Jiujiang News Network reported that on March 18, the De'an County Rural Revitalization Bureau held an epidemic prevention and control work deployment meeting, taking the epidemic prevention and control work as a vivid practice to deepen the "I do practical things for the masses"

Jiujiang News Network News On March 18, the De'an County Rural Revitalization Bureau held an epidemic prevention and control work deployment meeting, taking the epidemic prevention and control work as a vivid practice to deepen the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses". 11 party members of the party branch quickly Assemble groups to visit households and conduct a thorough investigation of the residential areas in the 15th area of ​​​​Daximen.

Party members gather on the front line of epidemic prevention. The epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility. How to find out the specific situation of residents as quickly as possible, household inspection is a top priority. All party members and cadres held a 15-minute mobilization, and 11 party members went to the responsible area to conduct household inspections. Hu Bin, a party member born in the 1980s, completed more than 10,000 steps of the WeChat campaign in half a day to ensure that no household or person was missed in the investigation. Check the travel code, health code, nucleic acid test and vaccination status of people with recent travel history, verify the information one by one, and establish a ledger.

Responsibilities are implemented in the courtyard and buildings. divided large areas into responsible buildings and courtyards for each cadre, clarified the "1+2" ​​model in which one team member leads two cadres, and divided the area into four groups to carry out a dragnet investigation. Before each group starts work, Zhang Yunhong, a member of the bureau’s party group and deputy director, explains the work requirements, does homework on various work requirements in advance, and coordinates the deployment of epidemic prevention and control, cultural creation protection, fraud prevention publicity, and medical insurance policy publicity. , and advance together to ensure that responsibilities are assigned to each household and person, effectively ensuring the implementation of guarantee responsibilities.

Feelings are sublimated by knocking on doors and visiting. In conjunction with the epidemic prevention and control work, organized and carried out the "knocking on doors and asking for needs" activity of party and mass home visits. Party members and cadres gained a more accurate understanding of each family's situation during the door-to-door visits. Party members born in 1992 During the visit, Lu Wei discovered problems such as a damaged bulletin board at the entrance of the Xihong Department Store community and malfunctioning corridor lights. The Party member anti-epidemic service team of the De'an County Rural Revitalization Bureau took the initiative to coordinate and solve the problem, which was praised by the masses and formed a Party member service team and community cadres. A good atmosphere to fight the epidemic together.

In the next step, the Party branch of the De'an County Rural Revitalization Bureau will continue to focus on epidemic prevention and control and practical activities for the masses, pay close attention to team building, actively build a heart-to-heart channel for contact with the masses, improve the working mechanism for collecting masses' demands, and continue to Fulfill the original mission of "I do practical things for the people". (Contributed by De'an County Rural Revitalization Bureau)