Taiwan Strait News, June 3 According to Xiamen Daily, more than a thousand contestants from 41 participating teams from both sides of the Taiwan Strait cut through the waves and splashed in the water together to "immerse" Chinese culture and appreciate the charm of Dragon Boat Fe

Source: Taiwan Strait Network

The contestants jumped forward amidst the sound of gongs and drums.

The Xiamen Taiwan Association and Xiamen University-Taiwan Youth League took photos after the game. It was a lot of fun.

The dragon boat tug-of-war competition was full of passion.

"Dragon and Tiger Leap" 2022 cross-strait dragon boat race event site.

Taiwan Strait News, June 3 According to Xiamen Daily , more than a thousand contestants from 41 participating teams from both sides of the Taiwan Strait cut through the waves and hit the water together to experience the Chinese culture in an "immersive" way with dragon boat friends and appreciate the charm of Dragon Boat Festival folk customs. Yesterday morning, the "Dragon Soars and Tiger Leap" 2022 cross-strait dragon boat racing event kicked off with the gong sounding at the Jimei Dragon Boat Pool.

The competition is divided into a 300-meter straight race and the Chinese Dragon Boat Tug of War Open. Yesterday morning, the preliminaries, semi-finals and semi-finals of the 300-meter straight race were held. Yesterday afternoon, the Chinese Dragon Boat Tug of War Open was held. The traditional "eye-dotting ceremony" of the 300-meter straight race finals and the dragon boat race will be held this morning, and the award ceremony will also be held on the same day.

Among the 41 teams participating this year, 17 are Taiwanese teams. "We are the sisters who ride the wind and waves!" The Alocasia-Taiwanese social work team, composed of Taiwan compatriots and Taiwanese in Xiamen, is full of energy and shouts its slogan to the camera. This team participated in the social group competition. The age of the team members ranged from 18 to 60, and they gathered three generations of "old, middle and young". Although Jian Li, whose hometown is in Yilan, Taiwan, is born in the 2000s, she is one of the key members of the team with the most experience in competitions. "Taiwan also has the custom of Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat racing, but the competition system is different. The competition in Taiwan is The victory is expressed by the flag bearer on the dragon boat. The main thing here in mainland China is the time trial. "There are 20 paddlers in the team, 10 of whom are Taiwanese students. They usually train together, work together and work together." Guo Yusheng of the Huaqiao University Dragon Boat Team said that through the dragon boat competition, the distance between young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait has been further shortened and mutual affection has been enhanced.

Many dragon boat teams from other cities in the province participated in the competition. The Yanping Lake Dragon Boat Team from Nanping City was full of momentum and won the first place in the group in the first round of preliminaries. "Our team members come from all walks of life, and we can't find time to train until evening." Captain Wang Mingguang said that unlike the experience of paddling dragon boats in the stream before, the water in the dragon boat pool is relatively still and "hard". Swinging the oar requires more effort and is a greater physical challenge.



Dragon boat tug-of-war

Staged Fast and Furious

On the water, two dragon boats were "back to back", connected by a rope in the middle. The dragon boat team members on both sides of the rope swung their paddles vigorously and "pulled" the rope to the other side within one minute. On your own side, it is an extreme test of explosive power, endurance and teamwork. Yesterday afternoon, as the highlight of the first day of the "Dragon Soaring and Tiger Leaping" 2022 cross-strait dragon boat racing event, the 7th China Dragon Boat Tug of War Open kicked off at the Jimei Dragon Boat Pool. Eight strong teams, including Jimei School Sports Association, Xiamen Ocean University, Fuzhou University , and Xiamen University Taiwanese Men’s Team, competed in pairs. In the end, the Jimei School Village Sports Association team, which was just established this year, won the championship trophy. middle.

In fact, the dragon boat tug-of-war event was born in Jimei and made its debut in the 2014 "Kyageng Cup" and "Jingxian Cup" cross-strait Dragon Boat Races . Later, the Chinese Dragon Boat Association adopted the venue standards, equipment specifications and competition model of the Jimei dragon boat tug-of-war, and promoted it in national dragon boat competitions.

Children experience the activity of fishing for rice dumplings.


