In the political commentary program "Normal Play" of Taiwan's Zhongtian News on the 16th, the program host Dan Shenguang mentioned that the mainland announced that Taiwan would be suspended from the 13th due to repeated detections of malachite green and other banned drugs and oxy

Source: Global Network

[Global Network Comprehensive Report Reporter Zhao Youping] Due to multiple detections of banned substances in grouper imported from Taiwan to the mainland, the mainland has suspended the import of grouper from Taiwan since June 13. The Democratic Progressive Party authorities claimed that the mainland was "suppressing" Taiwan and had "political purposes." Regarding the DPP authorities' attempts to discredit the mainland and engage in "double standards" without rectifying the problem, Taiwanese media person Chen Huiwen bluntly stated in the island's political commentary program on the 16th that originally, agricultural and fishery products such as grouper "we They are all sold at an advantage to the mainland." "Now I am very afraid that mainlanders will look down on Taiwanese." He also hopes that mainland friends will understand that "not every Taiwanese is like this."

In the political commentary program "Normal Performance" of Taiwan's Zhongtian News on the 16th, the program host Dan Shenguang mentioned that the mainland announced that due to repeated detections of banned drugs such as malachite green and oxytetracycline , it would The import of grouper from Taiwan has been suspended since the 13th. The reaction of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities seems familiar, "If you don't import grouper, you (DPP authorities) will scold you; if you don't import pineapple, you will scold; if you don't import other Fruits, you have to scold them too. I just want to ask, the same goes for New Zealand . Your lychees and mangoes are not allowed to enter (due to the detection of fruit fly larvae), but you say 'we respect the processing of the importing country'; export. It was revealed that there were problems with the pineapples arriving in Japan. You said that they were of poor quality and could not be put on the market. Why are there two sets of standards? "

Regarding this, Chen Huiwen, a media person on the island, also said that the mainland announced a suspension of the import of Taiwanese grouper, and the Democratic Progressive Party The reaction of the party authorities was the same as last year. He believes, "This is where we are not growing and progressing." He lamented that the cross-strait situation has reversed, and now he is afraid that "mainland people will look down on Taiwanese people."

Chen Huiwen said: "We all sell these things (referring to groupers and pineapples) at an advantage from the mainland. Is there no grouper on the mainland? Is there no pineapple on the mainland? They have more pineapples than we do, so why? People buy from us, but our attitude towards the mainland is completely different from that towards New Zealand and Japan. If you are a mainlander, what would you think if I buy from you and you still behave like this? ! "

Chen Huiwen continued, "Mainland friends, I hope you understand that not every Taiwanese is like this. From fog to grouper to frozen white hairtail, once there is a problem with Taiwan's agricultural products, if they come from the mainland, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities will use the same political language. In contrast, lychees exported from Taiwan to New Zealand were found to have live insects. So far, the country has The importation of lychees from Taiwan has not been re-allowed, so how come the Tsai administration has not responded harshly? The

article bluntly stated that if Taiwan’s agricultural and fishery products are to be exported, they should comply with the other party’s regulations. Whether it is pests, drug residues detected, or positive tests for the new coronavirus, the pragmatic approach for the authorities should be to check whether there are problems in each export link. , and make improvements, "Rather than just blaming the other side when encountering a mainland ban without examining oneself, relying solely on political manipulation will only cause more and more Taiwan's agricultural and fishery products to lose the mainland market."

Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, also asked on the 15th of this month that when there were problems with agricultural products sold to Japan, Singapore, and New Zealand, the DPP authorities showed respect, apologized, and compensated. Why did the mainland change its face when the same problem was detected in agricultural products imported from Taiwan?

Ma Xiaoguang also said that since last year, the mainland has repeatedly notified relevant parties in Taiwan of the substandard batches of grouper drugs, requiring them to improve the aquatic animal safety management system. Taiwan has never provided evidence of the so-called rectification, and recently there have been cases of banned drugs being detected in grouper imported from the mainland. In order to protect the health and safety of consumers, the mainland has no choice but to suspend the import of Taiwanese grouper.