The genus Coral Pea of ​​the Papilion family is native to southwestern Australia. It has vigorous evergreen vines and one of the few black flowers in nature. In the long process of evolution, most Euonymus gave up their tall bodies and competition for the top sunlight, and instea

Rare black coral pea Kennedia nigricans: Papilionaceae Coral pea genus, native to southwestern Australia, evergreen vines grow vigorously, and there are few black flowers in nature.

Euonymus . In the long process of evolution, most Euonymus gave up their tall bodies and competition for the top sunlight, and instead relied on their strong shade tolerance to work hard in the shrub layer of the forest.

"malicious" aconite flower: the flower language is malicious. Most of the people who receive blessings from this kind of flower are different from what they appear to be, like a femme fatale. Aconitum genus, the roots are highly poisonous. In ancient times, people used its juice to coat arrows to make poisonous arrows. Toxic ingredients are diterpenoid alkaloids, the most toxic of which is aconitine. Just a few milligrams can kill people. It is a neurotoxin.

Drosera spatulata: Drosera spatulata: Drosera is an insectivorous plant. , mainly divided into the Asia-Pacific region. The genus Drosera is the most diverse and widely distributed of the carnivorous plants. The edges of the leaves are densely covered with glandular hairs that secrete mucus. Insects are stuck when they land on the leaves. The glandular trichomes are extremely sensitive and will move inward and downward when touched by a foreign object, pressing the insect against the leaf surface and gradually digesting it.

A rare South African native orchid, DISA atricapilla, 5-30 cm tall, with white, red and black flowers.

Buddleja davidii: Also known as Buddleja davidii, it is a deciduous shrub with mostly small cymes integrated into spikes. This species has become wild in most cities in central and southern Europe, and can be found in wastelands and gardens. It is an ornamental plant as many butterfly species feed on its nectar.

Catasetum expansum, a unique orchid native to Colombia

Tianshan Snow Lotus, have you seen it~~

Stapelia obduct a: Aspergaceae plant, petals after blooming Turned backward, it looks like a small furry ball. As an indispensable category of ornamental species among succulents, plants of the Asparagus family are displayed in various plant forms, various flower shapes, and colorful colors. Discover the surreal and magical side of nature.

Colorful mushrooms having a meeting...

Danebrog poppy: Poppies and poppies belong to the same family, and they are very similar in appearance. The whole poppy plant is poisonous and contains toxic alkaloids, especially the seeds. Ingestion will cause central nervous system depression and poisoning, which can be life-threatening.

Cotton flower: The scientific name of cotton is Gossypium, which is the common name of the cotton genus in the Malvaceae family. It consists of four cultivated cotton species, namely Asian cotton, African cotton, and continental cotton. Cotton, sea island cotton. flowers are milky white, turn to dark red soon after blooming and then wither, leaving green cotton bolls with cotton seeds inside. The fluff on the cotton seeds grows from the skin of the cotton seeds.

Abel , Fabaceae, is the national flower of Thailand. The tree body can grow to 10 to 20 meters high, and the filaments are yellow and bent into a hook shape. When it blooms, the tree is covered with golden flowers, and the inflorescences are in clusters of yellow flowers, like small golden wind chimes swaying in the wind, and the petals falling like rain in the wind, just like a "golden rain". Abler Flower Language: The beauty of loneliness!

King Lotus : Commonly known as King Lotus, it belongs to the genus King Lotus of the Nymphaeaceae family. This genus has only two species. Originating from the tropics of South America, it has giant and peculiar disk-like leaves, which can reach 1 to 3 meters in diameter; the edges of the leaves are turned upward by 7 to 10 cm; the top is green (without thorns) and the bottom is dark red. The leaf disk can bear 3 children. , floating on the water is very spectacular. The flowers are colorful and rich in fragrance.

Ophrys speculum: an orchid plant that looks very much like a female wasp. It also imitates the unique smell of a female wasp, making the male wasp defenseless. When a drone lands on a flower, it will pick up the pollen and take it away. Next time it is fooled, it can take it to the stigma of another flower and help pollinate the hornet orchid.

Datura fruit: The whole Datura flower is poisonous, and the seeds are the most toxic. The main components of the flower are hyoscyamine, scopolamine and a small amount of atropine. The main component of the anesthetic is scopolamine, which relaxes muscles and inhibits sweat gland secretion. Therefore, the ancients named the anesthetic made from this flower "Mongolian sweat medicine"

Hakea laurina is a plant widely cultivated in southwestern Australia.

