‖Hometown: Xu Changwen‖ Wen Jun is as easy-going and free-spirited as the people in the small town. Their biggest characteristic is that they love to eat, but they are very entangled and conflicted about eating.

The most charming Xuchang town hides the most enjoyable Central Plains food! ‖Written by

from his hometown in Xuchang‖ Wen Junyou

is as easy-going and free as the people in the small town. Their biggest characteristic is that they love to eat, but they are very entangled and conflicted about eating.

There are many foodies in this town. They love food and lose weight. Most of them are office workers and do not eat in the morning. If you think about it carefully, this is determined by the lifestyle of small town people.

People in small towns are accustomed to nightlife. They go to bed late and get up late. Many times, they don’t have time to have breakfast. Over time, not liking breakfast has become a habit. People go to work in a hurry, either eating casually or enduring casually. After everyone got off work, they would eat and drink in the evening. As a result, the town's food has formed a strange phenomenon: snacks are common in the morning, and feasts are popular in the evening.

Small town people say: "Eat well in the morning, eat full at noon, and eat less at night." Good health habits have been followed for many years, but young people don't care, and they don't care about the breakfast that can support eight hours of energy. No, I am often so hungry on the way to work that I have no choice but to eat high-calorie and high-fat junk snacks, resulting in three meals a day being disrupted and my diet irregular.

Young people work long hours and consume a lot of physical energy. In addition, they have to make do with meals, and they are exhausted after the shift. After work, I have enough time to eat and drink. When you wake up, the energy of chicken, duck, and fish meat is accumulated in your body. Unknowingly, after a while, I gained weight again.

There are many people who love bodybuilding in small towns, and there are also many foodies in small towns, and these two hobbies are often combined in one. They are the heirs and promoters of bodybuilding and foodies, and they are also victims of the irreconcilability of weight loss and delicious food. In fact, foodies don’t pay attention to breakfast and miss out on a lot of small town delicacies. Bodybuilders missed out on the town’s delicacies, adding a lot of regrets.

A well-known town is my hometown - Yuzhou City Shenhe Town. It is like a jar of old wine in the house, always having a strong and mellow taste.

Shenhe cuisine has a long history and a wide range of varieties. As far as breakfast is concerned, Shenge snacks are simple, fast, and economical. Whether you make it at home or buy it from a shop on the street, there are still many varieties and the same delicious food. It takes into account the traditional taste of the Shengo people and meets the nutritional and healthy dietary requirements of the Shengo people. For breakfast on the street, you can eat well for only five or six yuan, and you can eat delicious and healthy food, and you can avoid the worry of gaining weight.

"On eating or home cooking ". Home-cooked meals are delicious and healthy, but breakfast time is tight and people are afraid of taking the trouble. In fact, breakfast is really easy, just a pot of porridge. When people get up, add water to the pot, put in millet , and then go do chores. After washing up and doing all the things that need to be done, the fragrance of the millet porridge simmering on the fire is also wafting out.

Millet porridge is most suitable for breakfast. It can not only increase appetite but is easy to digest, and is also good for the skin. Millet is a small grain, low in calories, and does not make you gain weight. On a cold morning, drinking a steaming bowl of millet porridge on an empty stomach will warm your whole body. Millet porridge is a traditional health food. It can be boiled alone, or sweet potatoes, jujubes, red beans, lotus seeds, lilies, etc. can be added to make nutritious porridge with different flavors. Not only is it easy to absorb, but it also has a stomach-protecting effect.

No matter whether it is rice porridge or millet porridge, after it is boiled, there will be a layer of fine, sticky, ointment-like substance floating on it. The gods call it "rice oil". People don't take it seriously and often avoid it when drinking porridge. In fact, it has a very good nourishing effect and is the essence of rice soup. It is as mild and nourishing as ginseng soup. There are many types of porridge: millet porridge, eight-treasure porridge, black rice porridge, fruit porridge, whole grain porridge, red date wheat porridge, red bean and pumpkin porridge, etc. There are many ingredients and various flavors, and new rice porridge has the best taste.

