Looking back on my two years of living in Australia, everything seemed like a dream. Even after I woke up, I was still very moved. At the end of 2017, I entered the country of my dreams for the first time with a 462 working holiday visa. During the 17-19 years when the immigratio


Looking back on the two years of living in Australia, everything was like a dream. Even after waking up, I was still very moved. At the end of 2017, I entered the country of my dreams for the first time with a 462 working holiday visa. During the 2017-19 years when the immigration policy was the most difficult (at least when I experienced it, it was the most difficult). I had no experience studying in Australia, and I stumbled in the end. Received 190 permanent residence visa. On the one hand, I write this article to record my mental journey in the past two years, and on the other hand, I want to encourage more people to bravely pursue the life they want. The origin of

, naked resignation

After graduating from college, I went to a large state-owned enterprise step by step to work in my major for two years. The atmosphere of traditional engineering companies and state-owned enterprises makes me feel very stable. But after living a stable life like this, I always feel like something is missing. In fact, deep down in my heart, I have always wanted to experience what it is like to work and live in other countries, so I try and make mistakes while I am young. In the eyes of everyone who didn't understand, I quit my job in a state-owned enterprise, applied for a 462 working holiday visa and flew to Australia.

started from scratch and had nothing.

I knew the day after I flew to Australia that I had chosen a hard mode. Melbourne This city is beautiful and expensive. My savings wouldn't last long without working, so I had to find a job. However, although there are many jobs in Melbourne, there are even more people looking for work. But now I am just an ordinary 462 visa holder (valid for one year), my English is average (5.5), I have no local education, no aura from a prestigious school, and very little work experience. No matter how I look at it, my competitiveness is very low. Maybe even the job of serving dishes will be picky. So on the third day after I failed to find a job, I decided to go to the countryside and go to the farm. I knew that all I had was physical strength. Later I found out I was wrong and I didn’t have the physical strength. I went to a tomato farm to pick fruits. The work was piece-rate, $5/bin. My feet were stepping on the mud in the field, surrounded by blowflies flying around. The tomato trees were relatively short, so I had to bend down all the time to pick tomatoes. Not all tomatoes were picked, but the riper ones had to be selected. I have never done much physical work, but under the rays of the Australian sun, I couldn't hold on after 4 hours. It was a kind of tiredness and heat that I had never experienced before. In the past, I thought that farm work was too wonderful. .

After trying to work on a farm, my mood hit rock bottom. It turned out that I couldn’t even farm, so what else could I do. After returning home, I searched for jobs over and over again, feeling that the Australian dream was too far for me and that I was too weak.

But I thought again, this is not an experience. If I had not gone abroad, I would still be living in the bubble where I felt that I was pretty good.

Just think of life as starting from scratch, I said to myself secretly.

Survived a desperate situation and just left

After failing to work on the farm, I continued to look for a job, and hard work paid off. Finally, I found an assembly line job in fruit packaging, with a standard hourly wage and about 7 hours of work a day. I was very satisfied. . After solving the basic survival problems, I started to rethink my future path. Just keep working like this and return to China after a year? But if this is the case, what else can I gain besides a little money? Get a green card? It's good, so I can have more opportunities and choices in the future, but in my mind, this thing has always been something that only rich people can do, and it seems a bit far away for ordinary people like me. It was out of reach, but then I thought, since I have come to Australia, why not give it a try. Give it a try and your bicycle may become a motorcycle.

I first made a preliminary assessment of my situation. First of all, I don’t have much money, so investment immigration is absolutely impossible. I have an undergraduate degree in engineering, and although my English is currently average, I can still continue to study, so my overall goal is technical immigration. The score of 189 in 2017 was still around 60 to 70. Although it is more difficult, it is still possible to give it a try. While I was asking various immigration agencies, I started to look up various immigration policies on my own. Many agencies recommended that I apply for a master's degree, but I really couldn't afford the expensive tuition, so this path naturally didn't work.Just when I felt that my hope was getting slimmer, a friend told me that I could immigrate with only 60 points for state guarantee in Canberra and recommended to me the WeChat account of Newstar Immigration Customer Service.

quickly added customer service WeChat and inquired about specific policies and rules. After carefully reviewing the policy documents on the official website, I felt that this was feasible and an opportunity. As soon as I left, I quickly bought a second-hand car and took a road trip to Canberra.

The situation has changed suddenly, whether to go or stay

2018 is the most popular year for Canberra state guarantee. The one-year diploma policy of getting PR has attracted many students who have no hope of being invited because of the skyrocketing score of 189. But that all came to a halt in late 2018 with the sudden closure of state guarantees. My visa is about to expire, ACT’s new policy for the new fiscal year is still delayed, and Tasmania’s state sponsorship is in full swing. Should I continue to stay in ACT or move to Tasmania? What are the policies of other states? These questions have been lingering in my mind. Every day after get off work, I go to the computer to check various immigration policies and information, and I have been constantly "harassing" my consultants, looking for all possible undiscovered opportunities.

