Because gasoline includes special oil revenue, consumption tax, resource tax, value-added tax, urban maintenance and construction fees, and education fees, the six taxes and fees together account for 47.4%, and these do not include the profit from two barrels of oil.

Why the price of gasoline in China is higher than that in other countries around the world? Gasoline taxes and fees account for a large part of the reason. Because gasoline contains special oil revenue , consumption tax, resource tax, value-added tax, urban maintenance and construction fees, and education fees, the six taxes and fees together account for 47.4%, and these do not include the profit from two barrels of oil. Therefore, domestic gasoline prices are so high compared to some countries around the world. These taxes include the original "road maintenance fees."

Starting from January 1, 2009, road maintenance fees will be cancelled, and will be charged in the form of additional taxes on gasoline. This is more fair and reasonable for drivers, and avoids the unfair situation in the past where road maintenance fees were paid across the board and the taxes paid were the same for different mileage.

But with the emergence of new energy vehicles, this originally fair and reasonable tax policy for fuel vehicles has no place for new energy vehicles. Because the electric car does not need to be refueled, there is no need to pay road maintenance fees in the form of gasoline taxes. The value-added tax on electricity for new energy vehicles is only 17%, which is quite different from the gasoline tax of 47.7%. Will there be any changes in the country's tax policy on new energy vehicles in the future? How can we share the road maintenance fees paid by fuel vehicle owners in a more fair and reasonable way?