[For high-quality energy content, click on the upper right corner and add 'Follow'] The key to building a new power system with new energy as the main body is to improve the flexibility of the system. As an important regulating resource, energy storage plays an important role in

[High-quality energy content, click on the upper right corner to add 'Follow']

The key to building a new power system with new energy as the main body is to improve the flexibility of the system. As an important regulating resource, energy storage plays an important role in promoting a high proportion of new energy consumption, ensuring safe power supply, and improving the operating efficiency of the power system. The industry should coordinate and promote the development of the energy storage industry based on the characteristics of various types of energy storage and combined with the operation requirements of new power systems with new energy as the main body.

(Text丨Yang Zaimin Sun Siyang)

Energy storage helps to build a green, safe and efficient new power system

Energy storage helps to improve the level of new energy consumption and achieve green and low-carbon development . The basic connotation of building a new power system is to reconstruct the energy production, supply, storage and marketing system and realize the transformation and upgrading of the energy structure from fossil energy as the main body to new energy as the main body. Compared with fossil energy, new energy sources such as wind power and photovoltaics are unstable power sources that depend on the weather. Energy storage can effectively solve the problem of time and space mismatch between new energy output and electricity load, and achieve full consumption and utilization of new energy.

Energy storage helps enhance system flexibility and improve the safety level of new power systems. The new power system with new energy as the main body shows obvious "double high" characteristics of high proportion of renewable energy access and high proportion of power electronic equipment application. Under the constraints of carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, the development scale of traditional regulated power sources such as coal power is limited, and the flexibility of the future power system will be difficult to meet the operational requirements of large-scale grid integration of new energy sources. Flexible energy storage can not only effectively improve the system's regulation capabilities, but also provide frequency and voltage support for the system, improve power quality, and improve the safety and stability of new power systems.

Energy storage has diverse application scenarios and can improve the operating efficiency of new power systems. On the power supply side, energy storage can improve the level of new energy consumption through collaborative optimization operations; on the grid side, energy storage can improve the power supply capacity of the grid and delay or replace grid investment; on the user side, energy storage can be deeply integrated with new power terminals. Form a new energy consumption pattern that integrates production and marketing and intelligent energy use to improve system operation efficiency.

According to the operation requirements of the new power system, energy storage with different functions and positioning is developed on different time scales

The core of building a new power system is how to achieve and ensure the balance of power and electricity on different time scales after new energy becomes the main power supply. Others The key is to coordinate the development of energy storage with different functional positions.

electrochemical energy storage has the characteristics of precise control, fast response, and flexible layout. The continuous discharge time is minutes to hours. The charge and discharge conversion is relatively flexible. It can quickly absorb and release power. It can effectively support node voltage and stabilize system frequency fluctuations. Convert unstable new energy output into stable and reliable power supply, suitable for ultra-short period (millisecond to second level) and short period (minute to hour level) frequency and voltage regulation scenarios. Electrochemical energy storage mainly solves the problem of volatility of new energy and will play an important role in frequency control, improving power quality, and renewable energy consumption.

Pumped storage has large-scale energy throughput capabilities, discharge time is hourly or above, and has long-term (intraday and multi-day) power grid peak shaving and power balancing capabilities. Pumped hydro energy storage mainly solves the problem of intermittency of new energy, and plays a significant role in improving system peak shaving capabilities, system security and power supply guarantee capabilities under special weather scenarios.

Hydrogen energy has the advantages of clean and long-term energy storage, which can solve the problems of instability and low energy density of renewable energy sources such as wind power and photovoltaics, and achieve a mid- to long-term (seasonal) supply and demand balance of high proportions of renewable energy. At present, hydrogen energy technology still needs to be improved in terms of electricity-hydrogen conversion, hydrogen energy transportation and storage, but with the advancement of electricity-hydrogen conversion technology and cost reduction, hydrogen energy is expected to play an important role in large-scale long-term storage of new energy. effect.

Combined with the characteristics of new power systems, coordinate the development of energy storage

Combine centralized and distributed energy storage to develop .At present, the development of new energy shows a trend of both centralized and distributed development. The grid structure of the new power system will develop into a flexible interconnection form of "backbone grid + small and medium-sized grids and micro grids". To adapt to this, the industry should promote Combined development of centralized and distributed energy storage. Centralized energy storage includes pumped hydro storage, large-capacity energy storage power stations, etc. Pumped storage is suitable for long-term power grid peak shaving and power balancing scenarios, and can be uniformly configured on the grid side; large-capacity energy storage power stations can be appropriately configured in centralized new energy power generation bases to achieve coordination between the energy storage system, new energy sources, and the power grid. Optimized operation. Distributed energy storage includes small energy storage, electric vehicles, etc., which can promote the construction of distributed energy storage equipment in residential areas, buildings, and home application scenarios, achieve mixed configuration, efficient management, and friendly grid connection of energy storage equipment, and promote the employment of new energy. be consumed and utilized nearby.

Electric energy storage is combined with other types of energy storage to develop . Flexible openness is a distinctive feature of the new power system, which will achieve open access to diversified sources and loads. In this context, the combined development of electric energy storage and various types of energy storage should be promoted. On the power generation side, we can vigorously promote the configuration of new energy storage in new energy stations, and research and promote photothermal power generation and energy storage; on the power grid side, we can speed up the construction of pumped storage power stations and promote the rational layout of new energy storage on the grid side; on the user side, we can Promote the diversified development of new energy storage, study the combined development of various types of energy storage such as heat storage, cold storage, and hydrogen storage, and achieve the matching of multi-energy production and consumption with electric energy as the core under the goal of efficient utilization of new energy. .

uses digital technology to promote the coordinated operation of energy storage and new energy . Digital technology is the key technology supporting the construction of new power systems. Relying on modern technologies such as cloud computing, mobile Internet, artificial intelligence, and advanced sensing and measurement, communication information, and control technology, efficient interaction between sources, grids, loads, and storage can be achieved and the flexibility of the new power system can be improved. In this context, the industry can use digital technologies such as the Internet of Things and blockchain to aggregate massive adjustable resources such as user-side energy storage and electric vehicles to achieve coordinated operation of "new energy + energy storage" and "new energy + electric vehicles". Promote large-scale grid integration and consumption of new energy.

(The authors of this article all work at China Southern Power Grid Energy Development Research Institute)

This article comes from the magazine "High-Quality Development of Energy", subscription phone number: 010-56002752


Editor | Li Huiying

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