I spent a few months anxiously like this. Fortunately, ACT issued a new policy and a new occupation list one month before my visa expired. The good news is that my occupation is included in the open list. Occupations on the open list have a great advantage in Canberra's unique matrix scoring. The bad news is that the Matrix invitation scores in the first two rounds are too high (partly because there were Many people lie about high scores just to test the waters). The question is still there, should I stay or should I leave? No one can give me the answer to this question, and no one can predict the future. I analyzed it carefully. First of all, it is possible for me to get 190 in ACT, but in Tasmania I can only get 489 (now 491), one is PR and the other is TR; secondly, there is an influx of new students in Tasmania. There are only so many places, and the ACT has cooled down a lot due to the implementation of the New Deal, and there are not many students on the open list.

After various trade-offs and consultations and comparisons with all parties, I finally made up my mind to stay in Canberra.

After making up your mind, all that is left is hard work. I told myself early on that this is a "gamble" that may succeed or fail. The policy is set by the government and I cannot control it. What I can do is try my best to put my own Matrix scores become higher.

I decided to have PTE eight bombs. This was the biggest BOSS in my entire immigration process. You should know that my IELTS score before going abroad was only 5.5. In January, I officially started studying PTE systematically. Enrolling in classes, hiring private tutors, and taking online classes were all very expensive, costing nearly 10,000 Australian dollars. But for the goal of eight bombs, I paid for them willingly. You ask me why I knew it was "gamble." Will be willing to do so. I look back and think about immigration, a sense of belief is really important. Because I have to work during the day to make money to cover all my expenses, I basically have to review PTE until three or four in the morning every day. I am most familiar with Canberra at four in the morning.

Because the policy bonus points for old residents will end on June 30, 2019, I have to complete the eight bombs before this node and get the highest Matrix score I can get. At the end of May, my PTE score was only a few points short of listening, so in order to get the score as soon as possible, I took the test 4 times in the last month of June. The last time, because there were no test seats in Canberra, I went to Sydney to take the test . Unfortunately, I still couldn't complete the eight bombs.

The score is fixed, find another way

My Matrix score is fixed, which means that I have no chance to continue working hard on the Canberra state guarantee. The next step is to resign myself to fate and see when the state government will lower the score to invite me. I began to look for other opportunities, or in fact, I have been watching the policies of other states. I looked for other occupations in the guaranteed occupation lists of other states that I might be able to evaluate, and finally I found it. I found that my domestic experience and academic qualifications can also evaluate an unpopular occupation in , new state guarantee. According to the data that the consultant helped me check, the EOI score for this occupation last time I was invited was only 65 points. I quickly re-evaluated my career and awaited the results.

is here! It came a bit suddenly

After I tried my best but failed, and made my last attempt to make plan B, in October 2019, the ACT state government sent out Matrix invitations, and luckily I was invited.

html In November, ACT state guarantee invitation. At this time, the unpopular career evaluation also came down, although it was no longer useful.

summarizes all the decisions and actions, and has a few thoughts:

I know what I want, and I know what I have to pay

I have always known that my biggest goal is to get PR, so my life and work are all for this goal. Services. I'm not saying that everyone in Australia must be like this. I also have friends who are not that eager to immigrate. They think it's pretty good and they mainly enjoy life in Australia, which is fine. But if this is your short-term goal, put your heart and soul into it. As long as I feel it is necessary, I will move immediately from Melbourne to Canberra the next day. I will not hesitate because I am worried about finding a job and other issues. Hesitation is useless and will only waste time. For the sake of PTE eight times, I took the exam 10 times. To be honest, this is not too much. There are many people who failed the exam 20 times and 30 times. But every time I failed the exam, the blow cannot be reflected in the cumulative number, or even used. The language can describe the hard work involved. Anyone who has passed the English test will understand, but I know that this is what must be paid to achieve the goal.

Choice is more important than hard work

If I had not chosen Canberra and gone to Tasmania, I would probably be stuck with 491 now. Of course, every choice has risks. The more information you know, the more comprehensive thinking ability you have. You need to consider your own competitiveness, the government's preferences, and even use a little knowledge of game theory, consider the mentality of other immigrants, etc. Wait until you can finally make a relatively good choice. I have met clients who studied two masters in Australia and passed the 8-year exam but were still unable to immigrate. I also met a friend who got 190 in 6 months with 462 and 7 exams (Canberra’s old policy).

