Yang Wenyuan criticized Chen Baiwei for holding high the banner of "resisting China and safeguarding Taiwan" and being elected, but the result was that he only talked about "anti-China and safeguarding Taiwan" and was a clown full of lies.

Taichung "Legislator" Chen Baiwei (nicknamed "Brother 3Q") was voted on on the 23rd. The Election Committee held a public TV recall briefing on the 13th. The leaders of the recall proposal, Yang Wenyuan and Chen Baiwei, explained their respective opinions. Chen Baiwei resorted to his democratic progress, and at the same time detailed his performance in political inquiries and proposals in the "Legislative Yuan". Yang Wenyuan criticized Chen Baiwei for holding high the banner of "resisting China and safeguarding Taiwan" and being elected, but the result was that he only talked about "anti-China and safeguarding Taiwan" and was a clown full of lies.

According to the Hong Kong China Review Network, Chen Baiwei's recall case has entered the final countdown stage. At 7 pm on the 13th, the Taichung City Election Committee held a "public TV recall briefing". The leader of the recall proposal and the person being recalled discussed the recall respectively. Reasons and rebuttals. The briefing will be conducted in two stages, with each stage being given by the leader of the recall case and the person being recalled for 12 minutes each.

Yang Wenyuan, the leader of the proposal, listed the following: Chen Baiwei once promised to shut down the Taichung Thermal Power Plant for one day, but the vote was delayed as soon as he took office. He also accused the removal co-signer of being a fake citizen, escorting pigs, and refusing to purchase WHO certified products. International vaccine, with a irritable personality and foul-mouthed words, he has lost his status as a "legislator". He also mentioned that Chen Baiwei had hit and run in the past, was involved in gambling and video games, and other negative behaviors. In addition, Chen Baiwei's political performance was ridiculous and his political views bounced. He has deviated from the expectations of local voters. We do not need a public opinion person who is indifferent to the constituency. Representative, waste the people's votes!

Chen Baiwei refuted Yang Wenyuan’s doubts, claiming that everything was taken out of context. For example, refusing to purchase vaccines is actually refusing to purchase vaccines from China (Mainland). The Kuomintang’s proposal to purchase vaccines certified by WHO may have Chinese (Mainland) influence. By intervening, he is protecting the health of the Taiwanese people. Please remove him and refrain from malicious misinterpretation, and so on. At the same time, he boldly stated that if his remarks are not pleasing to the ears, he will be removed. I am afraid it will be a great harm to Taiwan's democracy and freedom. Adopt the consistent rhetoric of "resisting China and protecting Taiwan" in response.

Yang Wenyuan later ridiculed that Chen Baiwei cared more about the mainland than the local area. He was elected holding high the banner of "resisting China and protecting Taiwan." However, the question at the "Legislative Yuan" Defense Committee was out of line and shouted that the mainland was pumping out sand by sand pumping ships. , there may be a hidden submarine ambush, and Taiwan Navy Vice Admiral Ao Yizhi complained about it. He also said that he would establish a "Ministry of Internal Affairs" and that Hong Kong chaos elements would come to Taiwan to serve as soldiers and other ridiculous remarks. They simply put "resisting China and safeguarding Taiwan" in the On his lips, a clown full of lies appealed to Chen Baiwei that politics is not difficult, it is just a matter of finding his conscience. The bilateral confrontation was full of sparks. From the beginning to the end of the briefing, there was no interaction between the two except for talking in the air on the stage.

The Chen Baiwei recall case was voted on on October 23. According to the recall threshold regulations, Taichung City Second District (Shalu, Longjing, Dadu, Wuri, Wufeng) has 291,122 electors. The threshold for the first phase of the recall proposal There are 2,912 people. In the second stage, more than 29,113 people need to sign to complete the case. Recall requires the approval of about 72,000 people, which is higher than the number of votes that do not agree with the recall.

According to a poll conducted by the "Beautiful Island Electronic News" that was first exposed, 37.2% of the constituency agreed to remove Chen Baiwei, exceeding the recall threshold of 25%. Many analysts predict that Chen Baiwei will be dismissed this time. (edited by Xue Yang)