May 20 is the day when Taiwan’s leaders take office. Tsai Ing-wen and the Democratic Progressive Party have been in power for six years. In the afternoon of that day, Tsai Ing-wen delivered a so-called "speech", mentioned the "difficulties of the epidemic", and played the emotion

5/20 is the day when Taiwan’s leaders take office. Tsai Ing-wen and the Democratic Progressive Party have been in power for six years. In the afternoon of that day, Tsai Ing-wen delivered a so-called "speech", mentioned the "difficulties of the epidemic", and played the emotional card, "thanking" the Taiwanese people, and specifically "thanking" the Taiwanese military. Generally speaking, this speech is more low-key than the 2,000-word essay published by Su Zhenchang, the "Executive President" of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities the day before, bragging about "six years of political achievements." This is a political maneuver by Tsai Ing-wen, but it also reflects her guilty conscience.

Tsai Ing-wen and the Democratic Progressive Party’s “ruling report card” for the past six years simply cannot withstand scrutiny. If the surface powder is washed away and a large number of facts that Tsai Ing-wen and Su Zhenchang deliberately avoid are added, then it is just a report card. A tainted record, or comprehensive “evidence of guilt.” We can at least summarize the "Seven Deadly Sins" from it.

Tsai Ing-wen’s data map

The first crime is inadequate epidemic prevention. On the day of "May 20", there were 85,720 new confirmed cases of local new coronavirus pneumonia in Taiwan. For three consecutive days, the number of confirmed cases exceeded 80,000, and the total number of infections exceeded one million. "Model students in epidemic prevention" have become an absolute areas hit hardest by the epidemic. Under this circumstance, Tsai Ing-wen still insisted that "the epidemic prevention team's performance is quite good." Last year, Tsai Ing-wen reportedly gave up her "May 20" speech due to the epidemic. One year later, the epidemic has gotten worse.

The second crime is "relying on beauty and seeking independence". This has been the main line of policy of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities for the past six years. A series of manipulations with the goal of "seeking independence" and "relying on the United States" have greatly aggravated the tension in the Taiwan Strait. The Democratic Progressive Party authorities proactively cooperated with the United States' China containment strategy, even selling out Taiwan in exchange for Washington's support, which was essentially exploitative. This is the most serious betrayal by the DPP to the people of Taiwan and the entire Chinese nation, and the damage and risks caused are immeasurable.

The third sin is "going to China to fight against China." Over the past six years, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have launched a large-scale "de-Sinicization" operation in various fields such as politics, economy, history, and culture on the island to promote cross-strait "decoupling." The situation of great exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait during the Ma Ying-jeou period of the Kuomintang was completely destroyed. In other words, the DPP authorities are using a knife to cut off the flesh-and-blood parts of Taiwan and the mainland bit by bit.

The fourth sin is militarism. Taiwan's " 2022 defense budget" scale is as high as NT$471.7 billion, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year. In comparison, this year’s budget for purchasing COVID-19 vaccine is only NT$10 billion. The "defense budget" is constantly eroding economic development, people's livelihood and well-being. The weapons purchased from the United States at large prices are turning Taiwan into an "arsenal" that may explode at any time.

The fifth sin is high debt. Most of the huge expenditures of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities on "defense" and "gold-dollar diplomacy" are obtained through the abuse of "unlimited withdrawals" from the special budget. To put it bluntly, it is borrowing crazy and overdrafting the future. According to statistics, if Taiwan's 23 million people were to share these liabilities equally, each person would have to bear at least several hundred thousand New Taiwan dollars. This has laid a huge hidden danger for the island's economic and social development.

The sixth sin, "Green Terror". Over the past six years, the DPP authorities have used the so-called "transformational justice" to fight against dissidents, vigorously attack political opponents, and eliminate dissidents. Taiwan prides itself on being a land of "democracy and freedom," but in fact, only "Taiwan independence" advocates are allowed to set fires on the island, and " reunificationists" are not allowed to light up lights; there is only the freedom to advocate "Taiwan independence" and no freedom to advocate reunification, otherwise it will Received retaliation in various names.

The seventh sin is the deterioration of people’s livelihood. Although Taiwan's GDP data is still acceptable, if inflation and factors are taken into account, people's actual wages are experiencing negative growth. In addition to the long-standing problem of low wages that has not yet been resolved, high housing prices and high unemployment are getting worse, and the "five shortages" of water shortage, electricity shortage, land shortage, labor shortage, and talent shortage are even more prominent. "Using love to generate electricity" and "use your mouth to cure water" have become bitter ironies.

In the past six years, Tsai Ing-wen and the Democratic Progressive Party have become increasingly obsessed with manipulating public opinion and become more and more unscrupulous. But history cannot be fooled, and it will make a "guilty verdict" on Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP. (This article is an editorial of " Global Times ", the original title is: History will make a "guilty verdict" for the DPP)

Column Editor: Zhang Wu Text Editor: Cao Fei Title and Picture Source: Xinhua News Agency Picture Editor: Da Xi

Source: Author: Global Times editorial