Inertial thinking may not be suitable for today's rapidly changing immigration policies.

timing, timing, timing

I was invited by the last round of Matrix with low scores during that period. I was really lucky to be fished out. Many friends had the same scores as me but failed to submit their submissions a few weeks later than me. I was invited, but I don’t think this luck was “picked up” by me. On the contrary, I kept staring and urging, which led to the seemingly lucky result. After the 189 points were raised, 190 and 489 became popular. New South Wales 489 and South Australia 190/489 became even harder to grab than tickets for Jay Chou's concert. Timing became extremely important. Immigration is always becoming more and more difficult, and the requirements are becoming more and more detailed.

In order to seize the opportunity, you must prepare as early as possible. If you pass the English test earlier and submit the materials earlier, you will have more chances of success. Waiting and watching will only make you miss opportunities again and again.

has always felt that he was lucky. He chose the right one at countless choices: moving from other states to Canberra; during the swing period of Canberra's policy, he gave up Tasmania and stayed in Canberra. I have always felt that I have worked very hard, keeping an eye on all changes in immigration and adjusting my plans; I studied CCL and PTE while working, from IELTS 5.5 to PTE 79. Reviewing my entire immigration process, I actually took many detours and did not choose the optimal route. Of course, what I can say now is based on my current comprehensive understanding of Australia’s immigration policy. For me, who has been groping forward in the past few years, this result is already very satisfactory to me.

Opportunities of the epidemic

The day after I got my 190, I boarded a plane back to China. From the time I landed in Australia in 2017 to the time I got my green card in 2019, I didn’t go back to China for more than two years because of this precious PR. I missed everything in the country, my parents, and everything in my hometown. Mu, I miss the snacks at my doorstep.

However, I encountered the epidemic as soon as I returned to China. I was isolated at home and began to think about my future career development direction.

does not have to stay in Australia to develop after getting PR. It is like giving me an insurance and giving me a backup.I can choose the lifestyle and job I like with less pressure, and don’t have to worry about retirement and buying a house, because I always have another option. On the day when

started looking for a job, I happened to see the spring recruitment plan of Newstar Education Group’s Guangzhou headquarters on BOSS Direct Recruitment. You must know that Newstar has accompanied me through the entire journey of immigrating to Australia. I feel that all this is fate. . During the two years of immigration preparation, I have been in contact with many immigration agencies and encountered some pitfalls. I think this is a job that requires a lot of responsibility and a sense of accomplishment, because a small detail can make all the difference. It might change someone else's life. If I could join Newstar, it would give me a broader platform and more professional training. I submitted my resume that night and attached a long cover letter, sincerely introducing my personal situation and the past two years. I have accumulated a lot of immigration knowledge. I hope the person in charge will not mind that I have no industry work experience and give me a chance.

In March 2020, I was lucky enough to join Newstar's Guangzhou headquarters. After one month of intensive and systematic training by the company, I became a consultant. After understanding the immigration policy more comprehensively, I found that immigration channels are more abundant than I imagined. I hope that 462 visa holders with the same background as me, and friends in China who are planning to immigrate to Australia, can let me evaluate and customize an immigration plan for you one-on-one. Immigration is by no means as difficult as others say, nor is it out of reach for ordinary people. Everyone’s different background may contain different surprises. Even I, who had mediocre qualifications at the beginning, can do it. Why don’t you give it a try? There are also these cost-effective immigration programs, maybe you don’t know:

program - Canberra 190

If the applicant has an undergraduate degree in engineering (the same is true for occupations on the open list) and a spouse who speaks good English, you can choose to study in ACT After a 1-year Diploma, apply for WHV and then apply for ACT190 state sponsorship after working full-time in ACT for half a year. The applicant's Matrix score can reach at least 70 points, and the current Matrix score invited by ACT is 65 points.

Of course, Canberra also has 491. Although it is a quasi-PR, there is no prerequisite for full-time employment.

Program 2 Tasmania 491

If the applicant can use the existing background for career assessment, you can choose:

① Study a 1-year diploma in Tasmania and apply for Tasman 491 state sponsorship after graduation;

② Find an employer in any remote area and conduct 491 State sponsorship application.

Option 3 Tazhou 190

If the applicant is unable to use his or her current background for career assessment, he or she can choose to study for a 2-year master's degree in accounting in Tasmania. After graduation, he can pass the accounting career assessment and apply for Tasmania 190 state sponsorship.

You must know that the working holiday visa and the 485 visa are full-time work visas that each person can only apply for once in a lifetime. It is strongly recommended to plan in advance before applying to avoid wasting the opportunity. Of course, there are more immigration programs that I won’t list here one by one. If you are also curious about whether you can immigrate, or want to have a more comprehensive understanding of Australia’s immigration policies, please feel free to send us a private message for consultation.