Porridge is a common food in life. Its characteristic is that it is light, so people drink porridge in the morning. Porridge is low in calories, so even though bodybuilding people eat and drink a lot, they don't have to worry about gaining weight. Different types of porridge have different nutritional effects. Breakfast generally follows the principle of nutrition and is mainly light."Rice porridge, millet , eat more vegetables and less salt."

Strictly speaking, porridge is indeed not a delicacy, just a simple meal. And foodies who love bodybuilding will never eat the porridge to the end. In fact, the breakfast food in the small town is really delicious and delicious.

Hu spicy soup is a famous dish in Central Plains and one of the favorite breakfasts of Shenlong people. The main raw materials of Hu spicy soup are pepper, chili, cooked sheep (beef) meat, sheep bone broth, gluten, flour, vermicelli, fungus, etc. It is characterized by rich soup flavor, thick soup, spicy and delicious, nutritious and appetizing. Shenge Hu Spicy Soup inherits the advantages of Xihua County Xiaoyao Town Hu Spicy Soup with rich ingredients and thick soup. It also develops the advantages of Wuyang County Beiwudu Town Hu Spicy Soup with long flavor and moderate texture.

On a cold morning, drinking a bowl of freshly cooked spicy soup will warm and warm your stomach. You can also drink Hu spicy soup with fried dough sticks, steamed buns, fried buns , scallion pancakes, pot helmets, thousand-layer cakes and other noodles, which are both affordable and convenient. The people in the small town are also ingenious, mixing Hu spicy soup with tofu brain, called "liang doer", which not only reduces the spiciness, but also enriches the nutrition.

The most delicious breakfast in this small town is probably mutton soup. Shenge mutton soup, the mutton tastes pure and the meat is as rotten as mud. The soup is delicious and rich as milk. Large pieces of mutton, plus a small amount of chopped green onion, drink it hot into your mouth, with a very fragrant and endless aftertaste.

Shenge mutton soup, compared with the Huashi mutton soup in the north, does not have the mixture of ingredients and the strong pepper; compared with the Jiaxian mutton soup in the south, it does not have the clear soup and light taste. Shen'e mutton soup combines the advantages of the southern and northern soups being thin and delicious, and takes into account the taste habits of guests coming from the south and the north.

The delicious taste of Shenhe mutton soup is closely related to its complicated preparation method. When making it, first put the whole lamb bones in a pot of water and simmer over high heat. After one or two hours, the foam will form and then set aside. Add the meat cubes and seasoning bag, bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer until slightly boiling. At this time, people can turn off the lights and fall asleep. When I woke up in the middle of the night, the house was full of mellow aroma, the meat was rotten and the soup was thick, and its color was like milk. Take the meat out and let it cool. The next morning, cut the meat into slices, wash it with broth, and add a small amount of chopped green onion and coriander for seasoning. Suitable for both salty and light tastes, it is extremely delicious, neither lukewarm nor hot, warms and nourishes the stomach, and goes well with sesame seed cakes and steamed buns.

I have traveled to many places and had breakfast in many places. There are sweet ones in the south, salty ones in the north, spicy ones in the east, and sour ones in the west. Although there are many famous dishes, they rarely suit my taste. It’s not that I’m a picky eater, or that other people’s breakfasts are terrible, but that the delicacies of my hometown have long been in harmony with me and become one with me. The atmosphere of life in my hometown has long been imbibed by my ears and my eyes. Hometown people, hometown things, hometown customs and habits, and hometown food tastes are the flavors of my hometown that are always with me.

Posted in Shenhe on November 20, 2018

[About the author] Wen Junyou, a native of Shenhe Town, Yuzhou City, is a member of the Henan Prose Society.

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I love my hometown in Xuchang, watch "Hometown Xuchang". My hometown, Xuchang, has feelings, temperature and taste!

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