Recently, Taiwan's "9-in-1" election has entered the agenda and has become the focus of attention of Taiwanese people and the media. As the head of the six capitals, Taipei must be the most concerning battlefield, because from the political careers of Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-j

Recently, Taiwan's "9-in-1" election has entered the agenda and has become the focus of attention of the Taiwanese people and media. As the head of the six capitals, Taipei City must be the most concerning battlefield, because from the politics of Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou Along the way, they all served as the mayor of Taipei for eight years. Through their experience in this important position, they rose to the next level as leaders of the Taiwan region. So if nothing unexpected happens, the KMT’s nominee should be Jiang Wanan.

But who will the DPP choose to compete with Chiang Wanan? The one who is more optimistic now and has higher opinion polls should be Chen Shizhong. As the head of Taiwan's "health and welfare department", Chen Shizhong is also the current top commander of Taiwan's epidemic prevention work. However, the people of Taiwan have many dissatisfaction with Chen Shih-chung's epidemic prevention policies. In particular, at the peak of the epidemic, a video of him singing and drinking in a private club was popular on Ganglu. People criticized him and accused him of breaking the law, and he insisted on not admitting his mistakes. , without apology, it is difficult to convince the public. In addition, due to the lack of vaccines in Taiwan in the early stages of epidemic prevention, when people were rushing to get the vaccine, some people fell down, and the second and third waves of epidemic outbreaks occurred. These are all things Chen Shizhong needs to face squarely.

In addition, if Chen Shizhong expresses his intention to elect the mayor, he will have to give up the current epidemic prevention commander, and his exposure to the media will be greatly reduced. Moreover, Chen Shizhong is not familiar with Taipei's municipal issues, because the mayor has to control a There are all-round issues in a city with millions of people, not just a single issue of epidemic prevention. It is difficult for him to become familiar with municipal operations in a short period of time, and it is even more difficult for him to deal with the many and powerful city councilors of the Kuomintang. He only has more than 6,000 fans on Facebook and does not have much influence in the current Internet era. He has not experienced democratic elections, so he will face many difficulties. The level of his current opinion polls will fluctuate depending on the severity of the epidemic.

On the other hand, another potential competitor, Taichung Mayor Lin Jialong, although not as good as Chen Shizhong in the polls, he has complete experience as a mayor and has rich experience in mastering municipal operations. Moreover, Lin Jialong currently has 67 Facebook posts million fans, a hundred times more than Chen Shizhong. He can express his political opinions online, which is his biggest advantage. However, he has publicly stated that he wants to run for office. His polls may surpass Chen Shizhong, but as a member of the Democratic Progressive Party" The election of Lin Jialong, the senior brother of the National Assembly, will be restricted by other factions within the Democratic Progressive Party.

Although Lin Jialong did not receive Tsai Ing-wen's "favor" like Chen Shizhong, in the end, if Tsai Ing-wen assesses that Lin Jialong's chances of winning the election are greater than Chen Shizhong, she will definitely push Lin Jialong as the DPP's Taipei candidate against all odds. Of course, based on the author's understanding of Taiwanese politics, Jiang Wanan has a greater chance of winning against Chen Shizhong than against Lin Jialong.