"Alive", Yu Hua's masterpiece, is a novel describing suffering. The protagonist's name is Fugui, and in the end all his relatives died, including friends and enemies. Fengxia is Fugui's daughter. She became mute when she was a child because of a fever that was not treated in time

"Alive", Yu Hua 's masterpiece, is a novel describing suffering.

The protagonist is called Fugui. In the end, all his relatives died, including friends and enemies.

Fengxia is Fugui's daughter. She became mute when she was a child because she had a fever that was not treated in time. Although

is mute, he still understands the relationship between men and women. When she reaches the age of getting married, she likes to look at the bride getting married in a daze, and even silently walks over without realizing it, following the wedding procession, causing frivolous ridicule from the young men in the village.

So Fugui found a man for her, named Erxi, who had a partial head and worked as a construction worker in the city.

On the day of the blind date, Erxi didn't say a word, he just walked around the house, and responded to Fugui's questions with a perfunctory "Yeah, yeah," Fugui thought Erxi didn't like Fengxia.

The next day, Xiantou Erxi pulled a cart and called five or six brothers to work together to tidy up the thatched roof and paint the walls of Fugui's family.

After finishing the work, he took a knife and went to the vegetable field to cut vegetables, cut meat, and make fire... How could look like a son-in-law who had not yet married? He is clearly as comfortable as his own son.

Because of Fugui's request, "Fengxia has suffered a hard life since childhood, and she must be glorious on the day she gets married!" Erxi even borrowed money to hold the grandest wedding in the village's history for Fengxia, and even Fugui was so generous. I feel bad that I spent too much money.

On the day of her wedding, Fengxia was sitting on a trolley, and Erxi was pulling in front of her for a while. When she turned around and saw Fengxia turning her head to look at her parents crying, she immediately stopped pulling. This detail highlights that Erxi is indeed a solid-minded person. Yu Hua is indeed a master of details.

Fengxia followed Erxi to the city. Although both of them were disabled, they were both people who lived a down-to-earth life.

Ten days after the wedding, according to the rules, they were not allowed to return to their parents' home, but Erxi and Fengxia came back. Erxi said, "Fengxia pulled him, and he followed him in a daze."

What a sweet and sweet atmosphere. A nice couple! Love is confused.

Later, Fengxia became pregnant. Fengxia and Erxi came hand in hand to announce the good news to Fugui. Fengxia, Erxi, Fugui and Jiazhen laughed from ear to ear at first, and then the four poor people hugged each other again. Crying for this small but hard-won happiness.

Erxi loves Fengxia even more. There were a lot of mosquitoes in the house in summer. Erxi had run out of debt due to her marriage and was reluctant to buy a mosquito net, so she lay on the bed and fed the mosquitoes while Fengxia enjoyed the cool air outside.

After the mosquitoes were fed and stopped biting, Fengxia was allowed in.

Fengxia is finally going to give birth. After being pushed into the delivery room and not coming out for several hours, Erxi and Fugui waited outside until it was almost dawn. Fugui suddenly thought that Fengxia was mute and couldn't scream, so Erxi hurriedly ran to ask the doctor.

Unexpectedly, Fengxia had a difficult delivery. The doctor asked, "Would you like to keep her older or younger?"

Erxi knelt down in front of the doctor, crying, "Doctor, save Fengxia, I want Fengxia!"

Later, the doctor came out and said , gave birth to a son.

This annoyed Erxi, who jumped up and said, "I don't want a small one!"

was relieved when the doctor said, "The big one is fine, too."

Within a few minutes, Fengxia suffered from postpartum hemorrhage and soon died.

Erxi cried over and over again and said to Fugui: "I wanted the big one, and they gave me the small one."

Although this is a story in the book, Yu Hua deliberately wrote Fengxia to death, but he actually didn't do anything It’s not an exaggeration. Women’s childbirth accidents are very sporadic. I don’t make any sense to you. I think the couple is just being affectionate and loving.

In fact, many things in the world are like this, which makes no sense. But don’t think that life is deliberately trying to make life difficult for you. God is very busy and has no time to deliberately oppose you or even anyone.

"Heaven and earth are unkind and treat all things as stupid dogs." It is calm and has no movement at all. It just runs day after day.

All the things that we are obsessed with are the things that humans themselves can’t get along with. To paraphrase a Buddhist saying, this is called “It is not the wind that moves, nor the flags that move, but the heart of a benevolent person."

I have read the book "Alive" twice in total. I didn't like it the first time I read it. I think Yu Hua is deliberately piling up suffering and writing about it to the extreme to make people cry. It is too deliberate.

Read again At that time, he discovered that Yu Hua had deliberately written all the people around Fugui to death: his wife, son, daughter, son-in-law, grandson, and friends. This was just the surface.

He had to write these people to death before he could convey to us his story. Insights on life. That’s why people live ?

It’s not for material things, it’s not for emotions, it’s not for ideals, it’s not for suffering, it’s not for joy, it’s not for others, it’s not even for ourselves.

We humans are just big. It is a very ordinary part of nature, which should not be taken too seriously, nor should it be taken lightly. It is like a climbing vine or an old cow plowing the field. But some people are just pretentious.

The "Diamond Sutra" says that "everything is false." Why should we stick to one point? Life is fluid, human nature is fluid, and relationships are also fluid. If you only stick to one point, you won't be able to do it. Is it just a matter of carving a boat and seeking a sword?

At the end of "Living", only Fugui and an old cow are left to plow the fields. There is no reason, just living, just like "Living". The main sentence of this book:

“People live for the sake of living themselves, not for anything other than living. "

Yu Hua wrote all his relatives and relationships to death, and his final blessings were just like when he was born.

Beijing dialect says that when a person dies, it is called "this person has gone back." I like the expression of this dialect very much. People are abrupt. Coming to this world in time is like visiting a foreign country. You don’t have to take life, death, wealth, suffering, etc. too seriously. When the time comes, you will go back.

Since its publication in 1993, "Alive" has won international and domestic awards. It has won multiple awards and is always at the top of the bestseller list. Even Mo Yan said with envy:

"Yu Hua's books are half as small as mine, but they are half as influential as mine." "

In this difficult world, we really need someone to remind us from time to time: "Hey, wake up! Don’t sink too deep! "

Now, the headline good things are on sale, Yu Hua's classic masterpieces "Alive", " Shouting in the Drizzle ", "Brothers", " Xu Sanguan Sells Blood ", a set of 4 volumes, the original price is 38 per book Yuan, now there are four volumes for a total of 85 yuan, and for the price of two meals, you can discuss life with Yu Hua. Some books are worth reading and re-reading, to understand the life wisdom the author pours into them, and to grasp the direction of your own life.

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