According to on-site surveillance video, when a group of pedestrians were passing through the zebra crossing normally, a black car suddenly drove quickly and rushed directly into the crowd. Many pedestrians were hit and flew several meters away.

On May 22, a traffic accident occurred in front of Dalian Labor Park. According to on-site surveillance video, when a group of pedestrians were passing through the zebra crossing normally, a black car suddenly drove quickly and rushed directly into the crowd. Many pedestrians were hit and flew several meters away.

On May 23, the Information Office of the Dalian Municipal People's Government held a press conference, and Qu Bo, deputy director of the Dalian Municipal Public Security Bureau, briefed him on the relevant situation of the "5·22" case in Dalian.

On May 22, 2021, a case of endangering public safety in dangerous ways occurred at the intersection of Wuhui Road and Youhao Street in Zhongshan District.

Basic information about the case:

At about 11:40 on May 22, 2021, the criminal suspect Liu (male, born in 1989, barber) drove a Liao B63NE6 black car west to east along Wuhui Road in Zhongshan District to the north of Labor Park After knocking down several pedestrians at the zebra crossing of the pedestrian crossing, he continued driving to the intersection of Wuhui Road and Jiefang Road and rear-ended a van, then abandoned the vehicle and fled. At around 13:00, Liu was captured by the police.

So far, the case has resulted in 5 deaths and 5 injuries. Four of them died on the spot, three were sent to the hospital for rescue by 120, and one died after the rescue failed. Three people later went to the hospital for treatment on their own. The injured are now in stable condition and are undergoing further treatment.

Investigation and determination of facts:

After the "5·22" case, the Ministry of Public Security, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, the Municipal Party Committee, and the Municipal Government attached great importance to it. The Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately set up a task force. After on-site inspection, investigation visits, inspection and identification, and fixation Through evidence and other work, the facts of the case are now ascertained as follows:

On May 22, the criminal suspect Liu could not accept the failure of his investment, lost confidence in life, and developed a social psychology of revenge. At about 40:40 on 11, Liu was driving along Tangshan Street to the intersection of Wuhui Road. After waiting for the green light, he suddenly accelerated the speed of his car from 0 to 108 kilometers per hour (the speed limit on this road section) within 7 seconds. 60 km/h), ran through a red light, and committed crimes in an extreme way by driving into passers-by, causing 5 deaths and 5 injuries.

After inspection and identification, the suspect Liu was ruled out as suspected of drunk driving, drug driving, taking psychotropic drugs and a history of mental illness. He had a clear mind and clear thinking when committing the crime, chose the place to commit the crime, and had a clear goal. Currently, the criminal suspect Liu is under criminal detention by the public security organs in accordance with the law on suspicion of endangering public safety by dangerous means. The case is under further investigation.

Source: Dalian release

(Source: Chengdu Commercial Daily , Dalian release)

Original title: BMW deliberately rammed into a crowd, killing 5 and injuring 5! Latest report: Retaliation against society

Editor Shi Shangjing Ji Qianqian