On the eve of the May 4th Youth Day, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League made a commendation decision, awarding 293 league organizations the title of National May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee, 377 league organizations the title of National May 4th Red Flag

was originally published in the 2022 Issue 10 of "China Youth" magazine

Editor's note: This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Youth League . On the eve of the May 4th Youth Day, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League made a commendation decision, awarding 293 youth league organizations with the title of National May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee, 377 youth league organizations with the title of National May 4th Red Flag Youth League Branch, and 457 people (including 3 posthumous awards) with the title of National Youth League Committee. The title of Outstanding Communist Youth League Member was awarded to 341 people (including 1 posthumously) as the title of National Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadre.

In recent years, league organizations at all levels and the majority of league members and cadres have closely united under the banner of the party, listening to the party’s orders and fighting with the party. A large number of advanced models have emerged from all walks of life and on all fronts, and they have stood at the forefront of the party and the people. In the necessary "urgent, difficult and dangerous" tasks, he bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities and worked hard, and used practical actions to fulfill the youthful oath of "please rest assured the party, and strengthen the country with me". Among them, some are at the forefront in the fight against the epidemic and protecting their health; some are risking their lives in emergency rescue and disaster relief; some are dedicating themselves to national defense and safeguarding peace on the borders of the motherland; some are taking root in the west to dedicate their youth and love. Some devote themselves to scientific and technological innovation to contribute their talents and strive to be first-class; some work hard on the vast stage in rural areas to help revitalize; some participate in governance and serve the masses in urban grassroots communities; some educate people for the party and serve the country on the three-foot podium. To educate talents, some are sincerely dedicated and working silently in serving and supporting the Winter Olympics.

The collectives and individuals commended this time come from universities and middle schools, state-owned enterprises, party and government agencies, public institutions, towns (villages), urban streets (communities), the People's Liberation Army, non-public enterprises and social organizations, as well as grassroots and front-line teams. The proportion of organizations, league members and league cadres reaches 95%, which is widely representative. Among those commended, 87 groups and 151 individuals performed outstandingly in participating in epidemic prevention and control, 91 groups and individuals were active on the front lines of rural revitalization and urban and rural community governance, and 12 groups and individuals provided service guarantees for the Beijing Winter Olympics and winter games. The Paralympic Games showed the good looks of the Communist Youth League and its young members in the new era.

In the new era and new journey, league organizations at all levels and the majority of league members and cadres are deeply studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China. Everyone expressed their desire to unite more closely under the leadership of Comrade Xi Jinping. Around the Party Central Committee at the core, we will carry forward the glorious tradition of eternal struggle of Chinese youth, integrate youth struggle into the cause of the Party and the people, live up to the times, the time, and the ardent expectations of the Party and the people, always follow the Party and forge ahead on a new journey. Welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions!

"Two reds and two excellences": integrating youthful struggle into the cause of the party and the people report

Huang Zhiying: Measuring the grid with footsteps

@ Text/Correspondent Li Haoda, reporter Liu Bowen

html In Guangzhou in May, the weather was rainy and the temperature was nearly 30 degrees Celsius. High temperatures make people feel humid and stuffy. Pedestrians on the street were also in a hurry, and sporadic electric vehicles crossed the road. At the door of each community, there is always a staff member wearing a white protective suit who carefully and carefully checks the big data itinerary code, nucleic acid test report and other epidemic prevention health certificates for residents entering and exiting the community, and only confirms that they are negative or have no history of living abroad. They will be allowed to enter, and they are the "grid members".

Huang Zhiying, born in 1996, is one of them. As a full-time basic grid member of the community at the Juetang Community Workstation in Fucheng Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen City, he is the youngest member of the same batch of employees and one of the few newcomers with higher academic qualifications.

He and his colleagues go through wind and rain every day. They are responsible for "carpet-style" visits, investigations, disposals, and supervision within the grid. They measure body temperature, sign home responsibility letters, purchase dishes for home quarantine personnel, and purchase medicines on behalf of others. , express delivery... Faced with the severe tests brought about by the COVID-19 epidemic in the past few years, he has always guarded the community and served the residents with firm ideals and beliefs, excellent moral character, and love, patience and responsibility.

