A Fei (pseudonym) sat at the table, sometimes lowering his head and thinking, sometimes talking. From the way he talks, you can feel that he is very mature in his dealings with others, but the slight sway in his walk reveals that he is still a young man who is not experienced in

A Fei (pseudonym) sat at the table, sometimes lowering his head and thinking, sometimes talking. From the way he talks, you can feel that he is very mature in his dealings with others, but the slight sway in his walk reveals that he is still a young man who is not experienced in the world.

had just graduated from college one year ago when he became a criminal in an online telecommunications fraud case and was criminally detained by Gongshu police. He was later released on bail pending trial according to law. The job was gone, the house in his hometown was sold, and the prospective mother-in-law didn't even want to look at him. Go to Laos and spend your whole life regretting and repaying it. The following is A Fei’s self-report.

Earn 1 million a month, buy a Porsche...

I just graduated and couldn't resist the temptation, so I became an "analyst"

January 22, 2020, the night of the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, the Chinese New Year is almost here. It snowed in Hangzhou, and my flight landed at Xiaoshan Airport. The moment got off the plane, I was wearing short sleeves, shorts and slippers but I didn't feel cold at all. I'm so happy, I finally feel the taste of freedom! I can go for a walk, eat something delicious, whatever!

I want to completely forget the "Golden Triangle of Wealth", the 15-square-meter dormitory where 12 people live, the food that tastes like dirt, the "work" that exceeds 16 hours a day, and those dirty smiling faces... Go to the hotel As soon as I lay down in the room, I quickly woke up with a fright. If was caught one day, I would be a fraudster at a young age.

How did I join the "Pig Killer" telecom fraud gang step by step and turn my life astray?

I have lived in Hangzhou for six or seven years, and have been here since high school. At that time, my parents were working in Shanghai and I lived on campus by myself. Later, I went to a junior college and worked in real estate agency, loan and other fields. Some high school students went directly into social work.

In July 2019, my high school classmate A Dong (pseudonym) came to play with me and mentioned that it was very profitable to do stocks now. What about stock allocation and capital amplification? I was confused when I heard it, and I was wondering, is it possible that Adong, with his academic qualifications, is interested in stocks?

A Dong asked me if I had any ideas. He said that he was abroad and had specialized training. He spoke in a confused way, so I refused.

On National Day, Adong asked me to have dinner together. At the dinner table, his friends all dressed up and kept talking about who made hundreds of thousands a month, who made 1 million, who returned to China and bought a Porsche, a house, etc.

I just came out of school and didn’t have a good job. Of course I couldn’t withstand the temptation of such entertainment, so I followed the stock market and became an “analyst”.

"Work" in Laos:

There are six or seven hundred people on one floor, all of whom are "teachers"

Restricting freedom, learning speaking skills, and learning to "raise pigs"

In October, A Dong helped me contact and arranged for me to buy Air tickets and passports. First fly to Chiang Rai, Thailand, pass through the Mekong River, and then arrive in Laos. The place where

works is in an industrial park. The office building is very high. On the same floor as , I saw at first glance that there were six to seven hundred people, and I couldn't even see them. The atmosphere of seems to be similar to that of an ordinary company. I started to feel strange, why are there so many people? The "teacher" next to me said that they were all in the stock market and it would be fine to work on WeChat.

There is a "teacher" who arranges board and lodging for the people who joined me in the same batch. It is in another building not far away. The dormitory is actually fifteen or six square meters, and there are eleven people in it, living in bunk beds. The food was in the canteen. Many things like curry and vermicelli were stewed together. I kept having diarrhea.

arranged the workstations, and the "teacher" trained us on stock knowledge and taught us how to build customers. The "textbook" is printed on A4 paper. actually teaches us to look at the stock trend, red rising and green falling, so that we can understand a little bit before chatting with customers. The "textbooks" are not easy for us to take away. We must take them away on the spot after learning. Carry it yourself.

Actually, in the first month after I arrived there, there was no work to do. Because the company gets customers one by one, a 30-day cycle is divided into the first 5 days, the middle 10 days, the last 10 days, and the last 5 days. Each link is roughly to attract traffic and "raise pigs" , unify the "pig-killing" process, and everyone should do their own part. I can't insert from the middle, so I have to join the next batch. In addition to memorizing the "textbook", I basically slept for nearly a month.Why does

sleep? I can't come and go freely. It can be said that everyone works, eats, and sleeps at the same time, within that area. You are not allowed to use your own mobile phone. You have to make a report when you go out, and strict approval is required. If someone goes out without authorization, the Laotian locals will stop you as soon as you arrive at the gate, which often leads to fights.

When I usually go to the bathroom to smoke, I hear twos and threes gathering together and talking and laughing. For example, this client has made hundreds of thousands and is going to be "killed" by him.

