According to a report by Russia's TASS news agency on June 1, on May 31, local time, Ukrainian President Zelensky revealed Ukraine's daily battlefield losses in an interview with the U.S. conservative news media Newsmax. He said that Ukraine had 60-100 casualties every day. Soldi

According to a report by Russia's TASS news agency on June 1, on May 31, local time, Ukrainian President Zelensky revealed Ukraine's daily battlefield losses in an interview with the U.S. conservative news media Newsmax. He said Ukraine's daily losses were 60 -100 soldiers died and about 500 wounded.

Ukrainian President Zelenskiy’s TASS news agency profile picture

According to Newsmax, Zelensky said in an interview: “The situation in eastern Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk south is the most difficult.” He said , "The situation is very difficult. Every day, 60 to 100 of our soldiers are killed in the fighting, and about 500 people are injured in the fighting."

Zelensky said that Ukraine does not intend to cede its territory, but the difficulties related to this can be discussed . He said, "We are not prepared to give up any of our territories because these territories are ours; it is our independence, our sovereignty." But he acknowledged that "there are some difficulties with some territorial issues and there are some details (that can talks). All these difficulties can be discussed, and these discussions are necessary to stop the war,"

Zelensky added: "Such discussions are necessary to resolve these difficulties and challenges through diplomatic channels, otherwise nothing will happen. "It won't work."

According to Reuters reported on May 31, Zelensky said in a speech late that night that the Ukrainian army had achieved some victories near the southern city of Kherson and was working on Khar. Cobh state is promoted in some areas. He said, "Despite the significant advantages of the Russian army in equipment and numbers, our defenders showed the greatest courage and still controlled the situation on the front line." (Editor: HHJ)