[Energy people are watching, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] On November 5, the official website of the National Energy Administration released the 2018 National Electricity Price Supervision Report. From a national perspective, in 2018, the average on-grid elec

[Energy people are watching, click on the upper right corner to add 'Follow']

On November 5, the National Energy Administration official website released the 2018 National Electricity Price Supervision Report.

From a national perspective, in 2018, the average on-grid electricity price of power generation enterprises across the country was 373.87 yuan/thousand kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 0.60%. Among them, photovoltaic power generation is the highest, at 859.79 yuan/1,000 kilowatt hours; hydropower generation is the lowest, at 267.19 yuan/1,000 kilowatt hours.

Average on-grid electricity price list of national power generation enterprises in 2018

Electricity price unit: yuan/kWh

Type On-grid electricity price Year-on-year growth
Photovoltaic 0.85979-1.71%
gas Power generation 0.58410-3.81%
Wind power 0.52901-3.43%
Nuclear power 0.39502-1.58%
Coal-fired unit

water and electricity0.26719-0.26%

Source: National Energy Bureau

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National Energy Information Platform contact number: 010-65367817, email: hz@people-energy.com.cn, address: People's Daily, No. 2 Jintai West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing