I don’t know since when, milk tea began to not only be satisfied with “milk + tea”, but also began to become more and more “flavored”. From jam to turtle paste to tofu pudding, there is nothing you can’t add unless you don’t want to. Many netizens ridiculed that adding glutinous

I don’t know since when,

milk tea began to not only be satisfied with “milk + tea”,

began to become more and more “material”.

From jam to turtle jelly to tofu pudding,

there is nothing you can’t add unless you don’t want to.

Many netizens have ridiculed that milk tea is added with crushed glutinous rice, peanuts, red beans, and jujubes... Isn't this just eight-treasure porridge? Faced with the milk tea that is gradually becoming "porridge", netizens are divided into the "traditional group" and the "additional group" based on personal preferences. The "traditionalists" believe that they still miss the original taste of milk tea, and pearls and milk tea are the best CP. The "added ingredients pie" said that the correct way to open milk tea is to have a full mouthful of ingredients. The most important thing is - you don't have to wash the dishes to drink this "porridge".

Netizens who support milk tea or the original taste▼

Netizens who support milk tea as “nothing but fun”▼

Young people who are dominated by porridge milk tea,

have become more and more interested in concepts such as “porridge” and “porridge”

"Blurred"... Is it porridge or milk tea at


Fashion is a circle,

Some people think that

milk tea will develop into eight-treasure porridge is an inevitable trend.

Based on this,

the ultimate form of milk tea may also be hot pot...

From pearls to bean curds, from the bottom of the cup to the top of the cup

Milk tea in these years What has happened to the materials in it?

"Pearl" will always be the "White Moonlight" in the hearts of milk tea lovers. The first cup of milk tea we drink often starts with "Pearl Milk Tea".

Later, "coconut" appeared. Xiangpiaopiao, which sells 100 million cups a year, "bundles" milk tea with coconut, and each cup of milk tea comes with a coconut bag. This move directly pushed the coconut fruit to the position closest to the pearl, but the coconut fruit has never been able to shake the status of the pearl. Now, the pearl has a cute name called "Bobo".

In 2007, CoCo was able to spread across the country and gain countless fans with a cup of "Three Brothers". This product creatively combines three single ingredients: pearls, pudding, and grass jelly, and binds them into the CP group of the "Three Taoyuan Brothers", becoming the brand's signature product. If pudding can be made, then why can’t we make bean curd? In 2020, the milk tea brand "Yidiandian" launched "Tofu Milk Tea", which has a similar taste to "Sweet Tofu Nao" and was immediately popular.

With the rise of Internet celebrity brands such as Heytea and Naixue, fruits have gradually become a frequent guest in milk tea. Among them, Nayuki's tea is the first in China to use fresh fruits to make fresh tea drinks and innovatively launches the concept of fresh tea drinks paired with baked products. Among all Heytea’s products in 2020, the Succulent Grape product has been “dominating the charts” for 72 weeks. In addition, the best-selling products include Succulent Mango Nectar, Zhizhi Berry, Zhizhi Peach, Fruit mixed products such as mango nectar and coconut jelly. An article by

pointed out that the crazy era of adding ingredients is not only reflected at the bottom of the cup, but also at the top. Back then, Gongcha launched its milk-topped tea, which was an instant hit; now, Heytea's cheese milk-topped tea has become a hit. After merchants understood that milk tea cup tops can also make a big fuss, fresh ideas came again. For example, Changsha's Cha Yanyue Se launched a "cream top", which is supported by cream and topped with various nuts.

As the market has given more and more positive feedback, the types of toppings have gradually begun to increase: cream, milk foam, cheese, macchiato, gray, ice cream, milk balls, snow balls... .The cakes in the milk tea market are getting smaller and smaller, and milk tea brands don’t add ingredients. How can they retain the hearts of customers? After that, the ingredients of milk tea became richer and bolder...

Recently, KFC launched salted egg yolk milk tea, which was called a "drinkable mooncake" by netizens; Happy Lemon launched "roasted sweet potato milk tea", In addition, the "cake milk tea" launched by its brand takes the ingredients of milk tea to the extreme. What's the point of drinking mooncakes? Let's drink cake!

Milk teas are highly homogeneous and popular single products are hard to find.

Nowadays, there are various brands in the tea market, and store types and decoration styles are also different. However, it cannot be ignored that the competition in the tea industry is severe.When it comes down to the product, each milk tea brand is very similar. How to create your own uniqueness and difference is actually very important.

Looking back at the "history of ingredients" of milk tea, it is not difficult to find that some early brands gained popularity by relying on the popularity of single products and product differentiation. Heytea's cheese milk cap, Shanghai Auntie's blood glutinous rice milk tea, Lele Tea's dirty tea and dirty bags... were all popular for a while, and grabbed a place for the brand in the market. When these mixed tea products are popular among consumers After a sub-market is recognized, it will then have the opportunity to “break out” and develop. According to economists, the retail industry usually has two development directions. One is horizontal development, that is, expanding more channels and opening more stores. The other is vertical development, that is, expanding from product categories.

Young people who value health care have changed their tastes.

For milk tea brands, constantly launching new products and focusing on ingredients is the right way to gain customers. For consumers, in addition to pursuing taste, they also pursue health, which may also be an important reason why milk tea gradually "turns into porridge".

Since you can’t quit milk tea, then drink “healthy milk tea”. Adding some red dates, walnuts, peanuts, turtle paste or sweet potatoes to milk tea, using the sweetness of the ingredients to make up for the cup of "sugar-free health tea" in front of you, has become a choice for more and more young people trying to find "psychological balance". "Milk tea + health care" has also become a breakthrough for more and more tea drink merchants to cater to young people's health-consciousness and create product differentiation.

For example, Chunfeng, a recently established tea brand, directly adds herbs to its menu.

Meal replacement brand Smeal has launched the NOTO series of meal replacement milk teas, which contain beef protein, dietary fiber from vegetables, and 20 kinds of vitamins and minerals; brands such as Wanglaoji and Dong'e Ejiao have also launched cross-border "Chinese herbal milk tea" and "Ejiao milk tea".

"Beer with wolfberry, Coca-Cola with Codonopsis pilosula, and milk tea without sugar." Different from the trend of pursuing delicious taste and rich taste, young people cannot let go of their fragile self-control only when it comes to the sweetness of milk tea. Data shows that people’s acceptance of high sweetness is gradually declining. The "2019 New Tea Drink Consumption White Paper" shows that while consumers pay most attention to the taste of tea drinks, they also have clearer needs for "health" and "health preservation". Half of the consumers choose less sugar or less sugar when buying tea drinks. Unsweetened.

But does sugar-free really mean there is no sugar? "Dad Review" once evaluated the classic tea drinks of dozens of popular milk tea brands on the market. After chemical analysis of various types of milk tea with standard sugar and minimal sugar, it was found that only 3 drinks had minimal sugar compared to standard sugar. There is a significant decrease in sugar content, with nearly half of the samples showing almost no difference in sugar content, and some contestants even have the lowest sugar content higher than the standard sugar content.

Obviously, it is still very risky to rely solely on sugar-free "porridge" milk tea to achieve the goal of quitting sugar and maintaining health. Taste and health are two things you cannot have at the same time. So I still want to suggest that if you want to maintain your health by drinking milk tea, you might as well consider eight-treasure porridge.

After all,

What bad intentions can there be in milk tea?

I just want you to gain weight

Source: Dazhong.com·Poster News Comprehensive Caijing.com, DT Finance, Phoenix WEEKLY, etc.

Source: Dazhong.com