The "nine-in-one" county and mayor elections on the island will be held at the end of the year. The Democratic Progressive Party has yet to announce the candidate for mayor of Taipei. There is news that Tsai Ing-wen intends to let Chen Shizhong, the head of Taiwan's health and we

Source: China Taiwan Network

The "nine-in-one" county and mayor elections on the island will be held at the end of the year. The Democratic Progressive Party has yet to announce the candidate for Taipei mayor. There is news that Tsai Ing-wen intends to put Taiwan's health and welfare department in charge. Chen Shizhong ran for election, but the epidemic situation on the island recurred, and his "advanced deployment" was criticized by the public. Later, it was reported that Lin Jialong, the former head of Taiwan's transportation department, also wanted to win, but polls showed that his support was at the bottom. In order to stand out, Lin Jialong has frequently put forward the political idea of ​​"throwing money" recently, putting aside "where the money comes from" and only talking about "where the money is spent."

According to Taiwan's "United Daily News", Lin Jialong released his "Maternity Care Chapter" political opinion today (June 21), advocating the provision of a "Family Fund" to newlyweds who both choose to naturalize in Taipei within two years, subsidizing each couple. A total of NT$200,000 (NTD, the same below) is required to start a family fund for the couple. It has even been proposed to subsidize women for egg freezing. Women can apply to the city government for a one-time subsidy of 30,000 yuan, and for the next three years, they can apply for an annual egg preservation subsidy of 5,000 yuan.

Seeing these "weird political opinions" put forward by Lin Jialong, some netizens on the island couldn't help but denounced, "I originally said that I have been deeply involved in Taichung for many years. I only served as the mayor of Taichung for one term and lost to Lu Xiuyan of the Chinese Kuomintang. I couldn't be re-elected but said that I was from Taichung. I'm sorry, but now he wants to elect the mayor of Taipei. He either harvests or just writes checks." "Has the DPP's policy always been to use people's tax money to subsidize the people themselves? If they don't pay, they have no political views!" , some netizens on the island said, "Will people in Taipei vote for something that people in Taichung don't want?"

Some netizens on the island mentioned Lin Jialong's experience of losing the election in Taichung but working in Taiwan's "Ministry of Transportation", and in his office " During the period of "Minister of Transportation", Taiwan Railways had many accidents. The "Taroko" incident resulted in the death of 49 people. Lin Jialong, who was urged to resign many times to apologize, resigned reluctantly. Now he wants to be elected mayor of Taipei. Some netizens choked, "I really want to choose... I still choose it when the transportation is so bad." (Source: China Taiwan Network )