The file is still available for download, and starting from page 30, the "LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST" is revealed, which is a 9-page list of side effects without any spaces, with a total of 1,291 types.

Since the birth of the new crown vaccine , people from all walks of life have never stopped arguing about it. However, since Pfizer has never released any official vaccine data report, the suspicion has been put to rest.

Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, a non-profit organization composed of dozens of professors, scholars and public health professionals from well-known American universities, once requested the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA) released Pfizer review data, but the FDA said there were too many documents and it would take at least 75 years to sort out and publish them all.

Such a statement is definitely unacceptable. By then, the people who have been vaccinated will basically be gone after it is released. Who will read it then? As a result, the non-profit organization first filed a lawsuit against the FDA in September last year, asking the FDA to disclose data to the public.

In this lawsuit that lasted for almost half a year, the Texas District Court finally announced that the FDA had lost the case, which also means that the FDA will complete the full disclosure of the 329,000-page Pfizer vaccine review document before this summer.

But exactly what will be revealed in each batch of released documents is anyone’s guess.

The nonprofit group that won the lawsuit quickly posted the documents it received from the FDA on its website this week without providing any explanation for what they were showing. Aaron Siri, the organization's managing partner, said, "Our job is to obtain documents. We leave the documents to scientists and others for analysis."

"Take it away without thanks." A mysterious boss recently dumped the document on social media. Posted one of the links to Pfizer vaccine data and reminded that the content starting on page 30 will be of interest to everyone.

The current file can still be downloaded, and starting from page 30, the "LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST" is revealed, which is a 9-page list of side effects without any spaces, with a total of 1,291 types. After the

data was released, the entire Internet was in a frenzy. “Pfizer” and “VaccineSideEffects” were both hot searches for Twitter.

" 9 pages of bad side effects. 9! What the hell?! Many of us nearly lost our jobs over this and we are forced to take this vaccine so we can continue to put food on the table for our families. We should have a choice. Yes Yes, I'm angry."

"Of the 46,000 participants in Pfizer's trial study, more than 42,000 had adverse reactions and 1,200 died, according to FDA regulations, only one within 30 days of taking an experimental trial drug. People dying would end the experiment. This never happened. We need to ask why.”

On page 7 of the document, the exact number for this experiment is 1,223 people died.

"Is it a coincidence that all vaccine card policies, almost everywhere (around the world), were canceled on the same day after the Pfizer data came out?"

"Finally we have something to compare to. Now people can Make an informed decision. "The parts circled in red in the left picture are the adverse reactions of the new crown, and the right picture is the adverse reactions of all Pfizer vaccines.

The side effects that can be seen after copying part of the content of the first page are as follows.

"When are we going to talk about the obvious?"

"All the health officials are being laid off, that's it. You screwed up and you're going to pay for the money you forcibly injected into healthy people! For mass genocide Accuse them."

This netizen posted the information Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott chose to resign after the Pfizer data was exposed, but to be precise, Elliott, who is about to be 67 years old, recently announced that he was ready to retire and no longer run for office. Re-election in June does not mean immediate resignation.

Some people are also starting to have doubts about other vaccines, "Now that Pfizer has to release their damn vaccine report with 9 pages of serious consequences... I have a question! When are we going to look at Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca release similar vaccine reports? "

" The most important thing is that according to Pfizer's own research, the lethality rate of the injection is 30 times that of new crown . They want to hide this information for 75 years. "

"How long will it take for people to realize that this is not a coincidence!" Australian sports legend Shane Warne died of a suspected heart attack at the age of 52.

Early last year, Pfizer withdrew its application for emergency approval for use of its COVID-19 vaccine in India because it failed to meet the Indian drug regulator's requirements for local safety and immunity studies.

This makes many people suspect that Pfizer does not have sufficient confidence in its own vaccine.

This netizen pointed out, "Pfizer would rather miss out on the billions of dollars in guaranteed profits from selling mRNA in India than submit to independent local trials to determine whether the vaccine is safe and generates an immune response in its citizens, and let this sink in." ”

A year later, India’s Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya disclosed for the first time last month the reasons for not using the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

He pointed out that the main reason for the failure of the negotiations between the two parties was that "Pfizer and Moderna have put forward a condition to the Indian government that their vaccines will only be provided if they sign an indemnity clause. This means if there are any side effects or if If someone dies after being vaccinated, then according to Indian law, the company will not be held responsible or prosecuted.”

Many netizens have spoken out about their side effects after being vaccinated.

"My stepmother called me crying and said that my father had a heart attack shortly after receiving his third dose. She used to work in a drug factory and he just wanted to live a normal life."

"Since 2021 December 15th - When I took the booster, I have been suffering from chest pain and tightness, heart palpitations , adrenaline secretion, burning in the legs, tinnitus , abdominal pain and shortness of breath. I have been bedridden 77. "

" I have been healthy for 60 years. I was infected with the new coronavirus, but my healthy immune system made me fully recovered. I didn't take any medicine at all, not even a shot of Ivermectin . , the second injection, and the booster. Less than a month later, I had a stroke. "

This netizen believed that traditional Chinese medicine was more reliable. "The doctor gave me acupuncture to relieve the dizziness I had for 5 months after the injection. I had some Chinese herbal medicine. He wrote down the names of all the herbs for me to write down and study when I had a reaction so I knew what I was putting in. "

That's how medicine works at the moment. Everyone is also discussing the authenticity of this report. More Pfizer documents will be disclosed one after another. Everyone will wait and see.

The Pfizer vaccine is only 12% effective in children

Additionally, a recently released study showed that the two-dose Covid vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech was available to children aged 5 to 11 during the surge in New York, according to CNBC The protection is very small.

The New York State Department of Health found that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against Covid infection in children in this age group dropped from 68% to 12% between December 13 and January 24. During the same period, hospitalization prevention dropped from 100% to 48%.

The study has not yet been peer-reviewed, something scientists have been holding back before publishing their findings due to the public health urgency of the pandemic.

For adolescents aged 12 to 17, the vaccine's effectiveness against infection dropped from 66% to 51% from December to the end of January. During the same period, the hospitalization protection rate for adolescents dropped from 85% to 73%.

During Omicron, hospitalizations of children with COVID-19 surged in the United States. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Food and Drug Administration) is trying to fast-track the Pfizer vaccine this month for children 6 months to 4 years old in response to the number of children hospitalized with COVID-19.

However, the FDA and Pfizer decided to shelve those plans after data from the first two doses fell short of expectations. The FDA is now waiting to see data from a clinical trial of the third dose in children in the youngest age groups, expected in April.