The parties concerned tried their best to contact various departments, but still had no results, and they were constantly troubled. A Shanghai university teacher’s ID card was lost in October 2016. Afterwards, he urgently reported the loss and got a replacement in time.

Recently, several incidents of being "registered" by legal persons due to lost ID cards

have aroused widespread concern among netizens.

The parties involved tried many different ways,

went through many departments but still got no results, and they were very troubled↓↓↓

A Shanghai university teacher’s ID card was lost in October 2016. Afterwards, he urgently reported the loss and got a replacement in time. But in the following more than two years, he still "became" the legal representative of two companies, a supervisor of one company, and the "boss" of an individual industrial and commercial household. During this period, although he reported it to the marketing department many times, he was unable to solve the problem. In desperation, he recently published a disclaimer in the newspaper, stating that he has no relationship with these four companies and assumes no responsibility.

Coincidentally, a 29-year-old woman in Liaoning also encountered a similar problem, and the situation was even worse. Her ID card was lost in 2014. In 2017, she discovered that 5 companies were registered under her name, and due to abnormal operating conditions of some companies, she has been included in the "blacklist" by the tax system and the industrial and commercial system, and cannot Handle related business at tax authorities, banks, etc. Although she has reported it to the industrial and commercial departments many times, she has still not been able to cancel it.

Looking at the reports in major media, there are many people who have a new "identity" due to the loss of their ID cards, and there are many people who have suffered greatly:

Can't buy a plane ticket - because he has become a "laity" inexplicably

Can't work in a bank - —It turned out that I was "being beaten" by my boss

and was unable to renew my driver's license - because I had a "drug-related criminal record"


While everyone feels sorry for those whose ID cards have been used fraudulently, do you also have a question: Lost Why does the ID card still have such tenacious "vitality"?

Let the editor clear up your doubts↓↓↓

The second-generation ID card is equipped with a chip. This chip will store simple identification information. If it is not erased and modified by the outside world, the identification information in the ID card will not be changed. The reason why the lost ID card still has tenacious "vitality" is because external ID card reading systems and equipment can read the identity information in the ID card. If the information in the original ID card is not deleted or updated in the ID card reading terminal, the original ID card can still be used.

Therefore, you must be careful when keeping and using your ID card.

The following precautions must be kept in mind↓↓↓

1. Do not pack ID cards, mobile phones and other items together.

2. In public places such as train stations and shopping malls, you should try to keep your ID in your inner pocket and never show it to strangers.

3. Do not lend your ID card to others or mortgage it to others. When you do need to hand over a copy of your ID card to others for relevant procedures, you must write "XX" on the copy of your ID card, be as detailed as possible, and do not cover your ID number and name. The endorsement must be written within the scope of the ID card copy, and remember to include your name and date at the end.

4. If your ID card is lost, you should promptly go to the public security organ to complete the replacement procedures.


what should you do if your ID card is accidentally lost and

your identity information is used fraudulently?

The following handling methods are all practical "dry goods".

I hope you will not use them, but you must know ↓↓↓

"Being a legal person" does this

If you find an incident of "being a legal person", you should first report the case to the public security organ. Then take the relevant information to the market supervision department and tax department in your region as soon as possible to complete the certification procedures, and disassociate yourself from the irrelevant company as soon as possible.

Policies vary from place to place. When handling relevant procedures, you should pay attention to regional differences and understand relevant policies in advance.

"Be employed" does this

If you have worked for an organization before, you can click on the company in the employment information in the personal center of the "Personal Income Tax" APP, click "Appeal" in the upper right corner, select "Former employment", the tax authority The information will be fed back to the company. If it is used fraudulently by an organization that you have never worked for, you should select "Never worked for you" and feedback the situation to the company's tax authority, who will investigate.

12306 account is "registered" by doing this

If you find that your ID number has been registered by someone else, you can download the latest version of the " railway 12306" mobile client and find "Cancel Account" in the "My" column at the bottom of the page. , after selecting the reason for canceling the account, you can clear the registration information of all platforms associated with your ID number, and then re-register the 12306 account to register normally. Once the cancellation is successful, the original 12306 account cannot be retrieved.

Impersonating someone else’s ID card not only damages the rights and interests of the person being impersonated, but also causes great trouble to relevant functional departments. It also has a certain impact on market order and social security.

More importantly,

will bear legal responsibility if they impersonate other people's ID card information!

Legal article link

"General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China" Article 110, Paragraph 1:

Natural persons enjoy the right to life, body rights , health rights, name rights, portrait rights, reputation rights, honor rights, privacy rights, marital autonomy and other rights.

Article 99 of the "General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China":

Citizens enjoy the right to name and have the right to decide, use and change their names in accordance with regulations, and others are prohibited from interfering, misappropriating or falsely using their names.

Article 2 of the Tort Liability Law of the People's Republic of China:

Anyone who infringes upon civil rights and interests shall bear tort liability in accordance with this law.

The civil rights and interests referred to in this law include the right to life, health, name, reputation, honor, portrait, privacy, marital autonomy, guardianship, ownership, usufruct rights , security rights , personal and property rights such as copyrights, patent rights, exclusive rights to trademarks, discovery rights, equity, inheritance rights, etc.

Article 17 of the "Resident Identity Card Law of the People's Republic of China":

Anyone who commits any of the following acts shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 1,000 yuan by the public security organs, or shall be detained for not more than ten days. If there is any illegal income, Confiscation of illegal gains:

(1) Anyone who uses another person’s resident ID card or uses a fraudulently obtained resident ID card;

(2) Buys, sells, or uses forged or altered resident ID cards.

Forged or altered resident identity cards and fraudulently obtained resident identity cards shall be confiscated by the public security organs. The editor of

would like to remind everyone:

If you find someone else's ID card, please do not use it at will.

It should be handed over to the public security agency for processing in a timely manner.

Otherwise you will be punished by law!

Finally, I hope that those who are

"legal persons", "registered" and "employed" can return to their "self" as soon as possible!

Article source Legal Network (Li Jinfeng Comprehensive)