True blue mushroom: Entoloma hochstetteri, scientific name, found in New Zealand and India. Named after German naturalist Ferdinand Hochstetter. It is unknown whether this mushroom is poisonous, but Entoloma belongs to many poisonous species. Real mushrooms are roughly the same blue color as the photos, sometimes with a hint of yellow.

Western Primula Primula auricula: Also known as European primrose. Primrose is a genus under the Primrose family, and many of them are ornamental flowers. Also known as the key flower (Schlüsselblumen) in German, it comes from a German legend, which describes a little girl inserting primrose into the keyhole to open the castle door. America. The leaves are wide and long with fine spines on the edges, and the sap contains a variety of steroidal saponins, which are toxic. Agave takes more than ten years to grow before blooming, and has the longest inflorescence among ground plants, reaching a maximum height of 8 meters. A single plant only blooms once in its life. After the flowers fade, the mother plant gradually dies. If the pollination is successful, it can produce an oval capsule.

Strongylodon macrobotrys: also known as emerald kudzu, an evergreen woody vine, native to the tropical rainforest of the Philippines. The claw-shaped flowers vary in color from blue-green to mint green, and the inflorescences can reach up to 1.5 meters. The extremely unusual colors are almost different from any plants. Some famous gardens such as the Royal Botanic Gardens and the Botanical Garden of Cambridge University have introduced

Teddy Bear Sunflower Sunflower "Big Bear": short and with thick and dense orange petals, blurry His appearance is cute and naive. (Flowers and plants are also cute...)

Moraea iridioides: Asparagaceae, herbaceous plant, distributed in the southern hemisphere

Dutch crocus Crocus vernus: also known as purple crocus, Crocus vernus. The color of the upright flowers ranges from white to purple , sometimes with purple stripes, sometimes with dark spots. The flowering season is from March to June, and a few can reach August. New bulbous tubers grow on the basis of old roots every year.

Fritillaria meleagris: Fritillaria meleagris, also known as Altai Fritillary, is native to Europe, but its wild species are endangered in France, Slovenia, Romania and other places. They are the only lily native to Britain. It is rare in the wild due to land use changes. Fritillaria is the national symbol of Croatia

Ferraria crispa

Dracula Orchid Dracula Simia: A strange orchid growing in the fog forests of southeastern Ecuador and Peru. There are about 120 species. Most of them are known as monkey-like faces. It is called "monkey-faced dragon orchid". This orchid usually grows nearly 2,000 meters above the line of sight and is very secretive and difficult to spot.Although Dracula is also the name of the vampire Dracula, here it means "little dragon"

Mascus rose: Rosaceae genus. Originally from Syria, it was introduced to Central Europe during the Crusades and was widely cultivated in France starting in the 14th century. The pure and delicate floral fragrance makes it the most popular fragrance. It is widely cultivated and used to extract rose essential oil, and it is regarded as the best among rose essential oils. The real Damascus rose flower itself is not beautiful. It is so famous mainly for its floral fragrance

pink mushroom

Borago officinalis: Borage of the Boragaceae family is a medicinal herb with a history of seven hundred years in Europe and is native to Syria. . It was often used in the Renaissance to decorate the robe of the Virgin Mary as a source of courage. Legend has it that if you hold a borage flower in your hand, silently recite your lover's name, then let it fall into the water, the flower will drift with the current and become destined; if it floats in the middle of the water, it will last forever

Pokeweed: native to North America, the whole plant is poisonous ! The roots and fruits are the most toxic. Because their rhizomes resemble ginseng, they are often mistaken for ginseng. Symptoms of poisoning are: severe vomiting or dry choking, burning sensation from mouth to stomach, abdominal convulsions, diarrhea, and even death from cardiac paralysis. The State Forestry Administration has issued a forestry pest warning notice. Phytolacca americana is an invasive plant and requires high attention and vigilance!

Clematis "Josephine" Clematis Josephine: The flowers are beautiful double flowers with light pink petals with dark pink stripes. The flowering period is long and can be enjoyed throughout the summer.

Oleander leaf Poseidon flower (Protea neriifolia) : The genus Poseidon of the family Proteaceae, with about 115 species, is native to tropical areas of Africa. The genus name Protea is named after Proteus, the god of the sea in Greek mythology. Proteus, the god of the sea, has the power to change his shape at will, and is used to describe the changeable appearance of Poseidon plants.

