Hi, I’m Luo Wei. Let’s continue our journey of fashion and dressing. Be beautiful and never get lost. A rigorous and rigid person who only follows reason and logic in everything, or a romantic and emotional person who allows his imagination to run wild will not be able to appreci

Text: Luo Wei

Hi, I am Luo Wei, continue our journey of fashion and dressing, become beautiful and never get lost.

The knowledge of fashionable wear is a mixture of rationality and sensibility. A rigorous and rigid person who only follows reason and logic in everything, or a romantic and emotional person who allows his imagination to run wild will not be able to appreciate the true meaning of image aesthetics.

The traceable theory is the foundation; the creative ideas with smart changes are sublimation; the inspiration of fantastic ideas is fresh vitality... In the matching of clothing, people and occasion needs, there must be the enthusiasm and driving force of to create again, so that it will become increasingly beautiful.

is just like the challenging mixing and matching of and . It is also a hard skill that integrates technology, creativity, inspiration and aesthetics. Today’s sharing will continue with the remaining two topics: layer mix and match and style mix and match.

To be honest, most of these two contents are presented together, but if you want to be careful, the emphasis is different. How to get started? Dilemma. Let’s not worry about

for now. Luo Wei will start by mixing levels with . Whatever you write is up to you.

The following links are the content of previous issues. If you don’t have the basics, you can click:

First: Understand the layer mix and match

Layer, that is, the number of pieces of clothing; mixing and matching is the arrangement and combination of different numbers of pieces through layering. In the three seasons of spring, autumn and winter, the mixing and matching of layers is the most obvious.

Whether you like it or not, mixing and matching and layering is a daily issue in dressing in order to keep warm. Therefore, in this PK where people have to dress randomly, there is a variety of clothing chaos.

Compared with the original mix-and-match concept, once the number of levels and increases, it will become more difficult to control, which will test the ability of many fashionistas to control [harmonious beauty].

looks good? Dress randomly? In order to deepen the appreciation of the aesthetic of layered mix and match, Luo Wei first listed the common misunderstandings, which will become clear through sharp comparison.

Misunderstanding 1: The layers are messy and stiff

One layer, two layers, three layers... The so-called mix and match does not mean wearing random items, but the clever combination of different items that are related to each other, so that the final look is harmonious and orderly , rich but not messy.

This set, the heavy bread down jacket and the formal gray suit, have nothing to do with each other, is stiffly made up of . The graphic T-shirt worn underneath and the skillful way of rolling up the trousers are not only messy but also procrastinating.

has too many bright spots, the center of gravity has shifted downwards, and it is a mess. How can it be good-looking?

Misunderstanding 2: Unknown priority, fancy

Look at the white shirt and black turtleneck, they are elegant and grand, and look at the jeans, they are messy, cool and alternative. Although they have the exquisiteness of high heels, but the priorities are unclear, what do you want to convey? Woolen cloth?

An elegant woman will never let trendy and cool elements become popular; but with a street fashion outfit, elegance will only work secretly. Like this, primary and secondary style is unknown to , and it is a failure if it is piled up in fancy ways.

Misunderstanding 3: Using too much force

This blogger’s matching skills are quite high. Look at the coordination of the internal and external layers of different plaid patterns. Is it worth being impressed? The only fly in the ointment is that the jewelry uses too much force and feels artificial.

Of course, if you are attending a specific occasion or doing street photography, this combination is barely acceptable. Think about it, if you replace the large gold chain with an exquisite style, would the retro elegance be more pleasing?

Another meaning of excessive force is the love for the single style of and . For example, a sweet printed big sweater, layered with a white shirt inside, with gorgeous and distinctive exaggerated cuffs, is too repetitive with the pattern and is not simple and elegant enough.

What if you change to a clean cotton or satin white shirt? Did the texture instantly improve?

correctly demonstrates

multi-level mix and match, the most important thing is to be unexpected. Every item in this set has the same feminine elements and series. The overall level is orderly and the style is harmonious, making people's eyes bright and applauding.

materials, colors, layers, silhouettes, styles, and details are all perfectly harmonized.

The patterns and levels have increased, but they are still laid out in an orderly manner. From color matching to style, everything is meticulous and wonderful. The size of the stripe echoes the pattern, and the purple is embellished up and down continuously, even to the sunglasses.

Second: Key points of mixing and matching

After reading the positive and negative cases of mixing and matching at the above levels, I believe that you already have a keen eye for the appreciation of layering. So, where should you start when it comes to specific matching? What are the key points?

Look at the material

Wearing multiple layers and blending the fabric differences between them is the basis for harmony. The thick and thin and thick and thin of the fabric are two important judgment indicators.

For example, common combinations are: delicate inside + stiff outside + tough outside; tight inside + medium loose + tight/loose outside; thin inside + medium thick + loose outside; loose + tight + loose..., in the middle and inner layer In the processing, there must be differences caused by fabric conflicts.

’s set is a delicate knitted sweater + pure cotton white shirt + crisp wool. The contrast is obvious and the layers are rich.

A common pure cotton white shirt in spring is layered with a soft and waxy big sweater. One is tough and the other is sweet, forming a sweet-cool mix. Coupled with the casual harmony of jeans, it is neat and gentle.

In winter, many fashionistas will layer two long coats and , and the thickness of the material becomes a necessary condition. The long coat worn inside should be light and thin and flowing, while the coat worn outside should be crisp and stylish, so that the distinct layers will be smooth and harmonious.

length adjustment

What is length adjustment? It does not simply refer to the length and shortness of the layers of clothing, but the overall appearance of obviously uneven horizontal lines dividing , resulting in a truncated vertical proportion, not only looking short and fat, but also confusing.

