From left to right: Lai Ching-te, Tsai Ing-wen, and Su Tseng-chang. After being comforted by Tsai Ing-wen for more than a month, Taiwan's "Executive President" Lai Ching-te resigned this morning.

From left to right: Lai Ching-te, Tsai Ing-wen, Su Tseng-chang

After being comforted by Tsai Ing-wen for more than a month, Taiwan's "Executive President" Lai Ching-te resigned this morning. "Old King" Su Zhenchang took over. Although the island's media reported this personnel operation a few days ago, until today when the candidates were officially announced, some people still lamented that the DPP's talents were withering and that Tsai Ing-wen had "too strong taste" and chose a "bad old man" to be with herself. partner.

data shows that Su Zhenchang was born in 1947. He graduated from the Law Department of National Taiwan University. He served as the "Executive Dean" during Chen Shui-bian's period and also served as chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party. He has rich experience in government and party affairs and is one of the "Kings" of the same age group in Green Camp. A few are still active on the front line. However, in last year's "nine-in-one" election, in order to compete for the post of mayor of New Taipei City, Hou Youyi, a Mesozoic force of the Kuomintang, was beaten to a "bruise" and "confused". He lost nearly 300,000 votes and became a "has-been". "fact. If this is the case with

, why should we enable Su Zhenchang? Behind this is Tsai Ing-wen's full political calculation - the most superficial reason is that Su Zhenchang is familiar with government affairs and can seamlessly integrate.

The deeper reason is that Tsai Ing-wen is trying to balance the power of various factions within the party through such a personnel layout, and prepare to run for re-election in the 2020 Taiwan "general election". After Tsai Ing-wen resigned as chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, the current political ecology within the Democratic Progressive Party is: Zhuo Rongtai of the "British faction" is in charge of party affairs, and the "New Trend" and the "Soviet faction" jointly control the administrative agencies.

In addition, some analysts pointed out that Su Zhenchang was activated precisely because he was "outdated". Unlike Lai Qingde, who is ambitious and seeks a "big position" with the support of the Deep Green Party, for Tsai Ing-wen, Su Zhenchang, who is old and not very popular, is "safe" and will not and cannot pose a threat to her re-election. In addition, Su used to be Tsai's leader in the early years, but the two were at odds at the time. Now Tsai Ing-wen uses Su Zhenchang in turn to prove that she is "magnanimous" and "does not avoid hatred when promoting virtues."

In the author's opinion, Tsai Ing-wen may have another thought in mind, which is the so-called "done is worse than done". After Lai Qingde resigned, the "Executive Yuan" of Tsai Ing-wen's government suddenly found three people from the Democratic Progressive Party who lost in last year's "nine-in-one" election. In addition to Su Zhenchang, there were also people who were not elected as the mayor of Kaohsiung Chen Qimai and Lin Jialong, who was not elected mayor of Taichung . It is said that a defeated general cannot be brave enough. In the future, if the three of them do well, they will be Tsai Ing-wen’s “good leader” and “a keen eye for knowing people.” If they do not do well, they will be “defeated again and again.” More than " - in short, it will either become Tsai Ing-wen's "stepping stone" or her "shield".

However, judging from the current situation, Tsai Ing-wen's government refuses to recognize the "92 Consensus" and continues to use various topics to incite and hype cross-strait issues on the island, seeking personal gain regardless of the welfare of the people. Under such a general background, the DPP will be unable to solve its own governance dilemma. Therefore, the author dares to predict that Su Zhenchang will not be too comfortable in the position of "Executive President". After all, I really don’t know if this old gentleman was blinded by the desire for power. He jumped into a pit of fire even though he knew it was in front of him.

Author: Ye Songting

Editor: Ye Songting

Editor: Sun Xinqi