Chinese Valentine's Day is coming soon, let's spread some dog food in advance! There has never been any rumor of discord in the 30-plus years of marriage. The former golden couple on TV played husband and wife many times in the drama. In the end, they faked the show and finally b

Chinese Valentine’s Day is coming soon, let’s spread some dog food in advance! Learn about Japanese celebrity couples and their stories. There must be some famous couples that I have never heard of! Let’s take a look together!

Miura Tomoe and Yamaguchi Momoe

Miura Tomoe and Yamaguchi Momoe can be called a model couple in the Japanese entertainment industry. There have never been rumors of discord in the more than 30 years of marriage. This pair of former golden boys and girls on TV have played many times in the drama. Husband and wife, in the end, they fake it and make it real. Although they were dissatisfied by their agency during their relationship, the two still withstood the pressure. Yamaguchi Momoe announced her retirement from the entertainment industry at the engagement party and was willing to become the woman behind Miura Yuka. On November 18, 2015, a Japanese insurance company announced the results of the "Best Celebrity Couple" selection. Tomokazu Miura and Momoe Yamaguchi, who celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary, known as the "Coral Wedding", overwhelmingly won the "tenth consecutive title".

Sorimachi Takashi Matsushima Nanako

Sorimachi Takashi and Matsushima Nanako are a superstar couple in the Japanese entertainment industry. As we all know, Matsushima Nanako and Sorimachi Takashi met because of the classic Japanese drama " Spicy Teacher ", and then developed into a semi-cohabitation. Couple, entering the auditorium in 2001.

Kimura Takuya Kudo Shizuka

Back then, at the peak of his career, Kimura Takuya told the whole country without warning at a concert: "He is getting married!" When he returned to the backstage, the reporter asked him who he was marrying. When it wasn't Kudo Shizuka, Kimura Takuya was stunned for half a second: "Who else would it be besides her?" The national idol, who is obsessed with thousands of girls, is going to get married and have children. You don't have to think about it to know the reaction of the fans. At that time, Japan's only state-owned television station NHK broadcast "National Idol Kimura Takuya's Marriage" as a national news report. The TV station rolled out clips of Kimura's press conference announcing her marriage every 15 minutes. At that time, the media described it as "only the death of the emperor can compare".

Masaharu Fukuyama Kazue Fukiishi

Masaharu Fukuyama has outstanding looks. He knows that he has many female fans and his emotional world is very mysterious. Although he claims to be "single", he has still been rumored to have affairs with many female stars. Although there have been scandals with Yuki Uchida, Miho Shiraishi, Manami Konishi and others since her debut, she has always denied the love history, but she got married on the 28th to Kazue Fukiishi who was photographed freely entering and exiting his house in 2012. The two were rumored to have affairs. After many years of not officially acknowledging their relationship, and even rumors of break-ups and reunions, they finally came to fruition, and many fans sent their blessings.

 Sakai Masato Kanno Miho

Both of them are ratings guarantees in the Japanese entertainment industry~Uncle Masato graduated from the world-renowned Waseda University in 1994. After practicing in the entertainment industry for many years, he finally became popular. In recent years, the starring roles in "Legal High", " Hansawa Naoki ", "Dr. Rintaro", " Sanada Maru ", etc. have received high ratings. The two fell in love in the movie "Oku~Forever~" and registered their marriage on April 2, 2013. In 2015, Miho Kanno gave birth to a son. After marriage, the two kept a low profile as always and lived a very sweet life.

Oguri Shun Yamada Yu

Oguri Shun and Yamada Yu started dating in March 2008. After four years of dating, they officially registered their marriage. The wedding was held in Hawaii, and the scene was very romantic. Although the two were very busy at work after their marriage, their relationship seemed not to be affected. You can often see loving photos of the two holding hands and going out on the street. It is said that after Yamada Yu became pregnant, Oguri Shun took special care of her. He would support Yamada Yu wherever he went.Now their daughter is very old, and I hope they will always be happy~

Yamamoto Koshi Horikita Maki

It is said that the two met through " Six Children in the Family " in 2009. They started dating in May last year and officially registered in August. After getting married, what happened during the 6 years? According to Yamamoto Koshi himself, he had a crush on Horikita Maki in 2009 and asked for her phone number, but was rejected. After that, he would deliberately approach Horikita Maki whenever he had the opportunity. Later, after "40 love letters" After a series of events such as "Shinkansen Tracking" and "Proposing Before Falling in Love", he finally married Horikita Maki. So, you still have to work hard.

