The United States does not support 'Taiwan independence'". This was severely refuted by the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese military responded with a sword. Recently, the U.S. State Department The statement was revised again and the paragraph "does not support 'Taiwan independence'" was added back, emphasizing that the U.S. approach to Taiwan has been consistent for decades.

Taiwanese politicians thought they could take advantage of the opportunity to seek benefits for themselves, but little did they know that the United States is the biggest speculator who takes advantage of the changing circumstances. (Jin Xuan)