Shen Ye said that studying different modes of transmission is of great significance for understanding the infection patterns of the new coronavirus and improving disease treatment methods and prevention and control measures. According to the article, Shen Ye introduced that the f

On February 28, the official WeChat ID of Zhejiang University published the article "Zhejiang University team discovered the presence of the new coronavirus in tears and conjunctival secretions for the first time, and is wary of new transmission methods." It was pointed out that on February 26, the deputy dean of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine , the team of Professor Shen Ye, leader of the Department of Ophthalmology, published a research work online in the Journal of Medical Virology, revealing that among the samples of patients with new coronavirus pneumonia studied, there was a patient with conjunctivitis. The patient's tears and conjunctival secretion samples showed positive results for the virus in the nucleic acid test .

It is reported that the first author of the study is Xia Jianhua, and the co-corresponding authors are Shen Ye and Guo Dongyu. The first unit of the paper is the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine.

Shen Ye introduced that studying different modes of transmission is of great significance for grasping the infection patterns of the new coronavirus and improving disease treatment methods and prevention and control measures.

According to the article, Zhejiang University researchers studied the mixture of tears and conjunctival secretions of 30 COVID-19 patients diagnosed at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine from January 26 to February 9. In the study of 6 samples in the first phase, no nucleic acid test was found to be positive for the virus. The team decisively believes that the existing samples are not representative and comprehensive. Therefore, it is necessary to extend the observation period and continue to stay in the isolation ward to conduct sampling and research.

The article stated that Shen Ye introduced that the following conclusions can be drawn from this study:

1. Conjunctivitis in the patient’s left eye is related to the new coronavirus;

2. There is a risk of eye infection of the new coronavirus;

3. The respiratory tract may not be transmitted by the new coronavirus. The only way.