I'm not a fool. I even figured out what was going on after doing this once or twice.

Want to return to China? As long as your passport is in the company's hands, there's nothing you can do. The company first scolds you for your poor performance, saying that you are not motivated and that you are sorry for your family. Or make you wait, dragging you down for various reasons. In short, if the company doesn't help you, you can only stay here.

I also became a "teacher". I played all the routines for more than half a month to prepare for it. At the end of the month, nearly a month passed before I "killed pigs". I officially had a job. Others also called me "teacher". In fact, I was working on the Internet. pin.

I still remember some things in the "textbook", that is, "talking skills" -

Hello, I am an analyst at xx Securities. (It depends on whether the customer replies. If not, another message will follow.)

If you add me on WeChat, do you want to know about stocks? Want to know about bull stocks? (As long as the customer replies, you can answer him according to the conversational framework. In fact, if the customer does not reply, we have nothing to do. If you express interest, you can take the call.)

Tomorrow afternoon, I will have a hot stock recommendation here. It can go up by xxx points, can you keep up? Then I will connect you with the WeChat account of the securities teacher who specifically recommends stocks.

My job in this stage is to "fish", to catch customers, and then let the "teachers" in the later stages take care of them.

Yes, they (investors) took the initiative to add me. Sometimes, more than 100 people will add me in a day. This may be because someone else was doing local promotion before me, using the image of "analyst" to promote our WeChat account. In fact, I can’t talk to so many people, and many of them are buried in information. Moreover, if too many people are added to a WeChat account, it is often blocked.

I hooked up a customer and recommended it to the "teacher" behind me. The "teacher" would then let the customer come into the live broadcast room to listen to the lecture, which was indeed about knowledge and experience in stock trading.

But all this is just foreshadowing. On the seventeenth or eighth day, the "teacher" will introduce our company's financial products to them to attract customers to invest, and through a little profit, slowly guide the customers to enlarge their funds five times, eight times, ten times... .At this critical node, our "teachers" from other links will go to the group to cooperate and activate the live broadcast room.

In the last four or five days, the "boss" will decide on which day to close the platform and close the network together based on the total amount of funds on the plate this month. All the work ended here. The client found that he could not log into the app and could not find the "teacher". Our work phones had also been taken away.

In the past two months in Laos, I only occasionally contacted my parents in the early morning before going to bed. I did not tell them that I was in Laos. Because it was only a month or two, I thought I was such a big person after all, so I didn’t need to report everything.

My mother sold the house, and the prospective mother-in-law no longer wants to see me.

I went to Laos, and I had nothing.

I successfully made a client in Laos, and she was a woman. She successfully "deposited" 30,000 yuan, and based on my commission of 7 points, I got 2,100 yuan. My basic salary for is 5,000 yuan, plus performance commissions and various subsidies, I can earn just over 10,000 yuan a month.

It’s far different from what I expected. Thinking about the pie they drew for me before I went there, it was hundreds of thousands a month for so and so... I felt that it was really difficult for me, with long working hours, food and accommodation Just like that, I can make 10,000 yuan in this way as long as I work a little harder in China.

In January 2020, it was just the end of the year, and business was relatively sluggish. The teacher of our group agreed to arrange for a group of people from our group to return to China to celebrate the New Year.

When I got off the plane, I thought I would never go there again. And I can’t live with my own conscience. Just in time for the epidemic to come.

Half a year later, at 7:10 a.m. on August 4, while I was still sleeping in my rented room, the police from Mishixiang Police Station suddenly came in. I was confused at first, and the police officer asked me if I knew what was going on. I know it well.

The next day, the police station notified my parents. It wasn't until I was released from the detention center on bail pending trial that I met my parents.

My mother didn’t scold me. She said that the house in my hometown village was sold and the money was paid to the victims. In fact, it was mainly because of my son, who had no shame to go back to their hometown.

Something like this happened to me. From my own perspective, the ending was very tragic.

No one in the village wanted to see me, and I couldn't hold my head high in front of all my relatives - after all, I was just a fraudster. I used to be a very good kid in the eyes of my relatives.

I want to find a job but no one wants it.

Before the accident, my girlfriend and I were going to get married. Now, her parents don’t want to look at me at all.

went to Laos and I lost everything. No money was made, no grievances were suffered.

My girlfriend and I have been together for four or five years, and we have been separated since then. Before I went to Laos that year, my girlfriend originally wanted me not to go. I thought I could really make money, but I didn’t know it was a telecommunications network fraud. I didn't listen to her and felt very sorry for her.

My high school classmate A Dong, I know he was also arrested. I haven't seen him again, what else is there to meet?

Source: Hangzhou Daily Editor Lu Ruitian Liu Mengge