Huang Zhiying participates in voluntary service for epidemic prevention and control

"This job of serving the masses is what I want to do most."

Huang Zhiying graduated from university in July 2018. He majored in international economics and trade.At first, he worked for a technology company, but he chose to leave after eight months because he felt an emptiness that was far from his ideal. During the time when he was unemployed at home, "I missed the feeling of helping others, and I wanted to regain that feeling." This thought kept lingering in his mind.

According to him, this feeling originated from his experience in college. When Huang Zhiying was in school in Huizhou, Guangdong, besides studying, his favorite thing was to participate in various club activities. He often organized students to do some practical activities inside and outside the school, such as planting trees and caring for the elderly.

Huang Zhiying is doing volunteer service

In 2017, he and his classmates helped the elderly wash clothes, change quilts, clean windows, repair tables, and did many things in a nursing home in Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong. Later, as he went more often, the elderly people in the nursing home became more and more enthusiastic about him. They often held his hand and told him stories about his youth.

In 2019, by chance, he was browsing job information at home, and a recruitment information for Shenzhen grid workers caught Huang Zhiying's attention. Objectively speaking, being a local community grid member is a busy and hard job, but what Huang Zhiying sees is that this job is very close to community residents and can directly help more people. The moment he sent his resume, he suddenly felt at ease. He decided, "This job of serving the masses is what I want to do most!"

"I am a member of the league, I will go first."

Really let the community Residents and colleagues saw that this "post-95s" young man was "unusual" because of the community's ongoing battle against the epidemic for more than two years.

At the beginning of 2020, at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, after receiving the epidemic prevention and control order, Huang Zhiying, who had only been employed for less than half a year, took the initiative to sign up and became one of the first batch of 44 "Trinity" staff members in the community to work 24 hours a day, actively participating to epidemic prevention and control work.

Trinity door-to-door nucleic acid sampling

"Everyone was actually afraid at the time, but more importantly, they didn't know how to do it. I just thought, I am a member of the league, I will go first, gain some experience, and relieve some pressure on the colleagues behind me. By the way, Just give it a try." Looking back on his original decision, Huang Zhiying was still quite calm.

"In the early days of the epidemic, the temperature in Shenzhen was gradually rising. Wearing protective clothing, masks, and gloves at the beginning, and working outdoors for a while, the inside of the protective clothing may reach 40 degrees Celsius, just like sweating ." Huang Zhiying described.

Despite sweating profusely, Huang Zhiying did not dare to drink more water, because one set of clothes must be worn for one day, and a mission can take as short as four or five hours, and as long as more than ten hours, during which there is no chance to go to the toilet. For convenience, he and his colleagues all wore diapers at the time. When talking about this, he laughed: "I felt embarrassed at first."

"I walk an average of more than 30,000 steps every day, which is very high." It ranks first on the WeChat sports list in my circle of friends," Huang Zhiying said when recalling his epidemic prevention work experience in the past two years. The reason why

walks so much every day and wears out six pairs of flat shoes is because during the ongoing community epidemic, he has to serve the quarantined households every day, purchasing daily necessities for them and disposing of household waste.

"Speak more, ask more, help more"

Huang Zhiying has a habit after going to work, that is, every time he contacts residents, he will "talk more, ask more", such as safety risks at home, the elderly Children's medical and school attendance.

Late at night on February 12, 2021, a special home quarantine worker in Xintang Community, Jutang Community, Longhua District, Baise, Guangxi, suffered a sudden onset of diabetes. His hands and feet were sore. When he was looking for insulin, he found that he had run out. He hurriedly called the "Trinity" on the phone. Grid member Huang Zhiying asked for help. After receiving the call for help, Huang Zhiying reported the situation to the community as soon as possible. Regardless of the leg he had accidentally injured while transporting key personnel, he quickly put on protective clothing and arrived at the doorstep of the residents as quickly as possible. , took the patient's medical insurance card, and took a colleague's car to the nearest social health center four kilometers away to buy medicine.

