China Taiwan Network, May 20 According to Taiwan's "United News Network", Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen is about to enter her second term in power. Looking back on her four years in power, she has repeatedly caused social conflicts and caused frequent controversies.

Shi Zhengfeng. (Pictures from the Internet)

China Taiwan Network, May 20 According to Taiwan’s "United News Network", Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen is about to enter her second term in power. Looking back on her four years in power, she has repeatedly caused social conflicts and caused frequent social conflicts. dispute.

According to reports, Tsai Ing-wen, who was elected with 6.89 million votes in 2016, shouted the classic slogan "Humility, humility, humility," but lost the support of the people amidst a series of controversies and social confrontations that were unable to repair the integration. For example, the "pension reform", the so-called "Labor Standards Law", "one case, one holiday", and the cessation of seven so-called "diplomatic countries" in four consecutive years have all caused high levels of opposition and dissatisfaction on the island.

KMT "legislator" Zheng Liwen believes that the biggest problem of Tsai Ing-wen's first term is that the ideological leadership and the order of governance are chaotic. The policy was not properly communicated with the society before the policy was implemented, and the discussion with the party was not even completed, which caused great problems in governance. Problems, such as the "one case, one holiday" policy that was supposed to relieve both labor and management, have made both labor and management dissatisfied, and the "pension reform" has caused a huge backlash.

In addition, Shi Zhengfeng, a professor at Taiwan's Donghua University, criticized Tsai Ing-wen for "stop picking on soft persimmons." Although the DPP is the majority party in the "Legislative Yuan", when society is highly controversial about policies, Tsai Ing-wen should think carefully about what to do. Integrate society rather than humiliate each other, which will only exacerbate social rifts. (China Taiwan Net Liu Lulu)