Looking back on the hard-working and enterprising 2017 and looking forward to the promising 2018, it shows the passion and heroic spirit of Datong people in leading Nanyang business into the "new consumption era" under the new development concept of "new era, new business, new ex

Longteng Nanyang News On January 22, Nanyang Datong Group’s 2018 New Year Ceremony was held at the Wancheng Opera House. With the theme of "Keeping the original intention, developing together, and winning the future", the ceremony looked back on the hard-working and enterprising 2017 and looked forward to the bright future of 2018. It showed the people of Datong under the new development concept of "new era, new business, new experience". Passion and boldness that lead Nanyang business into the "new consumption era".

Bi Yuejie, Director of the Municipal Commerce Bureau, delivered a speech.

Zheng Ronghua, Chairman of Datong Group, delivered a speech.

In order to build a "new retail" model store in Nanyang City, the group has made a gorgeous upgrade to Jin Mart that shocked the industry, making Jin Mart a leader in Nanyang. The benchmark and leader of the "new retail era". As a major supporting project of Nanyang City's key regional trade and logistics center, Jinmart has driven and led Nanyang commerce to achieve the leap of "new retail" through the careful transformation and upgrading of Datong Group. The group won the honors of "Top 30 Private Enterprises in Nanyang" and "Top 30 Private Enterprises in Modern Service Industry in Henan Province" in 2017, which fully proves the vigorous development and positive strength of Datong Group.

Nanyang Press and Media Group All-Media Reporter Gao Song Correspondent Zhang Zhe