April 25th - May 1st CITIC Good Book Business and Inspiring AI Thinking Ding Lei, one of the "50 Data Science People" and founder of PayPal's Global Consumer Data Science Department, deeply interpreted the internal logic of machine learning and analyzed big data and how artificia

April 25th - May 1st CITIC Good Books

Business and Inspiration

AI Thinking

Ding Lei

Ding Lei, one of the "50 People in Data Science" and the founder of PayPal's Global Consumer Data Science Department, gave an in-depth interpretation of the inner logic of machine learning. Analyze how big data and artificial intelligence empower business.

Civilization, modernization, value investment and China

Li Lu is the author of

The light of the Chinese in the world of value investment, explaining in detail the concept and practical experience of value investment, and sharing his life philosophy and philosophical values. 16 special lectures, 5 keynote speeches, 7 reflections, 148 books in 6 dimensions, systematically establishing a personal value investment knowledge system.

1 Days to Develop Persuasion

Robert Cialdini et al.

Influence master Robert Cialdini and two psychology experts carefully created this book to simplify the high-level behavioral principles into 21 persuasion strategies. Get a small strategy every day and become a preemptive communicator.

How to listen and speak

A companion volume to "How to Read a Book" written by Mortimer Adler

, it will take you to decode the logic and secrets of efficient communication. In this book, the author mainly explains the logic of effective "listening" and "speaking", and provides many effective methods and techniques on this basis.


Siwen Author

"Tucao Conference" "Talk Show Conference" Siwen's humorous communication skills. With 5 major modules, 25 practical scenarios, and 105 expression skills, there is a set of solutions for every communication scenario and problem you encounter. Have a stance, a boundary, and a temperature to achieve efficient communication.

Humanities and Social Sciences

Life Password2

Yin Ye by

Life is so wonderful, but we know very little about it. What kind of wonders of nature are hidden in all living beings? Genomics, life sciences, why does contain such charm? Summary of the essence of the audio program "Tian Fang Ye Tan" with hundreds of millions of views. BGI CEO Yin Ye will help you understand yourself, genes and heredity, viruses and diseases, and live a good life.

Literature and Life

The Secret of Maintaining Marriage

Written by Elizabeth Flock

This is a frank and frightening report on marriage, which truly reproduces the marital dilemma of middle-class couples in India in the past ten years and explores the secret of maintaining marriage. When the existing rules of love cannot adapt to their lives, they make new rules. What price did they pay for this? This is a jaw-dropping report on the survival of Indian women and an inspiring miniseries on female growth.

From Ivy League to Wall Street

Written by Liu Jiani

A Chinese girl’s 10 years in the United States tells the story of glory and prejudice under the halo. She was admitted to a prestigious Ivy League school from a Chinese public high school. After graduation, she entered a well-known Wall Street investment bank as the only female interviewee. After studying in the United States for 10 years, she candidly shared her gains and frustrations, and refined and summarized what true elite thinking is.

Natural Garland

Katie Smith et al.

Small Forest Style Natural Garland Manual. 21 natural-style wreath designs, with step-by-step pictures, even beginners with zero floral skills can easily get started. A small wreath can bring the whole nature into your home.

Children and Upbringing

Paper Plane

Illustration by Mike Xiaokui

When the boy realizes his dream, his mother can no longer see it. Only the paper airplanes in the sky tell the boy that his mother's love is always there... Based on the author's own experience, he tells the story of "the son wants to be raised but his mother is not there". The delicate emotions are combined with rough lines and the majestic painting style to convey It shows the deepest love, which is deeply touching.

Don’t let adults worry (set of 4 volumes in total)

Jin Danpao’s

is a small encyclopedia of children’s safety knowledge that is very popular! Each book has more than 60 life scene simulations and a complete set of 300+ pieces of safety knowledge, covering daily self-protection and emergency safety knowledge, life and daily safety, health and environmental protection and other aspects.

7 thinking habits that make children mentally strong

Written by Carl Johan Fossen Elling

7 psychological techniques that children can also learn, focusing on the crazy psychological cases that parents will definitely encounter: anxiety, longing, fear, injury , picky eaters, afraid of the dark, sharing, magically solving children's emotional problems in daily life. Internationally renowned psychological consulting experts tailor-made this book for parents and children to help them develop a strong inner resistance to frustration.

Interesting Chinese mythology

Written by Mou Aili

Collect and organize 7 interesting and wonderful myths and legends spread among the people: "Nine-Colored Deer", "Carp Jumping over the Dragon Gate", "The Dragon Tastes a Hundred Grasses", "The Sun Bird Creates the Sun and Moon", "The Foolish Turtle Moves the Mountains" ” “Drinking from the Moonlight” and “White Feathers Flying Clothes”. Ancient myths, new interpretations, colorful and beautiful Chinese stories, innovative expressions of oriental aesthetics!

Mini Agents Text phonetic notation, a carefully compiled course standard word list, and a complete set of 180 high-frequency key words can solve the problems of low literacy and poor reading ability, achieve barrier-free independent reading, and develop good habits of independent reading.