Celebrities have been in the entertainment industry for many years, but they can never forget those innocent years. In this issue, we relive the sweet or bitter first love of celebrities, and maybe we can feel the shadow of our own first love.

First love is young, but it is also the most unforgettable. Every time you think of it, it makes you unforgettable. After many years, maybe you will remember the secret joy when you confessed or was confessed to for the first time, and maybe you will also save the first time. Gifts from lovers, these are the memories of first love. Celebrities have been in the entertainment industry for many years, but they can never forget those innocent years. In this issue, we relive the sweet or bitter first love of celebrities, and maybe we can feel the shadow of our own first love.

1. Jolin Tsai "I won't tell you that I like you even if I kill you"

Jolin Tsai, whose real name is Tsai Yiling, has been a "beauty child" since she was a child. When she was in elementary school, she not only ranked among the top three beauties with two other female classmates in the class, but also had many admirers around her. Among them, the one who impressed Yilin the most was Huang Changrong! Because at a young age, he was full of domineering boyishness. He once became jealous of other boys because of Yilin, and even almost staged a hot scene of fighting. When mentioning Huang Changrong, Jolin's face had a hint of sweetness. She said that Huang Changrong's bright and lively eyes moved her very much, and as soon as she faced him face to face, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed, "This is probably the so-called "Pure First Love"!

2. Wang Leehom "Turning grief and anger into creative inspiration"

Wang Leehom once had a first love that lasted for five years. His girlfriend Bai was his classmate at Williams College. They majored in art and liked to paint oil paintings. They were both born and raised in ABC, the United States. They fell in love because they took Chinese as an elective in school together. However, as Wang Leehom returned to Taiwan to develop his career, it was very difficult to maintain a relationship due to the barriers of time and space. At that time, Wang Leehom wrote to her every day because it was too expensive to make phone calls. Later, when his income became higher, he switched to using the phone. A few years ago, when the Internet became more common, he also bought a laptop and communicated with her via email every day. However, the two only met each other for half a year, and their relationship gradually deteriorated. Later, his girlfriend made a new boyfriend in the United States, and Wang Leehom had to accept the fact that they broke up. Leehom Wang turned his thoughts into creative power and wrote them in songs.

3. Ruby Lin "Eating a cushion will make you wiser"

Ruby Lin said that she first fell in love when she was 16 years old, and her first love was her high school classmate Fu Jilin. Fu Jilin is a basketball player and looks very much like the Japanese star Eisaku Yoshida. I don't know since when, Ruby Lin has been looking forward to seeing him. When you see him, you feel happy and nervous; when you don't see him, you feel like you are missing something. And the other person also feels the same way. Their eyes met, and each other felt a surge of joy and warmth. Both of them were eager to get closer, so they had a sweet but confusing first love, and spent a period of exciting and exciting days. After only four or five months of dating, Fu Jilin proposed breaking up, believing that both of them were not mature enough and that if this continued, both of them would suffer. At that time, Ruby Lin faced inexplicable abandonment and felt the pain of lovelorn. After a while, she came out of the shadow of broken love and became much more mature.

4. Zhang Zhilin "Congratulations on finding true happiness"

Zhang Zhilin recalled his childhood. He went to a boys' school in elementary school and did not start contacting the opposite sex until he entered middle school. He noticed her when he started in the third grade of middle school. After he discovered her, he started a series of pursuit offensives. He first asked her to go to the library to read books together, then they met for swimming and took the opportunity to walk on the beach to create romance. In the end, the relationship ended without any problems because the other party went overseas to further his studies after his fifth year of high school. At first they kept in touch with each other by correspondence, but eventually the letters became less and less frequent and they broke up silently. Zhang Zhilin once met the mother of his first girlfriend in a public place. He knew that she was married and became a mother, and he congratulated her on finding happiness.

5. Liang Hanwen "What are you having for breakfast today?"

When Liang Hanwen was in Form 4, he had a crush on a Form 5 girl, but he had no love experience and didn't know where to start his pursuit. It wasn't until he won the prize in the rookie singing competition that he dared to attack her. After careful planning, he finally had the courage to ask her out for breakfast. At that time, he was already well-known in school, and many classmates knew that he had a crush on this girl.When he and she were walking along the tree-lined path on campus after breakfast, they heard a burst of cheers and applause. When he looked closely, it turned out that it was his classmates applauding his brave actions. They were embarrassed at the time and didn't know what to do, and he thought the way she blushed was very cute. After that, they went on several dates. Since neither of them had any experience in dating, they either had breakfast or lunch on their dates. Their relationship did not progress. Later, they just let it go and everyone went their separate ways. One time, he happened to pass her by on the street. When he looked back, he saw that she was still as beautiful as before, which made him feel dazed for a while. After being involved in the entertainment industry for so many years, although he has experienced some small emotional ups and downs, the person he misses the most is still his female classmate.

