Energy storage is becoming an indispensable part of my country's dual carbon goals. On June 1, the "14th Five-Year Plan" renewable energy plan set "high-quality leap development" as the development tone of the new energy industry in the next five years. In this journey of rapid i

Energy storage is becoming an indispensable part of my country's dual carbon goals.

html On June 1, the “14th Five-Year Plan” renewable energy plan positioned “high-quality leapfrog development” as the development tone of the new energy industry in the next five years. In this journey of rapid increase in the proportion of new energy installed capacity, the construction of new power systems has also placed the "heavy duty" of the times on the shoulders of energy storage.

Starting in 2021, as a basic configuration for the launch of new energy projects, the domestic market for energy storage is gradually maturing. However, from the perspective of the industry itself, the exploration of new energy storage systems still faces many challenges and troubles. Among them, cost space and safety are still the "top priorities" of the industry.

As a leader in the optical storage industry, standing at a key intersection in the development of energy storage, Sungrow recently launched the industry's first "three-power integration" full range of liquid-cooled energy storage solutions, PowerTitan and PowerStack. 's new product integrates 's power electronics, electrochemistry and grid support technologies that Sungrow has the absolute advantage to lead the industry's development direction of integrated integration technology.

Different from the traditional energy storage integration method of simple superposition, Sungrow’s full range of liquid-cooled energy storage solutions achieve high compatibility of software and hardware and data interoperability in all aspects through integrated product design and control integrated logic. ensures that the energy storage system is Batteries, PCS to EMS and other links operate together, creates professional energy storage system integration, and truly achieves "three-power integration" and promotes the digital and intelligent transformation of the clean energy industry.

Collaborative and efficient, technology-first

New energy configuration and energy storage have brought greater development space to the industry. However, the structure of the energy storage system is complex, and improving system efficiency and safety is still an important issue that the industry needs to overcome. The challenges facing the industry are the original intention of Sungrow’s energy storage product upgrade. Sungrow's new energy storage products leverage a number of technological innovations such as new temperature control and battery management to give full play to the advantages of the cell level, battery cluster, and system level, allowing the interoperability of operating data in all links to achieve the purpose of extending life, increasing efficiency, and reducing losses.

First of all, one of the biggest highlights of this new energy storage product is the upgrade of the temperature control method of the energy storage system from traditional air cooling to liquid cooling. Dr. Gu Yilei, Senior Vice President of Sungrow and President of Optical Storage Group, said in an interview that as the scale of energy storage systems becomes larger and larger, traditional air cooling can no longer meet the heat dissipation needs of energy storage systems. liquid cooling can not only achieve Higher-efficiency temperature control can also make the temperature difference of all cells less than 2.5°C, extending the battery life by 2 years. The 100MWh project can discharge 53 million more degrees throughout its life cycle.

Secondly, as we all know, there are thousands of cells involved in an energy storage system. The "barrel effect" means that in the entire energy storage system, the worst cell determines the charging and discharging efficiency of the entire system. adopts a cluster-level management solution in Sungrow’s liquid-cooled energy storage system, which solves the barrel effect by intelligently adjusting the charge and discharge of each cluster in milliseconds. means that the 100MWh power station can discharge more energy during its entire life cycle. 25 million kWh.

Not only that, under the cluster-level management scheme, the energy storage system also realizes the direct mixing of new and old batteries. does not need to add PCS when the project is expanded, which can save 90% of the delivery time. During the life cycle expansion process of a 100MW energy storage power station, only the hardware can save 6 million in investment costs.

Third, Sungrow’s liquid-cooled energy storage system has further achieved efficiency gains in system RTE efficiency, energy consumption and floor space. As a professional energy storage system integrator, Sungrow has fully utilized the advantages of system integration. Through the collaborative control management of EMS, PCS, and cluster-level managers, it adopts MEPT's energy efficiency optimization algorithm to ensure that dispatch is met. It can increase the system RTE efficiency by 3%.

