"Funba" claims to be a blockchain application, but after digging deeper, it discovered a shocking pyramid scheme scam! "Social value sharing platform allows everyone on the planet to live with more dignity"...

"Funba" claims to be a blockchain application, but after digging into it, a shocking pyramid scheme was discovered!

"It will be listed in Hong Kong with a market value of 3 billion in August, and it will be listed on Nasdaq with a market value of 100 billion in December 2022. Nasdaq ", "A truly free earning project, making a million a month is not a dream!", "A social value sharing platform that allows everyone on the planet to live with more dignity"... When you see a company with such a "bright future" and such an "ambitious" slogan, will you be tempted to participate? What about going among them?

Title picture: Theme picture

Source: Guardian Plan

ID: shzjh0401

Anti-fraud theory 511: It’s fun MLM big scam From anti-fraud big data 00:0013:18

Recently, someone around me started playing a "dig" "Mine to make money" game, crazy people came to "click on the head to make money", and claimed that "the operation is simple and risk-free, just collect diamonds every 4 hours, it is easier than collecting vegetables." Looking at such a slogan, you will be surprised. Are you feeling a little excited? According to publicity,

is based on " blockchain technology " as the underlying support, using "mining, digital currency " as the reward mechanism, based on the field of mobile games, and integrating "e-commerce, Live broadcast" and so on, it is a multi-functional "high-end investment and wealth management project".

"Blockchain" " virtual currency " "Small investment and big return" ... When I hear these keywords, the alarm bells in my head are ringing. This familiar taste is obviously interesting! So, I downloaded the APP through the "registration invitation code" and prepared to find out.

1, "Mining to get rich" attracts entry, "transaction cashing" is conditional

This is a software called "Funba", which claims to be a "multi-functional blockchain technology application platform", but the interface looks like It is not much different from ordinary mobile game software.

As for the so-called "mining to get rich", in fact the "operational logic" is also very simple, which is "purchase mining machine = spend time digging out diamonds = conduct diamond transactions".

In this platform, "diamonds" are a kind of "virtual currency", and the "market price" is different every day. "Diamonds" can not only be used to exchange for the more powerful "mining machine" , but can also be freely "purchased and sold" among players to earn the price difference. (This article is reproduced from anti-fraud big data: FPData)

successfully registered an account after filling in ’s name, phone number, invitation code and other personal information. According to the platform regulations, every newly registered user will be given a 30-day "junior mining machine". The basic operation of this kind of mining machine is usually 4 hours, but it can only mine "mine" once a day.

After calculation, based on the calculation that one "diamond" is produced every day and each "diamond" sells for 10 yuan, a newbie can mine for free for 30 days and earn 300 yuan in income! This sounds quite tempting. But to get this money, two conditions need to be met: reaches the "contribution value" and "honor value" set by the platform.

Contribution value

A user's membership level depends on its contribution to the platform, and the level of membership determines the "diamond" transaction fee. The minimum threshold is "real-name authentication after registration" . Such user level is 1. For every transaction of 1 "diamond", a 50% handling fee is required, and the income of 300 "diamonds" (300 yuan) must be carried out. When cashing out, you need to pay a handling fee of 150 yuan, and 's income is instantly reduced by half.

Honor value

The "honor value" is equal to the number of "diamonds" that the user can sell. Every time a "diamond" is sold, the honor value is reduced by 1 point; and if no operation is performed, the user only owns a "junior mining machine" "Waste players" can only sell 5 "diamonds" at most. In other words, 300 "diamonds" can only sell 5 at most. After paying the handling fee, you can only get 2.5 yuan in income.This shows that it is impossible for us to "get rich for free" through games! (This article is reproduced from anti-fraud big data: FPData)

From this point of view, the operation process after players enter is roughly as follows: "The platform gives away low-level mining machines = first taste of the benefits = unwilling to make only such a small amount of money = Spend money to buy high-end mining machines = Mining machines spend time digging out diamonds = Carry out diamond transactions." , that is, the platform is just using the small profits of "free trial of low-level mining machines" to attract players into the game, and then guide them step by step. Players of are investing more in .

2, the "pyramid scheme nature" is undoubtedly revealed, and the "illegal fund-raising" hides hidden tricks

For the platform, if it is ripped off and earns 25,000 yuan a month, there are expenses. How do they make money? This problem suddenly became clear after discovering the " diamond production formula " of the platform.

diamond production = basic production capacity The production capacity of the "mining machine" is different, and the daily operation hours are also different. The higher the level of the "mining machine", the higher the value, but it requires a large amount of diamonds to exchange, and the highest level "super mining machine" needs to be consumed. 10,000 diamonds; users can invest funds, first purchase a large amount of diamonds with other players, and then purchase "mining machine" upgrade equipment from the platform.

In other words, if you want to get more profits faster in the game, players need to invest a lot of money first.

At the same time, in this game, you can also give yourself bonuses through "promotion activity" ! The "promotion activity" of

is actually 's "invite new players" . As long as you successfully promote to one subordinate, you can get a 5% bonus to the other party's basic activity. There is no upper limit for this part of the bonus. "The more, the better"; at the same time, your subordinates can pull his subordinates again, "there are endless descendants", and the activity level will soar up.

In addition, direct promotion is linked to "contribution value", which can reduce the handling fees required for transactions; that is to say, as long as players continue to attract people to enter the market, they can achieve 's "high productivity and high efficiency". Available volume, low handling fees" , thus selling more diamonds to make a profit.

Seeing this, I believe everyone understands. The

platform has so many "mining machines", "diamonds" and so-called "contribution value" and "honor value". creates a "static + dynamic" "high return investment" illusion , but in fact , if you do nothing, relying on the "static" income provided for free by the platform is simply a drop in the bucket, and you mainly have to rely on "dynamic" income.