Crimson ipomoea repanda flower: Ipomoea repanda, this genus is the genus with the most species in the Convolvulaceae family, most of which are called morning glories. The trumpet-shaped flowers are attractive enough to attract lepidopterans and even hummingbirds. People use the alkaloids contained in Ipomoea genus as psychoactive drugs. Some are also important ingredients in psychedelic drugs. Tricolor morning glory seeds are used by shamans for divination to cause sinners to enter malignant hallucinations. 7

Wine Glass Flower Geissorhiza radians: A genus of radians in the Iridaceae family, native to the western and southern coasts of South Africa, growing on sandy slopes and granite outcrops. It belongs to the small bulb type and has strong color contrast. It is the representative variety of South Africa's wine glass flower.

Osteospermum: Asteraceae Osteospermum, the scientific name comes from the Greek "bone" and the Latin "seed". About 50 species are produced in Africa, of which 35 are in southern Africa and Arabia. It is a semi-cold-resistant plant

Silver Sophora japonica (sea poison tree) native to the Indian Ocean. The stamens are like many tentacles overflowing, but only medium-sized petals can give birth to huge fruits.

Soul-calling angel: Amanita virosa. The whole body is white, only the center of the cap is light yellow, and the stalk is scaly. It is extremely toxic and can cause damage to the liver and has a very high fatality rate. It is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere. In Japan, it is collectively known as the "Amanita amanita" and "Amanita amanita" and is often mistaken for other white edible fungi.Because the risk is too high, it is recommended not to pick white fungi for consumption.

Himalayan blue poppy fruit Meconopsis

Liliaceae Xerophyllum tenax belongs to the Melanthiaceae family. It is an annual plant and is a close relative of lilies. Native to mountainous areas of North America, it is common in subalpine grasslands and coastal mountains from southern British Columbia to California and eastern Wyoming.

Christmas rose : Christmas rose is also known as hellebore. There are about 20 varieties, most of which are poisonous plants. Although the name contains the word "rose", it has nothing to do with roses in the Rosaceae family. In early Western medicinal herbs, hellebore herbs were divided into two types: black and white. Black sneezeweed, which includes several species of the Christmas rose genus, is highly toxic and is used especially to treat insanity. In the witchcraft community, hellebore is believed to summon demons.

Ceropegia: A genus under the Aspergaceae family, it is an upright or climbing subshrub plant. There are about 170 species in this genus, which are distributed in Africa, Asia and Oceania.

Parnassia asarifolia: Parnassia asarifolia: Celastraceae. Many plants of this genus can grow in cold and barren places. The genus name comes from the Greek mythology Parnassia. Mount Parnassus is the home of the Muses.

Ice Cream Tulip: Almost the same size as 2 ordinary tulips, the folded petals resemble peonies, and are often called peony tulips. The white petals in the center are stacked tightly together, and they really look like vanilla ice cream.

Zinnia (Zinnia) is a genus under the Asteraceae family and is an annual or perennial herb or subshrub. There are about 20 species of this genus, distributed in the Americas

Corpse flower: The scientific name is Titan Amorphophallus, also known as Corpse Odor Amorphophallus. Discovered in the Sumatra Islands in 1878, it is the largest flower in the world, with a diameter of about 1.8 meters and a height of nearly 3 meters. The corolla emits the smell of rotting corpses. Wild konjac does not bloom often. In 1889, Titan konjac in the Royal Botanic Gardens bloomed the first artificially cultivated flower. Now the number of cultivated plants around the world has gradually increased.

Iris reticulata: dwarf iris, flowering period 3 -April, there are purple, blue-violet, dark blue, purple-red and other flower colors. Native to the Caucasus. The plant is very short, about 10cm, with flowers and leaves growing at the same time. When blooming, the flowers are visible but not the leaves, as if they are blooming directly on the ground.

Queen Puya Puya berteroniana: Bromeliad plant, a terrestrial plant native to the central Andes Mountains of South America and the southern United States

Beautiful Aristolochia Aristolochia elegans: also known as pipe flower, cotton flower, Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia Bells are perennial climbing herbaceous vines native to South America.

Flying Duck Orchid (Flying Duck Orchid) This is a terrestrial orchid that is only produced in Australia. The sides of its flowers look like little ducks flying in the air, so Australia is not the only place with duck-like platypuses. There are also duck-like orchids

very fresh

bicolor wood sorrel O. versicolor: Wood sorrel is a genus , which is the largest genus in the wood sorrel family. There are 900 known species in the family Oxalis, 800 of which belong to the genus Oxalis. Many species are known as wood sorrel. The genus Oxalis is found throughout the world except in the polar regions. The varieties are particularly rich in the tropics of Brazil and Mexico and South Africa.