In the picture below, the bloated neckline, the low V-neck of the suit, the lack of waistline caused by the long suit length, and the eye-catching contrasting colors make the cutting effect more vivid. A baggy purple suit might as well be replaced with a slim-fitting short one.

Look at this outfit. It is paired with a white shirt . The neckline and too long hem make the upper body look sloppy and unsophisticated. It has small lapels on the inside and large lapels on the outside. It looks awkward no matter how you look at it, and it’s a taboo to wear it layered.

also has brightly colored nine-point pants and red high-heeled shoes with color blocks, which vividly cut the legs into horrible shapes. The color scheme is messy, deliberately creating a focus, but using too much force will have the opposite effect.

But the master of mixing and matching is different. The cutting of the horizontal lines in this set is also very obvious, but why is it so harmonious? Among them, the enhancement of the preconceived vertical lines + waisted high waistline is indispensable.

deliberately used a belt to make the coat form an irregular silhouette with one more and one less. He fixed the vertical lines generously, and then the blue shirt was embellished from the collar to the hem and even the white socks in one go.

matching color

color mix and match, we have shared it before, so I won’t go into details here. When layering more and more layers, controlling the tones of the whole body is a particularly important process.

Therefore, please measure your ability to match colors with first, and then decide how to mix and match.

Here are 2 methods:

The correct method

Whether it is bright colors or basic colors, keep the whole body in the same color or in adjacent colors. It is smart and flattering, and is more suitable for color novices. The interior and exterior should be of the same color as possible, but with subtle tonal contrast. No matter how many layers there are, it will still look harmonious and beautiful.

That’s right, bright and colorful + white interior, absolutely stunning!

The minimalist and powerful 3-layer layering method, because the style and color matching of and are highly similar, it is the easiest to create a high-end style. The contrast between inside and outside is sharp, and the large plaid pattern is eye-catching. It looks free and stylish in a neat workwear style.

Key points : The echo between the innermost inner layer and the coat is a tacit little trick.

Masters of gaming

have supreme skills, but without a place to display them, it is inevitable that they will feel sad. A master of color matching will never settle for mediocrity. They are best able to find harmonious inspiration in the intricate tonal levels , and interpret scenes of outfit paintings.

Coats, fur scarves, turtlenecks, and pleated skirts are all happily put together into a clothing landscape that complements the environment.

Bold and eye-catching coats, suits and turtlenecks are layered, showing precise control of color. The turquoise blue-green comes from the blue waves of the sea, which is friendly and clear. It is the best blend of the rich yellow and red.

challenges the extreme mixing and matching of cold and warm tones . One point more or one point less may result in complete defeat.

-tone style

layered layering, the style of each piece of clothing determines the direction of the final style. The ultimate pursuit of mixing and matching is to try to combine different styles of items in order to create the [ mixed ] effect.

But mixing does not mean that you have to mix and match randomly. You must identify different styles and find out the relevant points before you dare to try mixing and matching. This makes many people defeated.

Luo Wei refines 2 methods:

Basic method

ensures that the style of the main item and the layered item are consistent, making it easy to get started and not easy to make mistakes. For example, neat coats and smart suits are all stylish items. On the premise that the style of

is unified with , the levels and details are adjusted to make the image concise, powerful and to the point.

Many people who go for a neutral style, or a neat feminine style, like this kind of unified style. Without any other unnecessary styles, it is direct, powerful, clear and capable.


The current mainstream of mix and match techniques is a bold collision between different styles. For example, casual style and sweet style, femininity and handsomeness, coolness and elegance... How to mix

? Luo Wei has a tip for you: has its primary and secondary aspects, and is secretly related to .

first selects the main style items that match his own temperament, and then blends some contrasting elements to make the order of priority clear, and the overall harmony will emerge.

The neat and neutral eldest cousin also shows her charm and tenderness. This outfit, from striped shirts, knitted sweaters to leather skirts, has a distinct tough style throughout.

But in the details, there are eye-catching feminine elements of and secretly matching it. From the makeup to the embellishments, it’s so exquisite.

heavy details

The detail processing of layered mix and match is particularly important. Despite what was mentioned above, Luo Wei still took it out and strengthened it again. Do you know what details are critical to ?

The neckline, chest, hem, sleeves, trousers, ankles, feet, makeup, and hairstyle are all worth polishing.

Look at this layered neckline, can you handle the relationship between so many layers? 2 dark and light striped shirts, red turtleneck, white overalls, beige sweater, layered with !

When layering a sweater with a white shirt, pay special attention to the exposed area of ​​the hem. If you expose too much, it will appear procrastinating; if you expose too little, the white space will not be enough. corresponds to the white area of ​​, and the control of upper and lower clothing is appropriate and measured.

control overall

Finally, when a set of layered mix and match stacking is successfully completed, we must stand in front of the mirror to do overall control and review : Is the layering reasonable? Is the color matching appropriate? Are the styles coordinated? Are the details handled well? Is it consistent with the needs of the occasion?

If you wear it like this, will others praise it or despise it? Put yourself in someone else’s shoes and ask yourself, it’s clear whether it looks good or not. If you don't even accept it yourself, then why are you hesitating? Adjust it quickly!

Okay, the level mashup sharing is over.Thank you for your patience and persistence!

Please continue to pay attention to Luo Wei, see you tomorrow!

I am Luo Wei. I regard image management as a homework that I have to do throughout my life. I use a beautiful image and a beautiful mood to welcome the blooming of every day in my life.

I not only share outfits, but also hope to help you establish your own inner aesthetic system and spiritual nourishment system. Only by practicing both internal and external aspects can you be beautiful for a long time!

If you are confused, you can send a private message. Welcome to leave a message for discussion. On the road to becoming beautiful, we will grow together and become stronger together!