In addition, the liquid-cooled energy storage system also adopts the single-sided door opening design. can not only improve the convenience of operation and maintenance, but also further increase the energy density. As the scale of the energy storage system continues to increase, it is a step forward. Reduce the floor space by more than 25% ; on the basis of comprehensive advantages, uses 4D sensing technology to reduce the auxiliary power consumption of the energy storage system by more than 40%.

Focus on industry pain points, safety first

In addition to continuing to improve efficiency and reduce consumption through technological upgrades, Sungrow’s liquid-cooled energy storage system has also achieved all-round safety.

In fact, in previous cases of energy storage system accidents at home and abroad, in addition to battery cells, more reasons were attributed to lax design and unprofessional system integration. Different from photovoltaic power station systems, energy storage systems have complex structures and cover many technical fields such as power electronics, electrochemistry, and grid support. Therefore, the security issue of energy storage is actually a systemic issue, which includes not only the technology or operational factors related to batteries and BMS (battery management system), but also involves the system design, integration and later operation of energy storage power stations. Management, etc.

According to reports, the cells used in Sungrow’s energy storage systems are all purchased from first-tier companies. As a system integrator, Sungrow also provides professional high-level talents in PCS, batteries, EMS, materials, energy storage system integration, etc., from The source controls all aspects of energy storage safety.

In addition, for the liquid-cooled energy storage system released this time, Sungrow has used its many years of accumulation in the field of power electronics and electrical to further upgrade the safety plan, improving safety guarantees from all aspects such as design management and control. . On the one hand, early warning is achieved through intelligent inter-cluster online diagnosis, which is a basic step to improve the safety factor of energy storage. If the system is abnormal for some reason, the timely identification and cutting off of the abnormal link will test the expertise and ability of the energy storage system in system design and control.

At this level, Sungrow can intelligently identify electrical connection abnormalities through the first arcing AI outlier detection algorithm, and can 100% identify arcing in milliseconds. In addition, through the dual-power breaking method of power electronics + electrical combination, microsecond-level reliable breaking can be achieved, thereby improving the speed and accuracy of system protection.

"The safety of energy storage systems is relative." Gu Yilei believes that the safety of needs to be guaranteed through design. For example, in the liquid cooling system, the design of separating the battery compartment from the electrical equipment, even if problems such as liquid leakage occur in , This design allows the leakage to flow to the pre-designed location without causing a short circuit of the entire system.

In fact, for energy storage power stations, the fire protection system is the last safety barrier. The compartment design and the fire resistance of the bulkheads are more than one hour, which can effectively isolate hidden dangers, avoid the spread of fire, and reduce losses; at the same time, combined with functions such as precise detection, exhaust and explosion prevention, and active fire extinguishing, it has created a product that is higher than the global NFPA15 and NFPA855 , NFPA68, NFPA69 and other authoritative standards for fire protection systems.

Faced with the goal of building a new power system, in addition to design innovations in terms of cost and safety, Sungrow has always been based on the essence and original intention of the energy storage system and has made great efforts in supporting the power grid. This new product integrates multiple technologies such as transient overvoltage suppression and impedance dynamic reshaping, which can achieve extremely weak power grid support capabilities with SCR <1.018>

Regarding the future development trend of energy storage, Gu Yilei told photovoltaics that from the perspective of the cost of the entire system, battery cells have remained high due to supply and demand, but there is still room for cost reduction at the PCS and system integration levels, and technology exploration is also Continuous progress.As a professional energy storage system integrator, we will continue to explore and lead the development of the energy storage industry in the future.

According to reports, Sungrow’s full range of liquid-cooled energy storage solutions have currently shipped 2GW, and this year it is expected to achieve shipments of 12GWh. The energy storage market is growing rapidly, and there is still a long way to go to explore technology in the energy storage industry. The realization of dual-carbon and new power system goals is inseparable from the industry's continuous technological progress and upgrading, and Sungrow is the best practitioner of cross-border new energy and energy storage.