I have always seen on the Internet how good the wages in Australia are and how easy the work is. So what channels do I need to go through if I want to work in Australia? IELTS is able to score five points, and the age is under 30 years old: 1. You can apply for a working holiday

I have always seen on the Internet how good the wages in Australia are and how easy the work is. So what channels do I need to go through if I want to work in Australia?

What are the ways to work in Australia?

can be divided into two categories of people, the first category is those who can get five points in IELTS, and the second category are those who have no IELTS score;

can get five points in IELTS and are under 30 years old: ① can apply for working holiday visa is valid for one year, and there are about 5,000 places every year. This needs to be grabbed; ② If you have IELTS score of five points and have a skill, such as being a welder, you can apply for a work visa to enter the country. If you find an agency, it will probably It needs about 200,000 to 300,000;

For those who don’t have IELTS scores and still want to work in Australia: there are two situations: ① If you are under 30 years old, you can apply for a 500 study visa, and you can work and study in Australia; ② If you are over 30 years old and want to work in Australia and do not speak English, you can only apply for a tourist visa. After entering the country, you can convert it to a study visa, so that you can work legally.

earn more in Australia or at home?

As of August 2019: The average salary of all workers in Australia is 57,200 Australian dollars, approximately 275,000 RMB; of which, the average full-time annual salary of men is 76,700 Australian dollars, approximately 368,000 RMB; the average annual salary of women is 65,000 Australian dollars, approximately 312,000 RMB; and part-time workers The salary of personnel is exactly the opposite, with an average annual salary of 29,600 Australian dollars for women and 26,000 Australian dollars for men; the average monthly salary of

is 30,000 yuan: the average full-time weekly salary of men is 1,475 Australian dollars ≈ 7,090 RMB, the average full-time weekly salary of women is 1,250 Australian dollars ≈ 6,000 RMB, and the average monthly salary is 30,000 RMB. RMB; geographically speaking, the highest wage in Australia is (Western Australia)'s rich mineral resources, which has driven the wages of mining workers to rise rapidly;

There are as many millionaires as dogs: ABS statistics from 2017 to 18 show that the average household wealth in Australia has It has reached 1.02 million Australian dollars ≈ 4.9 million yuan, and the average annual salary of Chinese immigrants from 2000 to the present is 45,100 Australian dollars ≈ 210,000 yuan;

The consumption level in Australia is lower than that in China: prices in Australia are actually cheaper than in China, milk is 2 Australian dollars , red wine is 8 Australian dollars; if you earn 5,000 Australian dollars per month in Australia, you drink Starbucks for 5 Australian dollars; you can earn 5,000 yuan in China. The drink was a 30 yuan Starbucks; I finally understood why everyone was rushing to work in Australia!