Purple Sensation Large Pom Pom: Allium, scientific name Allium hollandicum. There are about 1,250 species of perennial bulbs in the genus Allium. They were formerly classified into the Liliaceae family, but now botanical classification separates them into the Allium family.Some Allium plants are used for ornamental purposes, while others, such as shallots, garlic, and leeks, are used for daily food or seasoning. of. Its flower language in Japan is "proud of you, deep love, innocence, brilliant"

Baobab flower: scientific name is Bobabu tree, also known as traveler tree and dead mouse tree. A large deciduous tree native to Africa. The canopy is huge and strange, with drooping white flowers and the smell of carrion. The fruit is full of pulp, dried and hardened and then broken into pieces like dry bread. The vitamin C content is three times that of oranges. In 2008, the European Union approved baobab fruit as a juice ingredient, and in 2009, the United States approved dried pulp as a safe food.

Sakura Primula: Primula, many species cultivated as ornamental flowers. It is native to the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere as far south as Ethiopia, Indonesia, and New Guinea, and in temperate southern South America. Many are ornamental flowers. Also known as the key flower in German, it comes from a German legend about a little girl inserting a primrose into the keyhole to open the castle door.

eucalyptus flower

double jade Bamboo Polygonatum odoratum 'Flore pleno'

torch ginger etlingera elatior: also known as "porcelain rose" perennial herb, native to Africa, Mexico, the Philippines and other places. This flower has thick and straight caps, thick and double petals, which are porcelain or waxy; the color is beautiful and the flower shape is beautiful, like a fiery red lotus. If it is fully opened, it will be as big as the mouth of a bowl. It is an excellent cut flower variety.

silk whiskers Tacca integrifolia: It is a plant of the genus Tacca integrifolia in the family Tacca integrifolia. It is distributed in Thailand, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Myanmar and Tibet in mainland China. It grows in areas with an altitude of 800 to 850 meters. It usually grows under dense forests on hillside. It has not yet been artificially introduced and cultivated.

Cookeina speciosa: distributed in tropical or subtropical areas, Peninsular Malaysia There are records of the indigenous people using some species of this genus as food or as fishing bait

Blue Iris

Ghost Flower Crystal Orchid: Wintergreen, not an orchid or a mushroom, is a parasitic plant with saprophytes. It does not carry out photosynthesis without chlorophyll, and its leaves degenerate into scales. Commonly found in cool and humid coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests at an altitude of 1500-2500 meters. The monoecious plant is crystal clear and white, like a crystal-like tobacco pipe. Although it is called a ghost flower, it does not hurt people and has a very good effect in treating internal deficiency and chronic cough.

Gardenia: also known as plumeria, it is one of the plants of the genus Gardenia in the family Apocynaceae. There are about 50 species of Gardenia in the world. Generally used for ornamental purposes. The essence can be extracted for use in the manufacture of high-end cosmetics, soaps and food additives. Hawaiian girls will string Burmese gardenia flowers into garlands.

Silene vulgaris: Silene vulgaris: a plant of the genus Caryophyllaceae. Distributed in Europe, Mongolia, Iran, Turkey, Africa, India, Nepal, Heilongjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia and other places in China, growing in areas with an altitude of 150 meters to 2,700 meters.

King Poseidon

Bleeding heart: The scientific name is Dicentra spectabilis. It is native to northern China. It has flowers like purses and leaves like peonies. They are mostly pink and white multi-color flowers with exquisite flower-shaped leaves. Clusters scattered. Because of its heart-like shape, it is also called Bleeding heart in English.

Snowdrop Snowdrop: The genus Snowdrop first appeared in German literature in the 17th century. The name came from a teardrop-shaped earring that was popular at the time, rather than blooming in the snow. Flower language: Hope. When Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, it was cold and freezing. Eve looked at the earth without flowers with tears in her eyes. The angel flew up and caught a piece of snow and blew it, turning it into a snowdrop. He gave it to Eve and told her to have hope. Falling leaves and blooming flowers, never seeing each other again, means loneliness. It often flourishes near cemeteries, with a bright red color like blood. It blooms during the Japanese folk custom of autumn on the other side (a festival is held three days before and after the autumnal equinox), and is also called the other side flower. Translated into Sanskrit as "Manzhushahua (flower)", it is a flower of heaven described in Buddhist scriptures. It is considered to be the flower of greeting by the Santu River. The magic power of the floral fragrance can evoke the memory of the deceased.

