Film and television dramas have become an important form of leisure and entertainment for the public, and the wrong knowledge in them is also subtly misleading the audience. "Protect the elder and protect the young" is a plot that often appears in both costume dramas and modern d

Movies and TV dramas have become an important way of leisure and entertainment for the public, and the wrong knowledge in them is also subtly misleading the audience. Looking back now, how many dramas have you been deceived by?

1. The plot of giving birth to a child is full of errors

"Keeping the old and the young" is a plot that often appears in both costume dramas and modern dramas. The feudal ideology in costume dramas is understandable.

In modern ethics dramas, the vicious mother-in-law pulls the doctor to plead with her to save her grandson, or the doctor comes out at the critical moment of surgery to ask the family which side to save, which is actually unscientific and unrealistic.

Because in today's legal society, unborn fetuses are not legally considered natural persons, but if a mother dies on the operating table, it is considered a medical accident. Therefore, in reality, when a mother's life is in danger during childbirth, the hospital must first save the life of the adult.

From a medical professional point of view, the success rate of saving adults is also the highest. Because the mother's body will take the lead in ensuring its own supply, if the mother is in a crisis situation, the fetus's survival rate will be even lower. Now with caesarean section, this dilemma does not arise, and it is not the family’s turn to make this choice.

When filming a childbirth scene, movies and TV dramas will always dramatize it, but in fact it is full of mistakes. Maternal hemorrhage cannot use blood donations from immediate family members, as this can cause hemolytic disease in newborns. In addition, accidents such as holding the wrong child in the hospital are trivial in reality.

Medical dramas are often hit hard by misinformation. Zhu Dan's "Love in Obstetrics and Gynecology" was criticized by professional doctors for wearing open white coats.

2. Historical Errors in Costume Dramas

Costume dramas are also the "hardest hit areas". In "The Legend of Zhen Huan", the queen's sentence "I can't do it" was successfully released from the industry, and it was once joked and became a buzzword. But in fact, it is not self-effacing but insulting for concubines to call themselves this way.

The queen mother in costume dramas always likes to call herself Aijia. However, in history, neither the peasant family nor the royal family called themselves Aijia. Instead, they humbled themselves as slaves or lowly women. It seems that even if historical experts were invited to "The Legend of Zhen Huan", historical errors would inevitably occur.

There are some inappropriate props in costume dramas. " Heaven Sword of the Dragon Slayer" is set in the late Yuan Dynasty, but Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min ate the era-changing scrambled eggs with tomatoes .

3. Living people call themselves posthumous names and predict the future

In fact, these ancient people’s self-proclaimed names and the details of food do not affect everyone’s viewing experience. But in "Kangxi Dynasty", the Queen Mother claims her posthumous title, which is outrageous. When you are alive, you know your title after death, maybe you can predict the future?

Zhu Sujin, the screenwriter of "Kangxi Dynasty", has a good grasp of the plot, but lacks understanding of historical facts. For example, in the play, Oboi still calls Xuan Ye "Kangxi" behind his back. Living people call themselves posthumous names, and use reign names to refer to the emperor of the dynasty. Do you think this is outrageous?

What can also predict the future is the slogan shouted in the anti-Japanese drama: "The eight-year war of resistance has begun" and "There is still one last year." The victory in eight years can already be predicted before the war begins.

4. Common sense of life is full of exaggerations and lies

What deceives people's feelings is also the nonsense and mistakes in idol dramas. The statement "the memory of a goldfish is only 3 seconds or 7 seconds" is a typical example of errors.

Fish have been discredited as having short memory, which goes against the basic common sense of biology: fish are vertebrates and higher animals, and their brains can still develop! If you stimulate a fish several times, it can remember it for months or years and even pass it on to the next generation.

You can write a bloody book by biting off your finger. In fact, it can only appear in movies and TV series.Because in reality, the amount of bleeding from biting your finger is far from enough to write on the cloth, and the wound will scab before you can write a word.

In addition, many plots in film and television dramas can also mislead people's lives. For example, "Dear " and other film and television dramas say that you have to wait 24 hours before filing a case if a child is missing.

In recent years, the regulations have been changed. If a crime is reported as soon as possible, it will be investigated immediately. Many people only remember the settings of movies and TV series, and it is easy to miss the golden search time.

Today, the influence of film and television dramas is no less than that of textbooks. Although we cannot demand that costume dramas copy history and medical dramas restore everything, we do hope that the plots and knowledge in the dramas can be more rigorous and realistic, so as not to mislead the public too much. When watching a drama, everyone needs to have their own opinions and distinguish between true and false, right and wrong, and not be completely led astray.