In the past few days, Unilever, a well-known Fortune 500 fast-moving consumer goods company, has started recruiting summer interns for 2022. As far as Qing Qingjun, the "Qing Qing School Recruiter", knows, the U family's summer intern program is the "outpost" for next fall recrui

In the past few days, the well-known Fortune 500 fast-moving consumer goods company Unilever has opened its 2022 summer intern recruitment.

As far as Qingqingjun, the "Qingqing Campus Recruitment", knows, the U family's summer intern program is the "outpost" for next fall recruitment. In other words, if you can perform well in the summer internship, you will have the opportunity to get a full-time offer from U family in advance for the coming year.

There are also many open positions this year, covering marketing, R&D, digital marketing, human resources, finance, supply chain, etc.

Moreover, most positions are open to majors.

The project lasts for 2 months. According to the official statement, regardless of whether they are students from key universities, their families will treat them equally, and academic qualifications are not the only criterion.

So, how should you choose a department when applying for a job? And, what are the written interview techniques?

Today, "Qingqing Campus Recruitment" Qing Qingjun will talk to you about Unilever and their campus recruitment project. It should be pointed out that I have written related job search guidance articles before. Students who want to review, please click:

Kraft Heinz is recruiting international management trainees program of top 500 FMCG companies. What is the "gold content"? How many?

Procter & Gamble , Shanghai Jahwa, L'Oreal ... Full analysis of campus recruitment of well-known FMCG companies in 2022

Analysis of open recruitment positions in various departments

Regarding the "Qingqing Campus Recruitment" (WeChat official account ID: xiaozhaoheshixi) Qingqing Jun understands that there are some Before students apply online, they may be confused about which department to apply for internship. Here, let me first briefly introduce the science:

First of all, the marketing department.

The marketing department is the core department of U family and can be called the "brain" of the company.

Generally speaking, FMCG companies have low product technical thresholds and need to build "brands" to increase product sales and enhance consumer loyalty. The marketing department is mainly responsible for building and operating brands. Naturally, it is the "boss" of all major departments in the company.

U’s marketing department has the highest salary within the company, and also has the best job-hopping prospects. But the work pressure is very high, and overtime is the norm.

Secondly, the customer development department.

This department is committed to maintaining and expanding the company's various channels so that its own products can have better sales. For example, staff in the customer development department need to regularly go to large chain supermarkets such as Walmart, RT-Mart, and RT-Mart to discuss purchases, promotions, and other matters with the staff of the supermarkets.

Nowadays, sales channels are constantly developing, including online and offline. This requires employees in this department to have a proactive spirit of expansion and explore more business opportunities for the company.

In addition, there is an emerging department "Digital Marketing and Analysis Center". The birth of this department

is mainly due to the current development of major Internet platforms. Online digital marketing plays an increasingly important role in consumers’ product choices.

It can be said that this department of the U family is relatively "advancing with the times".

In addition, there is a "Consumer Market Insights Department".

This department mainly does market research, such as conducting some consumer surveys to understand consumer preferences and provide a basis for new product development .

Of course, as Qingqing Jun, the "Qingqing School Recruiter", understands, this time the "diet planning", "water and air healthy element categories", and AHC were recruited separately for the marketing department and customer development department. The difference between these departments

mainly lies in the different categories of brands they will be responsible for operating in the future.

"Food Planning" mainly operates some catering seasoning brands; while "Water and Air Health Elements Category" operates health products as the name suggests; AHC is a brand acquired by U Family in recent years, mainly producing facial masks and other skin care products. .

As for the finance, human resources, supply chain and other departments, they are similar to other companies, so I won’t go into details here.

Interpretation of Unilever’s 2022 Summer Intern Recruitment

Qing Qingjun, the “Qingqing Campus Recruitment”, understands that this intern recruitment is for the 2023 Chinese graduates with undergraduate degrees and above.

According to the official statement, most departments of the U family are professional-free. As long as you have sufficient judgment, logical analysis, problem-solving, and leadership skills, you can apply.

In addition, some students had applied for interns or management trainees at the U family when they were junior or senior years, and later, after graduate school, they once again had the status of "fresh graduates." For this type of students, you can still apply for this internship without any restrictions.

According to the official statement, the recruitment process includes: online application, online assessment, video interview, and assessment center.

Next, in order to make it easier for everyone to apply, Qingqing Jun of "Qingqing School Recruitment" has compiled the written interview experience of 2021U summer interns for your reference:

AI interview:

AI interview is a form of recording audio to text, using the WeChat mini Procedure "HRTPS Interview". There are a total of 4 questions in the

assessment. Each question has a time limit of 10 minutes, and there is only one assessment opportunity. After the assessment begins, all questions must be completed in order. Submitted answers may not be returned for modification.

Some students have encountered problems, including:

1/4 Please recall the experience of completing a task with high quality and gaining high recognition from others during your study or internship. Please tell us in detail what you did specifically? (Please enter 70-500 words)

2/4 Please share a major adjustment of your thinking that you initiated during the implementation of the plan. What happened at that time? Why did you adjust your thinking and how? What result was achieved in the end? (Please enter 70-500 words)

3/4 Please recall a time when you needed to quickly learn new knowledge and skills to solve a problem. How did you learn quickly? What results did you get? (Please enter 70-500 words)

4/4 Please recall a time when team members had conflicts at work or internship. What specifically did you do to ensure that the team continued to work smoothly? What specifically did you say and do? What was the result? (Please enter 70-500 words)

Video interview:

The total video interview time is 30 minutes. There are three questions for each position. Each question has 2-3 short questions, and each question has an answer. The time should not exceed 5 minutes.

test questions are divided into two types: Chinese and English. Chinese questions must be answered in Chinese; English questions must be answered in English. The answers are in the form of speech-to-text.

For example, the video interview question from the marketing department that some students encountered before was:

Unilever has a no-wash shampoo sold in third- and fourth-tier cities, but the sales volume is not satisfactory. Please analyze it and provide a solution. It can be analyzed from three directions:

(1) target customers; (2) the number of regional stores; (3) how to market in the store. (Please answer in Chinese)

Assessment Center: The last level "Assessment Center", according to the past situation, is based on one or more FMCG business cases (more than a dozen pages, all in English), there are groups There are also single sides, which are more difficult and require sufficient preparation.

Finally, I wish everyone success in applying!