When we were in school, from middle school to university, we were exposed to many formulas in science. The formula is magical, if sometimes difficult to understand. But in a sense, formulas can describe the nature of the world and reveal the mysteries of the universe. It was Eins

When we were in school, from middle school to university, we were exposed to many formulas in science subjects. I believe that many friends will have a headache when they see these formulas. The same is true for me. When I was in school, I would be confused when I saw those mathematical formulas, physical formulas, chemical formulas, etc. All big. Formulas are very magical. Although they are sometimes difficult to understand, formulas can, in a sense, describe the nature of the world and reveal the mysteries of the universe. It was Einstein who researched and invented many formulas that made him a great man. scientist.

Through formulas, we can calculate the position of a certain planet, calculate the motion orbit of celestial bodies in the universe, etc. The application of formulas is very wide. It can be said that we often deal with formulas in our daily lives. There are many formulas, among which 6 formulas are full of magic and mystery. Let’s take a look at how they are magic and mysterious.

1. BBP algorithm

Pi PI Everyone must know that this is one of the first numbers we come into contact with in mathematics class. Theoretically speaking, pi is infinite without recurring decimal , that is, the number of digits after the decimal point is infinite. , but it is very difficult to know the specific number for a certain position. Since the advent of calculus, a large number of formulas for calculating pi have appeared, but all formulas must be calculated step by step, counting digits one by one. The transcendence of pi has made mathematicians believe for a long time that it is impossible to have a formula for calculating a certain digit of pi alone. It was not until 1995 that three American algorithmic scientists Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe jointly proposed a formula that shocked the mathematical world-the BBP formula.

We can use it to calculate the number of decimal places specified by pi independently, and there is no need to know the number in front of it. This formula really subverts our understanding of pi, but what I want to say is that the direct result of this formula is to calculate the pi in hexadecimal. We can directly convert the hexadecimal result into binary, and Does not affect other digits.

2. Schrödinger formula

Schrödinger equation, also known as Schrödinger wave equation , is a basic equation in quantum mechanics proposed by the Austrian physicist Schrödinger, and is also a basic assumption of quantum mechanics. It is a second-order partial differential equation established by combining the concept of matter wave with the wave equation. It can describe the movement of microscopic particles. Each microscopic system has a corresponding Schrödinger equation. By solving the equation, the wave can be obtained The specific form of function and the corresponding energy, so as to understand the properties of the microscopic system. The Schrödinger equation shows that in quantum mechanics, particles appear in a probabilistic manner with uncertainty, and failure is negligible at the macroscale.

This formula describes the basic rules for the evolution of quantum systems over time. Its status in the world of quantum mechanics is the same as that of Newton's second law. The amazing thing is that this formula is not derived from any other basic formula, but is written through the most basic logical deduction, but this formula seems to match the real world very well.

3. P=NP

In computer mathematics, all problems can be divided into two categories, one is P problem and the other is NP problem. All P problems are solvable to computers. But the NP problem is not that simple. For some problems, computers may not be able to get results even after hundreds of millions of years of calculation. The NP problem has a very peculiar property, that is, if you are given a solution, it can easily determine whether the solution is correct, but it is difficult for it to obtain a result by itself. In mathematics, P=NP means that all complex mathematical problems are solvable by computers. If someone can prove that P=NP, then this conclusion will undoubtedly be epoch-making.

Many scientists in the world want to prove this formula. Last year, a German scientist proved this formula, but many doubts were raised later, which means that his proof is not completely correct and can theoretically prove the P=NP problem. A person who can crack any password problem in the world.

4. Friedman equation

This formula describes how the universe expands. It is a model of the expanding universe. This is the model that is most consistent with actual observations so far. This equation shows that the universe is not static, it is either expanding or contracting, depending on the rate of expansion of the universe and the matter contained in it. Moreover, this equation also tells us how the universe evolves over time, which can be extended arbitrarily into the future or the past.

Although Friedman's life was short, his scientific legacy is unquestionable, and as we learn more about cosmology, Friedman's equations become even more important. Friedman was the first to derive the equations describing the universe from general relativity . This solution indicates that our universe is filled with matter and is expanding.

5. Future prediction formula

Many scientists want to predict the future, but can the future be predicted? This question is also what countless people want to know. According to the conclusion of a research team of neuroscientists at the University of Sussex in the UK, they can already predict the coming of various disasters, from the collapse of financial markets to the onset of cerebral artery diseases. Happen and so on. In fact, these very different things follow very similar mathematical trends. Their formula relies on the flow of information in complex systems and various phase transitions. This is a very complex idea.

The above five are currently the most representative, magical and mysterious formulas in the world. They show people the nature of the world and the mysteries of the universe. In the future, scientists will study more magical formulas. Formulas are also ours. The key to finally unlocking the ultimate secret of the universe, I believe this day will come sooner or later.