Red Net Moment Changde News on November 10th (correspondent Guo Meng and Liu Boyuan) In the early winter, on the big stage of Tangjiashan Village, Taohuayuan Town, Taohuayuan Tourism Management District, all the students of the Erhu Class of the Elderly University in Taohuayuan T

Red Internet Moment Changde News on November 10 (Correspondent Guo Meng and Liu Boyuan) In the early winter, on the big stage of Tangjiashan Village, Taohuayuan Town, Taohuayuan Tourism Management District, all the students of the Erhu Class of the Elderly University in Taohuayuan Tourism Management District played "Xi Yang Yang" and "Xi Yang Yang". "Dance of the Golden Snake" brought joy and laughter to the villagers, adding color to the 2021 Double Ninth Festival tea ceremony and respecting the elderly activities in Tangjiashan Village, Taohuayuan Town, and once again staged a promising and interesting duet.

Elderly college students perform the erhu ensemble on the rural stage.

Taohuayuan Tourism Management Zone University for the Elderly was founded in 2012 and has gone through 9 years of running the school. In the past 9 years, the number of students has grown from about 40 at the beginning of the school to nearly 200 now. The courses offered have also grown from 3 subjects at the beginning to 7 now. Nearly 1,000 people have participated in the University for the Elderly. 30 people have won awards in various activities and competitions organized by superiors. 1 to 2 lectures on health care knowledge are given in each period. The school was rated as a standardized university for the elderly in Changde City.

"Forefathers plant trees, and future generations enjoy the shade. Veteran cadres and veteran comrades are society's precious wealth and non-renewable silver resources. Your today is our tomorrow. We would rather let our younger generations suffer a little more than lose out to the old comrades." Wu Caixia, secretary of the district party committee and director of the management committee, said sincerely at the political situation briefing meeting for veteran cadres in the district.

Over the past nine years, the district party committee and management committee have attached great importance to the development of the cause of the elderly and supported and focused on the operation of universities for the elderly. The main leaders come to the school every year to visit the students and listen to their opinions and suggestions. They have always regarded the university for the elderly as an important carrier of the work for the elderly in the district. They have given strong support and special care from various aspects such as organizational leadership, school management, and funding guarantee.

The person in charge of the Organization and Personnel Bureau of Taohuayuan Tourism District learned about the situation of elderly college students learning Tai Chi.

In the past nine years, the District Organization and Personnel Bureau has overcome many difficulties. Under the strong leadership of the District Party Committee and Management Committee, it has strengthened careful guidance of the school to ensure the correct direction of running the school, focusing on ideological guidance and requiring students to obey the party. , be grateful to the Party, and follow the Party. Everyone must be a good propagandist for Taohuayuan and actively exert positive energy. Successive bureau chiefs have served as presidents of the District University for the Elderly. At each opening ceremony and year-end summary, the president will attend the meeting to speak and award awards to outstanding students.

In the past nine years, the school has been adhering to the school philosophy of "teaching for the elderly, learning for the elderly, having fun for the elderly, and doing something for the elderly". Comrade Guo Hui, the executive vice principal, once served as the principal and secretary of the school party branch in the original Taoyuan No. 2 Middle School. He has been engaged in school administration for nearly 30 years and has rich school management experience. He leads the members of the University Council for the Elderly to unite all students, maintain a sunny attitude, and enjoy a happy life, so that elderly friends can learn knowledge, exercise their muscles, be happy, make friends, and serve the society at the University for the Elderly. In terms of curriculum, it closely follows the actual situation of students, and has opened 7 courses such as dance, Tai Chi, Erhu, calligraphy, art, photography, poetry, etc.; in terms of teaching form, online and offline are combined, with half-day on-campus on-site teaching every Tuesday morning , the rest of the time, students study and discuss online in the group; in terms of activities, both on-campus and off-campus activities are combined. The school holds 1 to 2 school-wide collective off-campus activities every semester, and each class organizes 1 to 2 off-campus activities per major. Activity.

In the past nine years, students' enthusiasm has continued to rise, they have participated extensively in various public welfare activities, constantly performed promising and interesting duets, and frequently won awards. This year is the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China. The trainees participated in the "Bathe in Party Benefits and Follow the Party" photography competition held in Changde City, and 6 works won awards; they participated in the cultural performance organized by the district party committee to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and 2 programs won awards. . The Provincial Party Committee Cyberspace Affairs Office and the Provincial Women's Federation held a recitation video competition for "Xiaoxiang Women's Hearts Go to the Party", a "Listen to the Party and Follow the Party" recitation competition held on campus, and the "Ode to Celebrate July 1st" jointly organized by the University for the Elderly and Tangjiashan Village. The students were full of enthusiasm and enjoyed the "Party Encouragement" literary and artistic gala and the "Nine-Nine Double Ninth Festival Tea Banquet". Last year on the eve of New Year's Day, the school held a large-scale cultural activity to celebrate New Year's Day in Qingjiangpu Village, and wrote and presented Spring Festival couplets to the villagers on the spot; in the second half of this year, the school held a Golden Autumn Red Singing Contest, where students showed their passion and enjoyed the beautiful time in the Peach Blossom Spring.

On New Year’s Eve last year, students from the calligraphy class came to Qingjiangpu Village, Taohuayuan Town to write Spring Festival couplets and give them to the villagers.

In the past nine years, the school's cohesion has greatly increased. Students are rooted in the land of Peach Blossom Spring and are active among the people, becoming a beautiful landscape in the paradise.

school calls on students to lead street and village residents to carry out cultural and sports activities that are beneficial to physical and mental health. activities to get residents off the card table. Nowadays, there are more than 30 cultural and sports activity groups led and guided by elderly college students in the district. Every morning and evening, people can be seen singing, dancing, playing Tai Chi and playing erhu inside and outside the scenic area, on rural streets and in squares.

school calls on students to take the lead in improving family traditions, thereby promoting the surrounding folk customs. Comrade Wu Huijun, a student in the Erhu class, is 60 years old this year. His mother-in-law has been frail and sick for many years and is often bedridden and has a bad temper. She took good care of her mother-in-law for more than ten years until she passed away at the age of 95. This well-known good daughter-in-law was named the city's star of respecting and filial piety for the elderly in this year's "Double Star" selection event in Changde City.

school called on students to show love to the society and help those in need in the society to the best of their ability. All students in the school responded positively and donated more than 900 pieces of clothing to the elderly in Taohuayuan Nursing Home three times, and performed at the nursing home twice to express condolences. The elderly were very happy.

school calls on students to uphold justice and uphold good and suppress evil. Many students post and publish articles on Changde Zhengyang website to promote social righteousness and promote the Peach Blossom Land in a positive way. They publish dozens of poems and essays every year.

school called on students to participate in the "Wonderland" school co-organized by the University for the Elderly and District No. 1 Middle School, and many students actively contributed. This magazine is published once or twice a year and has become a paradise for lovers of poetry, photography, calligraphy, art and literature. Sun Yuansheng, the former chairman of the Presidium of the People's Congress of Taohuayuan Town, is 74 years old this year and loves calligraphy. He said: "When we were in office, our career united people's hearts. Now it is our hobbies that make us stay and never give up. The University for the Elderly is a paradise for us to live happily in our later years."