Just last Friday, the official Unilever recruitment account announced the opening date of the 2022 management trainee recruitment plan: August 14, which is this Friday. There is really not much time left for students! The admission ratio of Unilever's school recruitment last year

Just last Friday, the official Unilever recruitment account announced the opening date of the 2022 management trainee recruitment plan: August 14th, is this Friday, and there is really not much time left for students!

Unilever’s school recruitment last year had an admission ratio of about 1000:1, only had an admission probability of one thousandth ! !

I heard that 90% of students fail in AI video interviews? The 2022 autumn recruitment is about to begin, and the senior sister has prepared a first-hand insider’s look at finding a job in a FMCG company for everyone!

Essential common sense for job hunting in FMCG

Unilever has three core departments:

There are about 100 people at the CD headquarters, including O2O, cross-border, social e-commerce, and new retail branches. There will be HC in the front, middle and backend of Digital Hub, and the backend needs to be able to speak mainstream languages.

The marketing department MKT is the core department of FMCG companies. It has a very promising career development path and is also the department with the most fierce competition for school recruitment every year.

Generally speaking, everyone will want to enter the market MKT's brand department. Each team in the brand department will be independently responsible for a brand under Unilever, such as Dove, Lipton, Vaseline...

Of course, the MKT department is also the department that cares most about performance, and there will definitely be pressure on sales indicators. According to annual and quarterly For strategies, everyone needs to brainstorm together and come up with good ideas.

Unilever interview process

Starting from last year’s autumn recruitment, Unilever canceled the written test. After submission, you will directly enter the AI ​​interview and the second round of AC interview (group interview, case interview, final interview with the boss). This year should be the same as last year. The recruitment process is basically similar.


OT online interview - AI video interview - AC interview - final interview

Unilever's AI video interview section is relatively smart. You can make self-service appointments on WeChat and over the phone, and receive AI within the appointment time period. Calls made by the voice assistant answer questions asked by the voice assistant.

During the interview process, the voice assistant can recognize the candidate's answers and react according to different responses.

For example, when the candidate ends the answer to a question early, the candidate only needs to say "end", and the AI ​​phone interview assistant will automatically switch to the next question. It also supports the voice-to-text function~

AC interview and final interview It also examines our comprehensive capabilities and understanding of the fast-moving consumer goods industry. Students with more industry knowledge reserves will have more advantages in this link. Inter-major students may be asked about career plans and why they want to cross-major. question.

How to join a FMCG company

The FMCG industry has always been known as "a monthly salary of 8,000, and a feeling of 80,000". Everyone knows how delicious it is! I believe the question that my friends are more concerned about is: How to enter a major FMCG manufacturer?

First of all, when applying for a foreign-funded fast-moving consumer goods company, being fluent in English, being an international student, and graduating from a prestigious school are definitely bonus points, but these are not mandatory requirements. Other friends do not need to be discouraged, there will still be opportunities.

Secondly, the FMCG industry emphasizes job seekers’ identification with corporate culture, Leadership, Ownership, Integrity, Passion For Winning, and Trust. Therefore, when we prepare for job hunting, we must also highlight our capabilities from this perspective. ability.

Advanced preparation is targeted preparation for departments and positions . For example, BD is responsible for introducing products into the country, which requires us to have a keen sense of the market, understand consumer preferences, and analyze current market trends.

The fast-moving consumer goods industry does not have many requirements for job seekers' own majors, but the most important one is that must have relevant practical experience. All displays other than relevant experience are very weak.

According to statistics, basically all students who have successfully entered FMCG companies have FMCG-related internship experience or project experience. Especially for students from leading manufacturers, 1-2 levels of high-valued practical experience are essential. The

project experience has been of great help to our knowledge reserves and ability improvement. For example, we can increase our ability to interpret delivery reports and improve our understanding of the FMCG industry.

Especially students with relatively weak backgrounds and no significant advantages, who are always the denominator in school recruitment and summer internships, can also enter top fast-moving consumer goods companies with high-gold project experience!