Why so purple? The Kyoto flavor is so delicious that you only get it by reservation, but sometimes you feel like you’ve made a bad friend by mistake! I obviously know that I like to eat at old restaurants, but I never talk about it. Fortunately, I have sharp ears and heard that t

Why is

purple? The Kyoto-flavored Kyoto-flavored Kyoto-style food is available only after reservation.

Sometimes I just feel like I’ve made a bad friend by mistake! I obviously know that I like to eat at old restaurants, but I never talk about it.

Fortunately, I have sharp ears, and I heard about this orthodox Kyoto-style restaurant for more than 30 years. In the past, I buried it aside (digging in the soil) and didn't worry about it if I ate it. (As for who it is, don’t guess who it is!)

Hidden on Qingcheng Street behind Taipei Brothers Hotel, as just mentioned, it is a Japanese restaurant that has been in business for more than 30 years. It is said that the owner’s cooking skills are very good, and the food is cheap and affordable.

There is no food that cannot be eaten by reservation during popular periods. The more people know about it, the harder it is to get it.

There were more than 40 people in our group, and the boss specially came up with his own "Slow Taste" set meal. It seemed that he wanted to win everyone's stomach in one fell swoop!

The boss served the food and drinks before the food was served! I love this little extra bit of luck the most.

A fried shrimp head and a fried salmon bone, fried to a crispy texture, happy and appetizing! (Friends who travel with me say that I drink too much)

No wonder everyone is rushing to make a reservation to eat.

Pay in advance: Thin yam noodles

The presentation is very Japanese-style, and there are also quail eggs, which makes people look forward to the taste.

Yam thin noodles are made by cutting yam into thin noodles (knife standard), and then dipping it in the sauce. The sauce is mixed with chili powder, quail eggs, and chives.

The overall texture is very refreshing and interesting. Still crunchy.

Sashimi : Comprehensive sashimi

Next is the sashimi that I admire most. I am most afraid of the smell of fish, so I am very picky about eating sashimi.

So far, most of the sashimi that I can accept are from sushi restaurants in Japan because they are fresh enough. I didn’t expect to encounter such fresh sashimi in Taiwan.

The sashimi has no fishy smell, and it doesn't have the chemical smell of cheap sushi (it should be the preservative).

Sushi: Hanazushi

This flower sushi tastes a bit weak, with shrimp eggs, shrimp roe, eel... Maybe it is because the ingredients are too fresh,

so the seasoning is quite simple, purely to express the ingredients? This dish should be served first, but vinegar rice is delicious.

Flounder Fins Nigiri Sushi

Next, we slowly enter the main event. For example, this set of Flounder Nigiri Sushi is quite amazing. Flounder is a fish with a lot of fat, so it must be very fresh, otherwise it will taste bad. The smell of excess fat.

At Fu Yan Japanese Restaurant, the boss even grilled it a little, then added French mustard seed sauce, and the seasoning was very careful. The taste of the fish and the aroma of fat were completely integrated with the vinegar rice.

Grilled items: Baked Green Bamboo Shoots

If it is ordinary grilled bamboo shoots, there is nothing to say, but the grilled bamboo shoots of Fu Yan Japanese Cuisine not only add shrimps, but also ginkgo.

The purpose of baking is to bring out the sweetness of the bamboo shoots.

Yangwu: Perilla Shrimp

Perilla shrimp is the most popular product here. The discussion on the Internet is quite loud, so hurry up and give it a try.

The taste of fried perilla and the filling of fresh shrimp are perfect. No wonder it is the most popular dish here. I think people who love perilla will definitely like it.

Daye is often used with fried food (yangwu), because its taste can make the food less greasy, a bit similar to the nine-layer pagoda in salted crispy chicken.

However, perilla has a richer flavor and can even be used with tea and rice. This combination is also a must-have.

Puffed Tofu

is fried tofu sprinkled with a large amount of bonito flakes, and then topped with a sauce made of Japanese dashi stock. The ingredients here are quite practical, just seeing the full amount of bonito flakes, You know the boss is not merciful with the materials.

Grilled food: Pu Ye Beef roast

You can ask the boss for the beef to be raw or cooked.

This dish is also a popular dish in the store. I see that almost every table orders a plate. There are beef slices and shredded bell peppers and onions on the leaves.

After pouring on the miso and sesame sauce, Then bake them together. The beef slices are dipped in the sauce, which is smooth and tender and has the flavor of Japanese cuisine.

Hackberry leaves are the leaves of the hackberry wood. They are used in Japan as utensils or to package food. It is a bit like the way Taiwan uses lotus leaves and taro leaves to wrap pork (20 to 30 years ago). Please remember not to misuse the taro leaves. It will Poisoning (for details, please search Xu Guoyong + Gu Po Yu online).

Steamed food: Chawanmushi

Personally, I am very picky about chawanmushi. The chawanmushi here can be regarded as the "authentic Shaolin" in martial arts, and it belongs to the solid school.

Food: Mini Kabayaki eel rice

Japanese people grill the fish until it is soft and fluffy, and then let the eel soak up the sauce.

However, Taiwanese people like their food differently. Taiwanese people like to keep more of the texture of fish. I think the flavor of this restaurant is closer to Taiwanese people’s taste, and the seasoning is pretty good.

The boss presented another plate of snacks for the guests, roasted burdock! Is it because there are more people and we order more dishes?

#吃在中国# #Where to eat on October 11#

@Toutiao Academy @Toutiao Food