"Pay attention to your safety and drive as fast as possible, I'm afraid that brother won't be able to hold on."After buying the medicine, before the car stopped, Huang Zhiying limped upstairs. When the medicine was handed over to the resident, the other person kept saying "thank you" and wanted to send him a banner. Huang Zhiying just said: " Responsibilities are within the scope of duties. "

" Hello, comrade, what should I do to register my child? "Comrade, we can't go out, what should we do with daily necessities?" "What should I do if my elderly family runs out of medicine?" "What should I do if my water pipe is broken and needs to be repaired?"... As a "grid member", Huang Zhiying has to do it every day. During each inspection, he would meet many people asking various questions, and he would carefully answer them. At the age of 26, he seemed to have become the closest person to the grid residents. The most trustworthy "handsome boy".

Helping residents carry out the work of "gas integration into homes"

"See the trusting eyes of residents when they come to me with difficulties, and the smiles on everyone's faces when they solve difficult problems with the efforts of my colleagues and me. , seeing the community getting better and better with our joint efforts, I feel that everything I have paid is worth it. "Looking back on every detail of the past two years, Huang Zhiying said with emotion.

"I will protect my grid"

The Juetang Community Workstation of Fucheng Street where Huang Zhiying is located is located at the northwest gateway of Shenzhen City. As a late-developing area, the city here Zhongcun is relatively dense. Finding safety hazards, especially "black gas", has become an important task for grid workers.

No one expected that Huang Zhiying, who is usually thin and frail, would do the best in this job. .

"Hello, please understand the community safety instructions. Please do not buy and use "black gas" because gas leakage not only directly threatens the life safety of users, but in severe cases may even harm surrounding residents or buildings, causing huge economic losses. "This is Huang Zhiying's slogan as a grassroots grid worker to promote gas safety to the people in his jurisdiction, guide citizens to buy regular gas, and boycott "black gas".

has repeatedly banned "black gas" in the grid he manages. , he often studied materials until late at night. Through asking colleagues for advice and conducting many field visits and investigations, he quickly mastered the operational rules of illegal sales of "black gas". In August 2020, after discovering traces of people trafficking in "black gas", he Huang Zhiying followed it secretly and reported it to the community and law enforcement authorities immediately.

According to Huang Zhiying’s recollection: “I was alone at first. Later, when other grid members arrived, they watched the unscrupulous traders trying to transfer the ‘black gas’. I was relatively thin at the time and was not afraid at all. Under the interception of a few of us, the other party was quickly seized by the law enforcement agencies who arrived, and 298 bottles of "black gas" were disposed of. "

On-site treatment of black gas

Some people say that if you do too much of one thing, it becomes a habit. For Huang Zhiying, those seemingly ordinary contributions in life have become his habit. Taking off the uniform of a "grid member", During the rare rest time, he would put on a red vest and do traffic guidance, care for the elderly , patrol water and protect rivers...

"Auntie, I am a service volunteer and a 'grid member' of our community. I know you My children are not around and they are working in other places. If you have any difficulties in daily life, you must remember to come to me. "

" Hello, comrade. Please obey traffic rules and don't run red lights! "

Huang Zhiying's colleague Zhao Haiyan said: "Zhiying is a good guy. "In the past year, Huang Zhiying has participated in 160 hours of volunteer service. He has used practical actions to show everyone that the young man who took his classmates to participate in volunteer services during college has never changed. On the eve of May Fourth Youth Day in 2022, Huang Zhiying won the honorary title of "National Outstanding Communist Youth League Member".

"Two reds and two excellences": a series of reports integrating the struggle of youth into the cause of the party and the people

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Click to buy the 2022 issue 10 of "China Youth" magazine ⬇️

Producer: Pi Jun

Final reviewer: Lin Yuhong

Reviewer: Chen Min Liu Xiao Liu Bowen

Editor: Shen Xi