News from this website (Beijing New News reporter Liu Hui) On June 17, the Hohhot Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference to introduce the implementation of the talent policy in Hohhot and how college graduates can apply for rental and house p

News from this website ( Northern News reporter Liu Hui) On June 17, the Hohhot Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference to introduce Hohhot City to promote the implementation of talent policies and how to handle college graduates. Applying for rental and home purchase subsidies is explained in detail.

According to reports, in order to further promote the "One Hundred Thousand College Students Remaining in Hunan Project" and the "Lilac Rooting Plan", the capital has issued the "Hohhot City Talent Attraction Policy 10 Supporting Implementation Measures for Talent Employment and Entrepreneurship Support (Trial)", and launched a rental program for college graduates. Home purchase subsidy policy.

Among them, the scope and standards of rental subsidies are: graduates of full-time ordinary colleges and universities with bachelor's degree or above who graduated after June 22, 2019, are employed in non-public enterprises in Hohhot or start their own businesses, and meet the requirements for signing a labor contract You can apply for a rental subsidy after paying social security for 3 months, having no house in your home and living in rented house (renting period is June 22, 2021 - June 23, 2022). The specific subsidy standards are: monthly subsidies of 1,000 yuan, 800 yuan, and 500 yuan for doctoral students, master's students, and undergraduate students respectively. The scope and standards of

house purchase subsidies are: graduates of full-time general colleges and universities with a bachelor's degree or above who graduated after June 22, 2016, are employed in non-public enterprises in Hohhot or start their own businesses, and meet the requirements of signing a labor contract and paying social security for more than 1 year. , purchasing a house in Huzhou for the first time after June 22, 2021, etc., you can apply for a house purchase subsidy. The specific subsidy standards are: PhD students, master's students, and undergraduates who buy a house in Hu for the first time will be given subsidies of 100,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan, and 30,000 yuan respectively.

Lan Jun, deputy director of the Hohhot Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, introduced that rental and housing subsidy services are concentrated in June and December every year. On June 24, the bureau will open online and offline processing channels. Applicants can log in to the Lilac Root APP or Submit the required documents to the Hohhot Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. The acceptance period is from June 24 to July 24. The bureau will jointly review and confirm the application for rent-to-purchase subsidies with the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau.

It is also reported that in terms of entrepreneurship, Hohhot City will provide entrepreneurial guaranteed loan support to entrepreneurial college graduates and small and micro enterprises founded by college graduates. College graduates who start a business in the four districts of the city can apply for entrepreneurial guaranteed loans in the lobby on the second floor of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. College graduates within the banner (county) can apply to the employment service department of the banner (county) where the business is located. One-time talent rewards for newly introduced talents by enterprises in the "six major industrial clusters", rewards for enterprises to absorb college students, and rewards for enterprises to establish postdoctoral workstations can be processed by submitting applications to the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

In order to promote the implementation of talent policies, the Hohhot Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has opened a consultation hotline: 0471-3960312. Consultation hours: 9:00-12:00 am, 1:30-5:00 pm every Monday to Friday.

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