"Fairy's Bell" blue Hyacinthoides non-scripta: Hyacinthaceae, bluebell, perennial bulb plant. , found in the Atlantic region, northwest Spain and the British Isles. The flower language is visit and repentance

Purple Ranunculus Ranunculus asiaticus: also known as celery flower and Persian buttercup, it is a perennial herbaceous flower of Ranunculaceae Ranunculus genus. Ranunculus is native to the Mediterranean coast and has been widely cultivated in France, Israel and other European countries. It is currently cultivated in countries all over the world.

Blue Tinsel Lily: The scientific name is Calectasia narragara, and it is a unique plant of the baldaceae family in Western Australia. In the "Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999" drafted by the Australian Ministry of Justice, blue lily is listed as critically endangered species

Euonymus alatus: also called ghost arrow feather. Deciduous shrub, obovate oblong leaves are opposite, with finely serrated edges. In autumn, the red leaves are like brocade, bright and dazzling. The yellow-green flowers are arranged in 3 short-stemmed cymes. The reddish-purple capsule is divided into 4 ramets, but only 1-2 ramets are developed. It grows wild on hillsides and ditches, and has not yet been artificially introduced and cultivated.

Fritillaria persica L.: Fritillaria persica is a perennial herb of the Liliaceae family. Plant height 30-60cm. The leaves are green with a hint of gray. Panicle inflorescence, bell-shaped corolla, about 2-3cm long, flower color is dark purple to green-brown. Flowering in spring, native to West Asia.

purple potted flower Scabiosa atropurpurea: blue potted flower Dipsaceae plant

succulents: cold-resistant, heat-resistant or drought-resistant plants, mainly growing in deserts and coastal areas. Some rhizomes are large and the leaves are reduced to facilitate water storage. Such as Crassulaceae, Agaveceae, Euphorbiaceae, Apocynaceae, Liliaceae, etc. Cactus can also be regarded as a kind of succulent, but because there are so many species, about 3000 to 5000 species, many books list it independently as "cactus and succulent plants". . There are 30 species of Zingiber officinale in the genus Zingiber officinale, distributed in tropical and subtropical areas of Asia.

Cannonball tree: a tall softwood tree of the family Zingiberaceae, native to northeastern South America and cultivated in southern North America. Spherical, up to 20 cm in diameter, wooden, shaped like a rusty cannonball, with thick flesh, containing many seeds, and a hard outer shell. It is commonly used as a utensil locally.(Some posts mistakenly regard this flower as the flower of the sal or linden tree... although it is completely different from

-winged passionflower Passiflora alata: native to the Amazon, from Peru to eastern Brazil, the plant is not small, the diameter of the flower is 10 -12 cm. In Brazil, passionflower is used as a medicine and was included in the first edition of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia in 1929.

Lupin: an annual herbaceous plant in the leguminous family, produced in the Mediterranean, and mostly grows in places where other plants cannot survive. The texture of the flower is "bitter". According to the transliteration, it is called "Lu Binghua" in Taiwan.

Purple pom-pom dahlia "Mary's Jomanda": Dahlia genus in the Asteraceae family, native to the plateau areas of Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia. The flower variety has been With more than 30,000 species, it is one of the species with the most varieties of flowers in the world. Mexicans regard it as a symbol of generosity and magnificence, so they respect it as the national flower. 60 to 70 species of perennial plants. The whole plant is poisonous and can cause dermatitis (blisters), gastroenteritis, heart paralysis, etc.

Ghost poppy: also known as Oriental poppy, native to the Mediterranean coast and Iran, it is a perennial herb with large flowers. The flower is light and delicate, and the color is bright and changeable. The flower language represents obedience and peace. The African egret flower (Hydnora africana) is a native plant in southern Africa. It usually grows in arid and barren desert areas. This flower grows underground, except for flowers like The flesh-like flowers are exposed on the ground, releasing a corpse stench that attracts dung beetles and corpse-eating beetles. The beautiful bright red flowers are a trap, luring the beetles into the flowers and trap them to death, absorbing nutrients

Gloriosa superba: The national flower of Zimbabwe. The flower shape is unique, like a burning flame, gorgeous and elegant; its petals are rolled back and are an important feature. The name of the flower comes from the Latin word "amazing" and "beautiful". Gentiana panthaica: A plant of the genus Gentianaceae, which is endemic to China. It is distributed in Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places in mainland China. It grows in areas with an altitude of 1,600 meters to 3,800 meters. It generally grows in areas. In forest edges, shrubs, forest understory, river beaches, hillside grasslands and roadsides, it has not yet been artificially introduced