In the past few years in China, whether on the roadside or in a shopping mall, you would see long queues of people whenever you passed a milk tea shop. In the past two years, Philippine milk tea shops seem to have become popular, with various brands available, most of them brande

In the past few years in China, whether on the roadside or in a shopping mall, you would see long queues of people whenever you passed a milk tea shop. In the past two years, Philippine milk tea shops seem to have become popular, with various brands available, most of them branded as Taiwanese milk tea.

In China, the milk tea shops that I am most familiar with are Heytea and Diandian, but I have never seen these two in the Philippines.

For people overseas, any delicacy in ’s hometown is a kind of soul comfort. Even the editor who doesn’t like to drink milk tea will occasionally have a cup.

Today I will talk about three Philippine milk tea shops brands. I have tasted all three of them. All travelers in the Philippines are welcome to add more in the comment box.

Philippine Milk Tea Shop, the “Coca-Cola” of the East? The origin of pearl milk tea

The studious editor also looked up the origin of pearl milk tea.

Pearl milk tea is a tea drink originated in Taiwan. It is said that pearl milk tea is a kind of "bubble black tea" culture in Taiwan. The tapioca flour is made into a small ball shape and then added to the milk tea, which is called pearl milk tea .

adds the larger pink round , it is called boba milk tea, it is said that the word boba is inspired by the Hong Kong star leaf lintel.

* Fans who are not familiar with this star, please check it out for yourself.

There are two shops in Taiwan that claim to be the inventor of bubble milk tea:

1) Mr. Liu Hanjie, who runs a bubble tea shop "Chun Shui Tang" in Taichung City, claims that he began experimenting with making milk tea in 1983, and said that the female staff in the store accidentally made it successfully. .

2) It was invented by Mr. Tu Zonghe of Hanlin Tea House in Tainan City. It is said that he was inspired by the white powder balls he saw in Yamuliao market around 1987. Therefore, early pearls were white, and later changed to black.

However, neither store has applied for patent or trademark rights. Therefore, it is difficult to determine who the real inventor is.

I just checked the information. In fact, milk tea shops have become very popular not only in the Philippines, but also in Europe, America and Japan in recent years.

When introducing pearl milk tea overseas, he would even call "the Coca-Cola of the East".

Philippine milk tea shops, the milk tea shops are listed in no particular order, based on the editor’s memory

  • Yifang Taiwan Fruit Tea

Yifang Taiwan Fruit Tea specializes in a variety of fresh high-quality tea drinks, and its fruit teas are all made from fresh fruits.

Impression: In addition to the classic milk and fruit tea, also has sugar cane juice, tea, latte and other beverages

  • Chatime Sunrise Chatime

Currently there are more than 50 branches in the Philippines, which should be considered a success. Entered the Philippine market.

Impression: feels like there are too many choices. Every time I order something, I don’t know which one to order.

  • Coco Fresh COCO milk tea

COCO milk tea is also often seen in China, and it has become very popular since it opened in the Philippines.

Impression: There are too many people every time. feels a bit like when KFC first entered China, parents and children flocked to queue up to buy burgers and fries.

Their marketing should be great. I have also seen other stores such as Gongcha , Dakasi, Happy Lemon .

Why is the Philippine milk tea shop so popular in the Philippines?

Among the classmates who were studying together, there were also students from Japan. Speaking of which, milk tea has become very popular in Japan in recent years.

told me that the pronunciation of milk tea in Japanese is: (TABIOKA), because he himself is also in the catering industry.

*This is a recruitment advertisement for a Philippine milk tea shop found on the Internet.

There may be several reasons why Chinese milk tea shops are popular overseas:

  • Compared with coffee, milk tea has more changes and varieties.
  • In terms of taste, milk tea has a richer texture, and you can choose the sweetness, which is very suitable for Filipinos who like sweet taste. Filipinos really, really love sweets! All foods are sweet.
  • There are many Chinese overseas, and they account for a large part of the buying population. This familiar taste is a great way to soothe their hometown taste buds.

The editor believes that "tea drinking culture" is also a part of Chinese catering culture and can also be regarded as a kind of "cultural export".