According to a poll conducted by the "Beautiful Island Electronic News" that was first exposed, 37.2% agreed to remove Chen Baiwei, exceeding the recall threshold of 25%. Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin analyzed in a TV program on the 8th that 25% of the polls is a key, because

Source: China Taiwan Network

Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party "legislator" Chen Baiwei. (Picture/Taiwan's " China Times Electronic News " file photo)

China Taiwan Network According to Taiwan China News Network on October 9, Taiwan's "Fundamental Progress" Democratic Representative Chen Baiwei's recall will be voted on in more than 20 days. However, he was continuously exposed to negative incidents such as hit-and-run accidents, involvement in gambling and video game stores, and suspected false declaration of property. According to a poll conducted by the "Beautiful Island Electronic News" that was first exposed, 37.2% agreed to remove Chen Baiwei, exceeding the recall threshold of 25%.

Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin analyzed in a TV program on the 8th that 25% of the polls is a key, because the recall must pass 25% to be successful. In the latest recall poll conducted by "Beautiful Island Electronic News", 37.2% agreed with the recall, while only 25.7% opposed the recall, so the rate of agreeing with the recall alone exceeded 25%; 57.1% would vote. A more critical figure is that among those who agree with the recall, 88.5% will vote. Those who agree with the recall will definitely vote. Xu Qiaoxin went on to say that if you are against recall, only 65.7% of the 25.7% are willing to vote. As time goes by, the gap widens again, and these two numbers should be looked at together.

Xu Qiaoxin pointed out that the most critical thing about this poll is the 88.5%, which represents Chen Baiwei’s recent response. There is no way to explain clearly what happened to him in the past 10 years, so everyone will feel a sense of moral decline. (China Taiwan Net Juanzi)