6. Wilber Pan "National Broadcasting Network: Crying for First Love"

Wilber Pan's first love affair was in the sixth grade of elementary school. It sounds a bit doubtful, but for this pure love, he sincerely gave up a year of his youth, several bottles of tears, plus a large sum of phone bills sponsored by Pan's father... There is a Chinese-Dutch mixed-race girl in the school , not only looks super decent, but also has a hotter figure than girls of the same age. They boys always love to call her "Hottie". One time the front door of the school was broken down and everyone lined up to go through the back door. Weibo somehow had to look back and saw the girl looking over, making eye contact. Weibo was shocked on the spot and was stunned! After that time, the thought of pursuing her came overwhelmingly. But one day, a rumor appeared in school that shocked Weibo. She had a boyfriend... "How could that boy be worthy of my dream lover? I was so angry..." She was heartbroken. However, Weibo still insisted on not quitting. Although he was too angry to cry, he still used the "National Broadcasting Network" again to tell the world that he cried sadly. Sure enough, girls are still sympathetic. Weibo successfully got her phone number and began a pure love journey with her over the phone. I would call and chat every day when I had nothing to do. This chat lasted for ten months. "Now that I think about it, my childhood love was so innocent. I was so happy just chatting with her. In ten months, I only dated her two or three times. At most, I went shopping in De'an Department Store. Even so, She is still the only goddess in my heart." Until one day she suddenly announced that she fell in love with a senior. "What else can I say?" Weibo said resentfully, "It doesn't matter, as long as you are happy." Having said that, Weibo himself was miserable. There was no need to say that he cried for her this time. People all over the world saw that he went to school with swollen eyes every day. During class, his mouth was wide open and his eyes were dull. A month later, the little boy who was frustrated in love for the first time came out of the shadow of broken love and lived a normal life. But afterward, Wilber Pan said that he had no regrets: "This memory has always been the best and most special in my heart."

7. Kelly Chen "Fell into the gentle trap of first love"

Kelly Chen's first love happened when she was 17 years old. When he was studying in Japan, there was a boy in his class who had been attracted to her for a long time. Kelly Chen’s slender figure, delicate facial features, big eyes, and flowing hair were exactly the girl of his dreams. He wrote to Chen Hui many times. Love poems, and firmly believe that where sincerity reaches, gold and stone will open. Among the many suitors, Kelly Chen had already noticed the boy. His strong body, eloquent eloquence, and honest conduct all left a deep impression on her. Kelly Chen always received a love letter and a rose every day. It didn't take long for Kelly Chen to fall into the trap of tenderness, and they fell in love. So they also went out as a couple and made an appointment to travel throughout Tokyo during the holidays. It was a happy, sweet and innocent time. To this day, Kelly Chen still has wonderful memories. Later, Kelly Chen went to the United States to continue her studies, but due to family reasons, her first love could not travel across the ocean together and fly together, so this first love ended in such a short period of time.

8. Liming "We understand each other because we love each other, and we break up because we understand each other"

Liming remembers that the English name of his first girlfriend was "Jia Fei", and she looked very lovable. Although he was just a wage earner at the time, he usually only dated and watched movies. , shopping, but it still feels very sweet. He remembered celebrating Valentine's Day in the first year. Due to his limited income, of course he couldn't have a candlelight dinner in a hotel, and even buying flowers couldn't be done. However, he saw other girls receiving flowers, and finally bought a flower for his girlfriend. It made her happy at the time. However, the happy days finally passed, and they finally broke up because of understanding. Liming attaches great importance to love at first sight. The most important thing is that the other person will leave a good impression on him at first sight. He feels that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. He may be attracted to the other person's appearance at first sight. If they get along for a long time, the other person will not be able to communicate at all, and outer beauty will not work.

九. Shawn Yue "Hide when someone comes!"

The object of his first love was his classmate when he was studying in Form Four. Because the first kiss was with the same person, the impression was particularly profound. He recalled the first time they held hands and went to the theater. It felt so comfortable. But in front of their classmates, they still pretend to be ordinary friends. They are lovers when there are no outsiders, so sometimes they feel a bit awkward when they meet at school. The relationship only lasted a year before they broke up due to disagreements.

10. Joey Yung "Looking back, we are still friends"

Her first love happened when she was in the third year of secondary school, and her friend was her classmate. My first love is a person with big eyes, thick eyebrows and a very fond smile. He is not very handsome, but he is polite and polite. She didn't even know why she was with him. Maybe she fell in love after playing together all day long. I was still young at that time and didn't understand what romance was. I just held hands to go to and from school every day. It felt very pure. Later, as time went by, the relationship gradually faded, but they have always been good friends.

Tell me about your first love story,