This conference is a very important conference held in Ningxia during the critical period of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building socialist modernization simultaneously with the whole country. Star

Source: People's Daily Online - Ningxia Channel

Editor's note: On June 10, the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of China Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region opened in Yinchuan . This conference is a very important conference held in Ningxia during the critical period of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building socialist modernization simultaneously with the whole country. Starting from June 11, the Ningxia Omni Media Center of People's Daily has launched the special column "People's Alley Living Room·Focus on the Party Congress". The person invited in this issue is Xu Yao, a representative of the 13th Party Congress of the Autonomous Region and Secretary of the Wuzhong Municipal Party Committee.

Moderator: Hello, Secretary Xu, thank you for accepting our interview. How do you feel after listening to the report of the Party Congress? How will learning be communicated next?

Xu Yao (right), Secretary of the Wuzhong Municipal Party Committee, visits the Renmin Lane Living Room. People's Daily Online Photo by Gao Jiawei

Xu Yao: The report delivered by Secretary Liang Yanshun has a clear theme, lofty goals, truth-seeking, pragmatism, pioneering and innovation. It is a programmatic document leading the comprehensive construction of a beautiful new Ningxia with socialist modernization. Through listening and learning, I have three "special" feelings: First, it is extremely political. The report talks clearly about politics, whether it is the layout of the article or the direction goals, strategic tasks, and practical requirements for comprehensively building a modern and beautiful socialist Ningxia. Second, the stance is particularly high. The report is based on the "two overall situations " at home and abroad, and the "two directions" outside and inside the region, deeply analyzes the development situation, accurately grasps the existing problems in development, and outlines the future development of Ningxia with a forward-looking vision and systematic thinking. blueprint. Third, the measures are particularly pragmatic. The report grasps the main contradictions of and and the main aspects of the contradictions. Taking the construction of the pioneer zone as the guide, it puts forward 20 key tasks and specific measures to promote the high-quality development of and . It not only clarifies the task of "crossing the river", but also solves the problem of "crossing the river". The issues of "ship" and "bridge" point out the way forward and plan the practical path for us.

Wuzhong City will regard learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the Autonomous Region Party Congress as an important political task at present and in the future. It will convey learning, arrangements and deployment through the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the leading cadres conference, and continue to increase efforts and maintain Popularity and expansion of depth, driving party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of party members and cadres to consciously and proactively learn, systematically and comprehensively, and integrate learning, quickly set off an upsurge in the city to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of the Autonomous Region, and put the spirit of the Party Congress into practice The deployment requirements are transformed into the common will and conscious actions of the whole city, and high standards, high quality, and high efficiency promote the implementation of various tasks.

Xu Yao, Secretary of the Wuzhong Municipal Party Committee, visited the Renmin Lane Living Room. People's Daily Online Photo by Gao Jiawei

Moderator: Based on the work of Wuzhong City, could you please talk about how to implement the spirit of the Party Congress?

Xu Yao: The key to studying and implementing the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of the Autonomous Region lies in implementation, and the fundamental lies in hard work. We will use the revolutionary spirit of "If you don't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero", the fighting spirit of "walking the Long March of the new era", and the hard-working spirit of "socialism is built", we will unite and work hard, know the heavy burdens, and tackle the difficulties. Overcome difficulties and make contributions to the comprehensive construction of a beautiful new socialist modern Ningxia. The first is to unswervingly promote the implementation of the central government’s decision-making and deployment and the work requirements of the autonomous region party committee in Wuzhong and achieve practical results. The second is to fully implement the overall national security concept, effectively coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, ensure great development with great security, promote great security with great development, and achieve high-quality development and high-level security and positive interaction. The third is to resolutely shoulder political responsibilities, bravely shoulder the mission of the times, take the initiative to seize opportunities, give full play to advantages, take the lead and set an example in accelerating the "three-district construction", and strive to form a group of models that can be promoted, learned, and replicated. Experience practices. The fourth is to keep a close eye on the "four new tasks" with a spirit of loyalty and responsibility, turn the various arrangements made clear by the Party Congress into actions step by step, and turn the beautiful blueprint drawn by the Party Congress into reality step by step. Fifth, we must seize the opportunity to implement the "Five Major Strategies", produce more node-specific, iconic, and leading work results, continue to release the strategic overlay effect and powerful driving effect, and lead to the formation of a comprehensive and overall leap forward.

Moderator: Could you please introduce the focus and key tasks of Wuzhong City in implementing high-quality development?

Xu Yao: The report of the Party Congress uses scientific and technological innovation, modern industry, green ecology, investment and consumption, reform and opening up, rural areas, and livability in the section of "Adhere to the construction of pioneer areas and promote high-quality development to achieve new breakthroughs" The "nine major supports" of suitable industries, prosperous culture and people's lives support a new picture of high-quality development. Wu Zhong will comprehensively implement the high-quality development deployment requirements of the Party Congress, continue to promote the city's economic development to achieve reasonable growth in quantity and steady improvement in quality, and support high-quality life with high-quality development.

implements innovation-driven strategy to activate power. Increase investment in innovation resources, improve the mechanism for stable growth of financial investment in science and technology, layout and build a number of key laboratories and innovation carriers, implement a number of major science and technology projects, cultivate a new number of " specialized and special new " enterprises, and continuously strengthen High-quality development motivation and vitality.

The scale of the grape producing area in Wuzhong City accounts for more than 50% of the Ningxia Helan Mountain eastern foot wine producing area. Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Wuzhong Municipal Party Committee

Implementing the industrial revitalization strategy to lay a solid foundation. Focusing on building "six new, six special and six excellent" industries, we will extend and strengthen the chain, develop advantageous industries such as light industrial textiles and equipment manufacturing in clusters, and develop emerging industries such as electronic information, new materials, and clean energy on a large scale, so as to Expand and strengthen Tan Yang, beef cattle, wine, wolfberry and other key characteristic industries, give full play to the brand influence of "Travel in Ningxia, Eat in Wuzhong" and "Morning Tea Culture", and drive the development of health care, financial services, modern logistics, exhibitions and exhibitions and other modern service industries.

implements the ecological priority strategy with a beautiful background. Firmly establish the concept that lucid waters and green mountains are gold and silver , unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority and green development, coordinate the management of the mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand systems, defend the blue sky, clear water and pure land with high standards, and accelerate the ecological restoration of Huanluo Mountain We will speed up the construction of green energy development, green hydrogen production, and green development, and build a district-wide energy security base, making green the most distinctive background of Wuzhong in the new era, and better realizing the role of the leading city in green development.

Implement the strategy of governing the region according to law to ensure stability. We will deepen the construction of rule of law and peace in Wuzhong, continue to improve the governance system, strengthen governance capabilities, improve governance levels, resolutely safeguard political security, vigorously create a demonstration city for building a solid Chinese nation community consciousness, and continuously consolidate a vivid situation of unity, harmony and stability.

implement the strategy of common prosperity to increase welfare. Deeply implement the "six major improvement actions" of residents' income, immigrant wealth, education quality, health level, civilized literacy, and urban and rural appearance, continue to consolidate and expand the effective connection between the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and increase the number of Hongsibao District and Tongxin County 2 The national-level rural revitalization key counties have provided support and mobilized the city's efforts to create a national relocation and wealth improvement demonstration zone in Hongsibao District, so that the general public's sense of gain, happiness, and security will be better, more sustainable, and more secure.

Planning: Liu Feng Huang Yi

Producer: Jia Ru

Photography: Liang Hongxin Gao Jiawei

Text: Li Tiantian

Produced by Ningxia Omni Media Center of People's Daily