"The Silent Love of Moisturizing Things" Li Xiaoyan, mathematics teacher of Class 2, Grade 6, Taoyuan Primary School, Linwei District "Where the peach blossoms bloom...", an old song takes you into this beautiful peach garden. Look! Under the Peach Tree, there is a team of teache

"The Silent Love of Moisturizing Things"

Li Xiaoyan, math teacher of Class 2, Grade 6, Linwei District Taoyuan Primary School

"Where the peach blossoms bloom...", an old song takes you into this beautiful peach garden. Look! Under the Peach Tree, there is a team of teachers who are "honest, eager to learn, serious and responsible", adhering to the school philosophy of "every child is important", so that children in Taoyuan can receive a comprehensive quality education.

The child in the photo is Lele, who is relatively thin, capable, brave and confident in our class. In my impression, when we first came into contact, the child was not good at talking, was very afraid of making mistakes, and could write well. Since his home was far away from the school, the child chose boarding.

He has attracted my attention since he was a little boy: in class, I often encourage him to share his opinions; during recess, we are good friends, and more importantly, I play the role of "mom" and pay attention to happy things. Do you have long nails? When the weather is cold, do you touch your little hands to see if they feel cold? Are your clothes warm? As we go back and forth, we have more and more topics, and he is willing to share many of his little secrets with me. Happy, unforgettable, curious and sad things are all willing to be told to me. Slowly, the child's language intelligence continues to improve, and the power of trust promotes Lele's rapid development in other aspects.

Our school pays attention to activities and education, from the flag raising on Monday, the holding of the autumn sports meeting, everyone making dumplings together during the winter solstice, classmates celebrating birthdays together, telling touching stories we know well in English... Every silent activity moisturizes things, Lele actively participated. Now, looking at the positive Lele every day, I feel even happier. The image of the skinny boy in front of him, who won the first place in the 30-meter final in the autumn sports meeting, and the kind and brave dwarf rescuing Snow White, all painted a beating note in Lele's childhood.

Look, no matter what the class is now, Lele no longer chooses to listen silently, but actively cooperates with his classmates to learn, and can bravely step onto the podium to be their little teacher. With confidence, his smile is brighter, and his classmates are also more confident. Come to like him more and more.

Day after day, under the influence of "Peach Culture", Lele, who is brave, confident, sunny and handsome, has his own learning method. The moment I watched Lele put on the big red flower, I was deeply moved. Only by feeling the silent education of moisturizing things can students reach a higher level.