Traditional activities

Experience the charm of Dragon Boat Festival folk customs

Realgar, shooting five poisons, wrapping five threads, fighting with hundreds of herbs ... There was a lot of excitement in Jiageng Park yesterday, and the ancient ritual Dragon Boat Festival interactive area was full of fun The traditional experience activities attracted many citizens to participate.

In addition to the exciting and intense dragon boat racing , the 18th Cross-Strait Dragon Boat Festival Cultural Forum, the 17th Jimei (Dragon Boat Festival) Poetry Festival, the traditional sacrificial ceremony on both sides of the strait, "Our Festival·Dragon Boat Festival" cross-strait dragon boat battle, A series of cultural activities with a strong traditional flavor, such as ancient rituals during the Dragon Boat Festival, special performances of southern Fujian folk arts, and duck catching on the water, were also staged one after another.

On the cross-strait dragon boat battle stage, the performance "Dragon Soaring across the Sea and Chasing the Waves High" by the Jimei University Dragon Dance Team shocked everyone. The Jimei University Dragon Dance Team won the highest folk art award, the " Mountain Flower Award ". At the scene, the actors rotated, jumped, and flew on the field with superb skills, fully demonstrating the "essence, energy, spirit, and charm" of the Chinese dragon.

【Taiwan compatriot style】

Wearing Hanfu to show cultural confidence

At the on-site inspection, a figure wearing platinum Hanfu was particularly eye-catching. He is Chen Shengyuan, the drummer of the Xiang'an Taiwanese Dragon Boat Team and a Taiqing student from Miaoli, Taiwan.

"I think wearing Hanfu can better reflect the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation." Chen Shengyuan told reporters that dragon boat rowing is a regular activity during the Dragon Boat Festival. Incorporating Hanfu elements can make traditional culture more colorful and eye-catching.

"When the team was first formed, because we had no experience, the boat stayed still for a long time. However, everyone encouraged each other and actively communicated. After many practices, our rowing skills improved rapidly." Chen Shengyuan said, "The competition Dragon boating is a test of team cohesion, but young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait work together, with a common goal, and move forward at the same pace, no matter how difficult it is. "

Join hands with friends to spread cross-strait culture.

" Our team's slogan is 'Cross-strait together, work hard with all our strength. Go'!" On the evening of June 1, Chen Weiru, captain of the Xiamen Taiwan Youth League of Xiamen University and a Taiwan youth from Pingtung, Taiwan, posted a post on the social platform, which received more than 400 likes within a few hours.

"My friend Wei Xiao Jiaqi is a master's degree graduate of Xiamen University Taiwan Research Institute. She often recommends Xiamen to me. After I visited Xiamen for the first time in August 2021, I decided to stay here. Now, the two of us run Douyin 'Taiwan Handsome Martha', mainly to spread cross-strait culture and share interesting stories from both sides." Chen Weiru said that she and Wei Xiao Jiaqi participated in the dragon boat racing event and went forward together. .


Tan Kah Kee and Dragon Boat Racing

Every Dragon Boat Festival, "Dragon Boat Racing in the Dragon Boat Pool" has become a unique scenery in Jimei. In Jimei, the promotion of dragon boat sports is closely related to Mr. Tan Kah Kee. Under his advocacy, Jimei built my country's first dedicated artificial pool for dragon boat racing, and Mr. Jiageng also created my country's first charter for dragon boat racing.

In the early 1950s, Mr. Jiageng, who returned to China to settle down, organized dragon boat racing activities at sea in order to improve the physical fitness of teachers and students in the school village and Jimei people. Later, in order to avoid the risk of competition at sea, Mr. Jiageng built embankments and built three pools: the inner, the middle, and the outer. The outer pool was built in 1955 and is now the Jimei Dragon Boat Pool. It is also the first dedicated dragon boat competition in my country. Artificial pool. Mr. Jiageng devoted great effort and enthusiasm to the dragon boat racing. He once personally wrote the "Jimei Dragon Boat Racing Chronicles". After several years of exploration and innovation in the dragon boat racing, Jimei pioneered the dragon boat racing method, which became the national dragon boat racing charter in the future. blueprint. (Reporters Ying Jie Huang Wanjun Photo/Reporters Wang Huoyan Lin Minghong Huang Xiaozhen)