The China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission issued a joint announcement approving the inclusion of ETFs into the Stock Connect, which will be officially launched on July 4. The National Health Commission issued the "Novel Coronavi

Important News


1, China Securities Regulatory Commission and Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission issued a joint announcement, approving the inclusion of ETF into the interconnection, which was officially launched on July 4.

2, The National Health Commission released the "Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)", adjusting the isolation and control time of close contacts and immigrants to "7 days of centralized isolation medical observation + 3 days of home health monitoring".

3. According to the Ministry of Finance, from January to May, the total operating revenue of state-owned enterprises was 30,883.13 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.2%; the total profit was 1,631.07 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 6.5%.

4. The National Development and Reform Commission stated that in order to deal with more complex and difficult situations, the National Development and Reform Commission will start from solving dilemmas and difficulties, regularly enrich and improve the policy reserve toolbox, and will issue it in a timely manner according to the situation.

5, since June, Tangshan, Shaoyang, Yancheng, Wenzhou, Quanzhou, Xianning, Jiujiang and other places have introduced home purchase support policies, all of which have proposed to support two children and three children. Families are given discounts on home purchases.


1, Federal Reserve Bullard: Forward guidance indicates that more policy rate hikes are likely in the coming months, which is a carefully considered step to help FOMC adjust policy more quickly if necessary, Return inflation to the Fed's 2% target.

2. Fed Daley: It is expected that the economic growth of the United States will slow down, perhaps less than 2%, but it will not be negative growth; due to the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, global economic growth will slow down, which will have a negative impact on the U.S. economy Negative Effects.

3. European Central Bank President Lagarde reiterated her plan to raise interest rates by 325 basis points in July and said she would be prepared to take further action if inflation continues to hit records.

4. ECB Governing Council member Kazakh said that if there are signs that high inflation data is fueling expectations, the European Central Bank should consider raising interest rates for the first time by a higher rate than the originally planned 25 basis points.

5. The Conference Board's consumer confidence index in June was 398.7, a new low since February 2021. It was expected to be 100.4 and the previous value was 106.4.

(The above information comes from public reports in domestic financial media)

Market Review

On June 28, A-share the three major stock indexes first declined and then rose. In the afternoon, bulls pushed The Shanghai Composite Index reached the 3,400-point mark in one fell swoop, and the market was trading 1.22 trillion yuan. On the market, the semiconductor and tourism sectors rose in the afternoon, the brokerage sector surged higher, and photovoltaics followed closely. The automobile, apple , oil and gas, coal, shipping, and fertilizer sectors performed well throughout the day, while the real estate and pork sectors were sluggish. The net purchase of northbound funds was 4.648 billion yuan.

Market hot discussion

Many mainstream securities firms have interpreted and forecasted the market strategies as follows:

1, Essence Securities : The market is still in a relatively normal rebound process driven by valuation restoration and improvement in fundamental factors. middle. Judging from the trading situation, fundamentals, etc., this rebound will continue for a long time.

2, Industrial Securities Macro: From the perspective of the pace of recovery, the earliest data to be recovered is data related to port transportation and resident activities. Data related to corporate production are in the process of recovery, and industries that have been greatly affected by the epidemic in the past few years ——For example, aviation is recovering slowly. Judging from the sustainability of recovery, we believe that the production power of enterprises will be more evident in the third quarter, supporting the economy.

3, Industrial Securities Global: The bear market in US stocks will continue in the second half of the year, but the impact on Chinese assets will weaken.

The market is risky, so investment needs to be cautious.This article is only a selected financial news service. The content comes from institutional research report abstracts and public authoritative media reports. The copyright belongs to the original author (institutional researcher, media reporter). The content only represents the author’s personal views and has nothing to do with Harvest Fund Management Co., Ltd.; As a recommendation for the above-mentioned industries and related stocks and funds, it does not constitute investment advice. The Company does not make any guarantee or commitment regarding the authenticity, completeness, and timeliness of this article and all or part of its contents and texts. Readers are advised to use it for reference only. If you need to purchase related fund products, please pay attention to the relevant regulations on investor suitability management, do a good risk assessment, and choose products that match the risk level.