Recently, the Zhili Veterans Station successfully resolved a conflict and dispute caused by salary settlement. The veteran police chief Chen Jianru and the veterans' meticulous, patient and sincere working attitude for the people opened up the long-standing knot of the parties in


Zhili Veterans Station has successfully resolved a conflict and dispute caused by

due to salary settlement.

Veteran Police Chief Chen Jianru and the veterans,

are meticulous, patient and sincere in their work attitude for the people,

have opened up the stalemate between the parties involved. A long-lasting knot in my heart!

Now let us

go to the mediation site and see how

veteran police chief Chen Jianru and the veterans

made both parties sit down calmly to discuss

and reach a settlement!

Incident details:

A few days ago, Li, an employee of a company in Zhili, and his husband hurriedly came to the Zhili Veterans Station to seek help from police officer Chen Jianru, “Officer Chen, look, this is my accounting book, and it’s all written by me. Piece work done during work!", "Don't worry, please speak slowly." Chen Jianru calmed Li's mood and listened carefully to what happened. It turned out that Li was a worker at a company in his jurisdiction and had a dispute with the company over wage settlement issues.

1 Patiently and meticulously resolve the dispute

After understanding the situation, based on the principle of resolving conflicts, veteran police chief Chen Jianru immediately started mediation work. On the same day, he took Li and his wife to the company where he worked to communicate face-to-face with the person in charge of the company. However, the person in charge of the company believed that Li did not come to work on the first day after the Dragon Boat Festival holiday and did not ask for leave in advance. He should be counted as absent from work and his salary would be deducted for one day. After he was dismissed, Li still came to work voluntarily on those days Wages should not be paid; but Li insisted that he had agreed that wages would be settled on a "piece basis" and that he would be paid as many pieces as he made. The two parties could not reach an agreement for a while, and the first mediation ended unhappy.

2True-hearted mediation wins praise

html On the morning of June 29, Chen Jianru summoned both parties to the Veterans Station for the second mediation. In order to resolve the matter satisfactorily, Chen Jianru specially invited business owners to participate in the mediation this time. After careful analysis and discussion, veteran police chief Chen Jianru quickly identified the entry point, used reason and emotion, and first asked Li to think about the problem from the perspective of the company, so that he could understand that it was indeed unfair to be absent from work without asking for leave. Yes, it has also caused certain problems for the company. At the same time, he persuaded the business owner that Li's work performance has been good on weekdays, and there was a reason for his absence from work that day without asking for leave. At the same time, Li now realized his mistake, so why not take a step back.

After more than an hour of mediation, the two parties finally reached an agreement. The business owner agreed to settle Li's salary based on the number of pieces and then transfer the salary to his card. This mediation result satisfied both parties.

Caring about the masses

"Veteran Sheriff" Chen Jianru has always cared about every difficult thing that the masses have, and strives not to shirk or look down upon, because he knows that every little thing is a matter of concern to the villagers. "important things".


review|Editor by Zhao Aiwei and Jiang Lanfen

|Safe Brother Diudiumei

solemnly declare that

the public security organs and people's police handle cases and investigations, and will always interview the parties by visiting the door or inviting the parties to the police station and other public security places, and never by phone. Or investigate and handle it directly online, and the parties will not be asked to remit or transfer money. If this is inconsistent with this, citizens may be considered suspected of fraud and can directly call 110 to call the police.

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