Kuninaka Ryoko Mukai Ri

The two appeared in the Japanese drama "HUNGRY!" which was broadcast on Fuji Channel in January 2012. "" played a couple, who took this as an opportunity to start dating. In December 2014, the three-year-old brother-sister couple announced their marriage.

DAIGO Kitagawa Keiko

DAIGO was born into a wealthy family. His maternal grandfather was the late Noboru Takeshita, the 74th former Prime Minister of Japan. He himself was also active in the Japanese entertainment industry as a rock singer, actor, and entertainer. Kitagawa Keiko has a sweet appearance, superb acting skills, and a somewhat boyish and straightforward personality. She has been deeply loved by both male and female fans since her debut. The two met while co-starring in "LADY~The Last Criminal Psychoanalyst~" in 2011. After it was revealed that they were in love in 2014, they have been openly dating each other, and their popularity has not declined but has increased. There had been constant rumors that the couple was about to get married. Kitagawa Keiko officially announced in 2016 that she "decided to build a family with DAIGO." The goddess was confirmed to be a wife, and the news caused a sensation on the Internet. Fans have given their blessings: "The two are so perfect for each other, they must be happy!"

HYDE Megumi Oishi

HYDE and Megumi Oishi got married on Christmas Day in 2000. Megumi Oishi was an actress that HYDE admired before she debuted, and she has always claimed that her ideal partner for marriage is Megumi Oishi. Megumi Oishi, who is beautiful and has a model figure, is a full nine centimeters taller than HYDE, who is only 158 centimeters tall. However, apart from their height, the pair are extremely matched in appearance. In addition, Megumi Oishi is very virtuous and treats her husband They are also gentle and considerate, which can be said to be a match made in heaven.

Tsumabuki Satoshimaiko

MAIKO is a Japanese-American mixed race. He debuted as a model in 2006. He has appeared in NHK's "Taiyo Father-in-law" and other works. He also played the wife of Teruyuki Kagawa in the Taiga drama "Ryomaden ". It is reported that the two met in 2012 when they co-starred in " Higashino Keigo Mystery Series ". In the spring of 2016, Tsumabuki Satoshi successfully proposed to his girlfriend and got married.

Jin Akanishi Meisa Kuroki

"Sponichi" once exposed the relationship between Johnny's artist and actress Akisa Kuroki in a large format, causing quite a stir. It is reported that Akanishi and Kuroki have known each other for many years. They began to become familiar with each other at a gathering of work friends last autumn, and this year they developed into a romantic relationship. On January 22, they were seen dating at Tokyo DisneySea Park (abbreviation: TDS) in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture. The two did not avoid the attention of the people around them at all. The meeting was also witnessed at a large shopping mall in Bay Area on the 21st. The direction of the first celebrity couple born at the beginning of 2012 is attracting attention. The two registered their marriage on February 2, 2012.

Eita Kimura KAELA

The two began a formal relationship in 2009. On September 1, 2010, they announced that they had officially gone through the formalities to become a couple. On October 28, Kimura KAELA successfully gave birth to a baby boy. His wife was the first to come back after giving birth. At the concert, Yingtai also attended the concert dressed up. On October 7, 2013, the two confirmed through their respective affairs that Kimura KAELA gave birth to their second baby girl.Recently, Kimura KAELA has slowly faded away from the entertainment industry. The two have been photographed many times going out to buy groceries together, and they also participated in activities in their son's kindergarten together. They also showed off their affection!

Higashiide Masada Apricot

Higashiide Masada and Antoine played a couple in the NHK morning drama "Thank you for the treat". They officially started dating during the filming. After dating for more than a year, they registered on January 1, 2015. They got married, and in May this year, the woman gave birth to a pair of twin girls successfully. She was so envious. Both of them are models. They are tall and good-looking. With such good genes, they are really looking forward to seeing what their daughters will look like when they grow up. By the way, in Jin-chan’s mind, Higashide Masada is still the taciturn and handsome boy in "I heard Kirishima is quitting the club" (I highly recommend this movie to everyone). Now that he is a father, it feels like a world away. .

Which pairing surprised you? Which pair do you think is the best match? Welcome to leave a message and follow ~