Since 2015, Chinese people with higher education and English skills have had the opportunity to come to Australia to experience working holidays. The work and holiday visa only provides them with such an opportunity once. There are currently new changes to the visa application pr

Since 2015, Chinese people with higher education and English skills have had the opportunity to come to Australia to experience working holidays. The work and holiday visa only provides them with such an opportunity once. There are currently new changes to the visa application process. Starting from February 21, 2022, Chinese passport holders who apply for a work and holiday visa for the first time need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) first. The Australian Department of Home Affairs will randomly select expressions of interest and invite selected individuals to apply for a Work and Holiday Visa.

  FAQ summary

  Has Australia reached an agreement with China to open working and holiday visas to Chinese citizens?

Yes, Australia and the Chinese government have reached an agreement to open working and holiday visas to Chinese citizens starting in 2015.

  How do I submit my first Expression of Interest (EOI) for a Work and Holiday Visa?

Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via the Expression of Interest (EOI) online form.

  When can I submit my first Expression of Interest (EOI) for a Work and Holiday Visa?

The last round of Expression of Interest (EOI) opening date ended on March 28, 2022. The next opening time for expressions of interest will be announced on the official website, so stay tuned.

 What should I do after I submit my Expression of Interest (EOI)?

After you submit your expression of interest, a confirmation will appear on the screen. You will not receive an email confirming receipt of your EOI. Selection of Expressions of Interest (EOI) is a random process without any criteria.

If your Expression of Interest (EOI) is selected, you will receive an invitation to lodge your first Work and Holiday Visa (subclass 462) application. You will not be notified if your Expression of Interest (EOI) is not selected.

The Department of Home Affairs will begin inviting applicants to apply for the first Working and Holiday Visa (subclass 462) visa in April 2022.

  How long is the expression of interest (EOI) valid for?

Expressions of interest will remain in the selection pool until June 2023. If your Expression of Interest (EOI) is selected, you can only use it to apply for your first Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa once, within the timeframe provided in the invitation email.

  If my Expression of Interest (EOI) is selected, how long do I have to submit my application?

If you receive an invitation to apply for your first Working and Holiday (subclass 462) visa, the invitation letter will provide you with a time frame for your online application.

 If you do not submit the application before the specified date, the invitation letter will become invalid and you will not be able to submit the application. In addition, you will not be invited again during this Expression of Interest (EOI) selection period.

  How many expressions of interest (EOI) can I submit?

Only one Expression of Interest (EOI) per person can be accepted. Please do not submit multiple expressions of interest. Your Expression of Interest (EOI) will remain in the selection pool until June 2023.

  How many Chinese young people can apply for work and holiday visas?

The quota provided to Chinese applicants for working and holiday visas is 5,000 each year. If the current year's quota is full, Australia will accept new applications in the next project year.

  What can you do in Australia with a working and holiday visa?

Working and holiday (subclass 462) visa holders can engage in cultural exchange activities and tourism. In addition, holders of this visa can also:

Stay in Australia for 12 months after first entry;

Work in Australia for 12 months;

Can work for any one employer for more than 12 months until 31 December 2022 6 months;

4 months of study.

 What are the qualification requirements for applying for a visa in ?

The general qualification requirements for Chinese working and holiday visa applicants are as follows:

Hold a valid Chinese passport;

Be over 18 years old but under 31 when the application is submitted;

Not bring children to Australia;

Have sufficient funds Support working holiday in Australia (approximately 5,000 Australian dollars);

Have enough funds to purchase return or continued travel tickets at the end of the working holiday;

There is no record of traveling to Australia with a working holiday (417 category) visa;

Have a higher education degree, Or have completed at least two years of university study;

should have basic practical English proficiency (equivalent to IELTS score 4.5 or above);

should meet character and health requirements;

should be a sincere visitor to Australia.

  Are there any age restrictions for working and holiday visas?

 Yes. Chinese working and holiday visa applicants must be at least 18 years old but under 31 years old at the time of application.

  How do I submit an application?

If you have submitted an Expression of Interest (EOI) for your first Working and Holiday (subclass 462) visa and are invited to submit your first application for a Working and Holiday (subclass 462) visa, you must submit your application online.

The new Expression of Interest (EOI) process only applies to first-time Working and Holiday (subclass 462) visa applicants. This process does not apply to fee-free Working and Holiday visa applications, or second/third Working and Holiday (subclass 462) visa applications.

Paper application method will no longer be used.

  Will the annual quota of 5,000 be increased?

Australia and China will consider this issue after the agreement has been implemented for a period of time.

  How many times can I apply for a Working and Holiday (subclass 462) visa?

The Working and Holiday (Subclass 462) visa will provide participants with a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Therefore, participants can only apply for this visa once.

  Do I need to attend an interview when applying for a work and holiday visa?

When applying for a Working and Holiday (subclass 462) visa, you do not need to attend an interview. However, the visa officer may contact you and ask for more supplementary materials.

 What rights do I have in Australia? What protections are available to me in Australian workplaces?

Everyone working in Australia, including working and holiday visa holders, has their wages and working conditions covered by the same workplace laws. The Fair Work Ombudsman has a responsibility to ensure Australian workplace laws are enforced.

  I have multiple degrees or qualifications. Do I only need to provide my highest degree?

Applicants eligible to apply for the Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa must have completed at least two years of university education. You should provide notarized copies of each academic qualification and transcript with your application.

  There are formal language exams only at specific times throughout the year. When do I need to provide proof that I have "basic practical English proficiency"?

 You must provide proof of English proficiency and other application materials when submitting your visa application. So it is important to complete the language test of your choice in advance.

 When do I need to pay the application fee?

If you are invited to submit an application for a Working and Holiday (subclass 462) visa, you will need to pay the visa application fee when you submit your application online. There is no fee to submit your Expression of Interest (EOI).

  How long is my first Work and Holiday Visa valid for?

If you have obtained your first working and holiday (subclass 462) visa, the visa is valid for one year from the date of entry into Australia.

 What are the health requirements of ?

In order to be approved for a Work and Holiday Visa (Subclass 462) visa, applicants must meet health requirements.