The reason why the platform does so many things is actually to achieve two purposes:

1. To induce players to "invest" first and invest a large amount of money to purchase "virtual mining machines" from the platform, which is the so-called "gain from investment and financial management" "Return";

2, guide players to "draw people's heads" and use their "community influence" to continuously expand the number of players entering the game. Does this familiar smell sound like a "pyramid scheme"?

3. You need to be careful with the "four major suspicions" and "multiple traps" to defraud money.

Based on an "undercover investigation", you can basically figure out this "fun" routine. is at least suspected of the following traps.

1. It is suspected of pulling people's heads in disguise. Nature of pyramid schemes

According to the explanation of the Price Supervision and Inspection and Anti-Unfair Competition Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation, pyramid schemes include the following main characteristics: 1. Payment or disguised payment of admission fees; 2. Direct or indirect growth downline, and formation of hierarchies in a certain order ;3. There is a link between the performance of superiors and subordinates.

"Fun Bar" uses the method of earning more "diamonds" and "activity" in exchange for money, prompting users to continuously attract people to register and develop offline; it also induces users to purchase "mining machines". These mining machines The machine looks like a "game prop", but in fact it is a disguised form of "paying the entry fee."Based on these points, "Funba" still has the nature of a pyramid scheme.

2, suspected of illegal fund-raising, Ponzi scheme

simulated "diamonds" without real value into a tradable "currency", and there is even a "market price" with a wide range of fluctuations. It is through this that the platform In this way, buyers are induced to continuously "recharge investment", and when people want to sell and withdraw money, they add more obstacles and set up obstacles; it is very likely that those big sellers of who are selling "diamonds" are " bookmakers behind the scenes". (This article is reproduced from the anti-fraud big data: FPData)

This "beating the drum and passing the flowers" game requires a steady stream of players to enter, otherwise it will not be sustainable; one day it will have no choice but to collapse, and all players will lose their money.

3, suspected of false propaganda and malicious deception

In order to gain the trust of users, "Funwanba" used the following gimmicks in its publicity:

① Claims to be a regular large enterprise with "unlimited development prospects" and cooperates with many large Internet companies , however, when investigating the software registration company "Beijing Wanhao Technology Co., Ltd." through " Qichacha ", it was found that the company's paid-in funds last year were all zero, and there were only two employees in the entire company.

② claims to be "listed on the Hong Kong Main Board with a market value of 3 billion in August this year, and on the Nasdaq with a market value of 100 billion in December 2022." Do you want to know what the concept of "100 billion market value" is? As of January 1, 2020, there are a total of 7,343 listed companies in China, of which only 162 have a market value of over 100 billion , and they are all well-known companies that are household names.

Not to mention the "Blockchain+" technology concept that "Fan Fun Bar" focuses on, except that it can be seen in the chat records of its users' external promotions, it is hard to see at all that this "Fun Fun Bar" and "Blockchain" "What does it matter?"

4, suspected of collecting user information beyond the scope and stealing privacy

In January last year, the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the " Special Project on the Illegal Collection and Use of Personal Information by Apps" Governance Announcement ", which clearly stipulates that App operators must follow the principles of legality, legitimacy and necessity when collecting and using personal information. does not collect personal information unrelated to the services provided.

The "Fan Fun Bar" software requires users to provide detailed personal information when registering, and requires "real-name authentication." It even requires authorization for apparently irrelevant information such as "real-time location" , which is suspected of excessive collection of Personal privacy information . At the same time, if this information is not properly kept, may also be sold through other illegal channels to further profit from , such as being used to carry out "precision fraud" against the information owner.

Whenever a new concept or new technology is born, it will attract countless people to rush in; but among this group of people, the first ones to start using these "concepts" and "technologies" are often a group of scammers .

They take advantage of the information gap with the public to package high-tech as a tool for their own deception ; "Blockchain" is like this, so are "nanotechnology", "AI face recognition", "quantum mechanics", etc. It is often used to package products and promote them to make money. (This article is reproduced from anti-fraud big data: FPData)

would like to remind everyone:

. When faced with various so-called investment projects involving "digital currency", "blockchain +" and "emerging frontier industries", You must remain vigilant and invest carefully. You can check the authenticity through through the following three websites.

①, the world's most comprehensive and authoritative digital currency query website: coinmarketcap.com

This website contains almost all digital currency data, whether it is the currency's website, circulation volume, transaction volume, or block dynamics. And these data are always updated.

②, global digital cryptocurrency open source code query address: github.com

In this open source code query URL, just enter the digital currency you want to query in the search bar to find the corresponding currency.

③, National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System : www.gsxt.gov.cn

Through this website, you can check the registration, license approval, annual report, administrative penalties, spot inspection results, abnormal operating status and other information of market entities to verify. Is the enterprise formal?

. As long as the three points of "paying entry fee", "buying people" and "forming a hierarchical rebate relationship" are met, it is suspected of pyramid schemes. It is worth noting that according to Article 24 of the country's "Regulations on Prohibition of Pyramid Selling": Those who organize and plan pyramid schemes shall have their illegal property confiscated and their illegal gains confiscated by the industrial and commercial administration department, and a fine of not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 2 million yuan shall be imposed; Constitute a crime, be held criminally responsible.

"MLM participants" are essentially "one of the pyramid sellers" and will also be held accountable according to law. Therefore, when everyone faces such a "pyramid marketing" project again, on the one hand, you must stay away from it and never touch it, and on the other hand, you must report it to the relevant units in a timely manner! (This article is reproduced from anti-fraud big data: FPData)

. Reiterate again "There will be no pie in the sky" . Anyone who promotes "zero investment and high return" is a scam! Don't watch, don't believe, don't participate.

Source: Anti-fraud big data